J. Balázs, L. Detre
Untersuchungen über die Perioden- und Lichtkurvenänderungen von
kurzperiodiscen Delta Cephei-Sternen IX. RV Ursae Maioris
No. 34
Budapest, 1957
From May 1955 till July 1957 1008 photoelectric observations were made
of the light-variation of the cluster-type variable RV UMa at the Budapest
Observatory. The photometer was attached to the 24" reflector. It is shown
that the amplitude of the lightcurve is strongly variable (Figure 2). The
variations can be accurately described by the combination of the fundamental
period of 0,4680d with a secondary period of 90,1d. The same periods are apparent
in the photographic observations by Scharanow, Subbotin and Jordan, further
in the visual observations by Blaschko, Luizet, Nijland and Judkina. From all
these observations we were able to construct the O-C diagrams for both
periods (Fig. 12). These diagrams contain cycles of the same length, but of
opposite phase.
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Data files: [034-t1.txt]