I. Almár

Perioden- und Lichtkurvenänderungen von AR Herculis

No. 51
Budapest, 1961


The changes in the period and light curve of the cluster-type variable AR Her have been investigated making use of all visual and photographic observations published previously, and also of 3511 photographic and 1141 photoelectric observations made recently in our observatory. The O-C diagrams for the fundamental period and for the beat-period are shown. The validity of all assumptions concerning relations between the variation of characteristic quantities of the O-C curves is discussed and the existence of a third period in the light variation indicated. On the basis of all new photographic observations a mean light-surface for the years 1955-57 has been constructed and compared with the light-surface - being based upon photographic observations made under exactly similar circumstances 18 years earlier. An important conclusion is the stability of the shape of the curve describing the simultaneous changes in brightness and phase of the maxima during one beat-period. The results were supported by the light-surfaces as the superposition of two anharmonic oscillations proved to be unsuccessful just as the application of other methods; some results having been obtained with the aid of the harmonic analysis of the light-surfaces. After reducing our photoelectric observations to the B, V system, certain regularity has been found in the variation of the color index. A final comment deals with the significance of the results obtained in relation to the theory of RR Lyrae stars.

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