Non-periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars
Ed.: L. Detre
No. 65
Budapest, 1969
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Part I
Statistical and physical interpretation of irregularities
Modern techniques of observation and analysis
1. L. Detre: Statistical and physical interpretation of non-periodic phenomena
in variable stars. Introductory report [HTML]
2. S.P. Plagemann: Spectral analysis of the light curves of T Tauri stars and
other objects [HTML]
3. G. Barbaro, N. Dallaporta, C. Summa: On the presumed presupernova
stage for type II supernovae [HTML]
4. S. Cristaldi, L. Paterno: Synchronous three colour stellar photometry
at the Catania Astrophysical Observatory [HTML]
5. A.N. Abramenko, V.V. Prokofjeva: About the T.V. photometry of faint
variable stars [HTML]
Part II
Intrinsic irregular variables
A. Very young stars
6. W. Wenzel: Extremely young stars. Introductory report [HTML]
7. G.H. Herbig: The light variations of the nuclei in Herbig-Haro object
No. 2, 1946-1968[HTML]
8. E.H. Geyer, W. Seggewiss: Photoelectric observations of 6 southern
RW Aurigae variables[HTML]
9. L. Anderson, L.V. Kuhi: Hydrogen emission phenomena in T Tauri stars[HTML]
10. Merle F. Walker: The evidence for variable infall of material in the
ultraviolet excess stars[HTML]
11. A. Dibaj, V.F. Esipov: Emission H-alpha line profiles in several
T Tau stars[HTML]
B. Flare stars
12. R.E. Gerhsberg: Flares of UV Ceti type stars. Introductory report[HTML]
13. P.F. Chugainov: Cooperative 24-hour observations of UV Ceti-type stars[HTML]
14. V.S. Oskanian: The classification of photometric light-curves
of flares of UV Ceti stars[HTML]
15. A.D. Andrews: Multi-colour photometry of Orion flare stars[HTML]
16. S. Cristaldi, G. Godoli, M. Narbone, M. Rodono: Photoelectric research
on flare stars at the Catania Astrophysical Observatory[HTML]
17. G.A. Bakos: HD 160202 -- an early type flare star[HTML]
18. M.D. Arakelian: On the group of young stars in the solar vicinity[HTML]
19. L.V. Mirzoyan, E.S. Parsamian: Flare stars near NGC 7023[HTML]
20. Yu S. Efimov: On the polarimetric study of UV Ceti-type star flares[HTML]
21. L. Rosino: Preliminary results of a survey of nebular variables and
flare stars[HTML]
C. Of, Be, shell stars
22. A. Slettebak: Of and Be stars. Introductory report[HTML]
23. J.B. Hutchnigs: Photoelectric observation of line profiles with high
time resolution in B and Be stars[HTML]
24. L. Luud: Some remarks on the spectral and light variability of
P Cygni[HTML]
25. M. De Groot: Spectral variations of P Cygni[HTML]
26. N.L. Ivanova, I.D. Kupo, Ch. Mamatkazina: Variations in the
continuous spectrum of Gamma Cas[HTML]
27. A.M. Deplace, R. Herman, A. Peton: Variations rapides, problablement
non periodiques d'enveloppes d'etoiles Be[HTML]
D. Irregular magnetic variables
28. T. Jarzebowski: The problem of irregular variations in magnetic stars[HTML]
29. K. Stepien: Photometric search for periodicity among magnetic stars[HTML]
30. C. Blanco, F. Catalano, G. Godoli: Photometric research on
magnetic stars at the Catania Astrophysical Observatory
E. R CrB variables
31. M.W. Feast: RY Sgr during the 1967-68 minimum: a blue continuum
and other spectroscopic and photometric observations
F. Nova outbursts
32. R. Barbon, A. Mammano, L. Rosino: Spectroscopic observations of the
recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi from 1959 to 1968
33. G. Chincarini, L. Rosino: Spectroscopic observations of the
recurrent nova T Pyxidis during the 1967 maximum
34. A. Mammano, R. Margoni, L. Rosino: Preliminary report on the
spectrum of Nova Vul 1968
35. W.C. Seitter: On Nova Delphini 1967 and some slow nova characteristics
Part III
Irregular activity in periodic variables
A. Beta CMa, Delta Sct variables
36. W.S. Fitch: Tidal resonances in some pulsation modes of the Beta
Canis Majoris star 16 Lacertae
37. J.-M. Le Contel: Variations dans le spectre de Gamma Pegasi
Variations in Delta Scuti stars
38. a) A. Baglin, F. Praderie, M.N. Perrin: Is Gamma Bootis a spectrum
variable star?
39. b) C. Chevalier: The short-period variability of 14 Aur (HR 1706)
B. RR Lyrae, Delta Cephei stars
40. C. Coutts: On the nature of some of the O-C diagrams of the RR Lyrae
variables in M5
41. O.P. Vasiljanovskaja, G.E. Erleksova: Instability of light curves and
periods of longperiod Cepheids belonging to the spherical component of the
C. Late-type giants
42. P. Ahnert: Correlations between the irregularities of the period and the
radial velocity, length of period, amplitude and spectrum of Mira-variables
43. P.L. Fischer: The irregularities in the light-changes of Mira Ceti[HTML]
44. A. Vardanian: On the intrinsic light-polarization of some late type
Part IV
Non-periodic phenomena in binary systems
A. Hot, very short-period eruptive binaries: old novae, U Gem stars, etc.
45. J. Smak: Introductory report[HTML]
46. J. Smak, K. Stepien: Photometric observations of the peculiar blue
variable TT Ari = BD +14 341[HTML]
47. S.M. Rucinski: Photometric effects for highly distorted white dwarf
secondaries in close binary systems.[HTML]
48. W. Krzeminski, J. Smak: Photometric observations of nova WZ Sagittae
and their interpretation[HTML]
49. M.W. Mayall: Eclipses of U Geminorum[HTML]
50. Marie-Claire Lortet: The standstills of light of Z Cam stars.
Photoelectric and spectrographic observations[HTML]
51. M. Petit: Analyse des courbes de lumiere des etoiles de type U Geminorum[HTML]
52. V.G. Gorbatzky: On a possible cause of brightness fluctuations in close
binary systems of dwarf stars[HTML]
B. Symbiotic stars
53. A.A. Boyarchuk: Symbiotic stars. Introductory report[HTML]
54. A. Mammano, L. Rosino: Spectral evolution of the peculiar star
MH-alpha 328-116 (V1016 Cyg) from 1965 to 1967[HTML]
55. A. Mammano, A. Martini: Spectroscopic variations in WY Gem, W Cep and
HD 4174[HTML]
C. Contact binaries and W UMa stars
56. H. Mauder: Theoretical light changes of W UMa Stars with low mass ratio[HTML]
57. I.B. Pustylnik: On the reflection effect in close binaries[HTML]
58. V.I. Burnashov, E.A. Vitrichenko: Nearly contact binary HD 17514[HTML]
D. Conventional binaries
59. F.B. Wood: Introductory report[HTML]
60. S. Catalano, M. Rodono: Photometric research on RS CVn at the Catania
Astrophysical Observatory[HTML]
61. G. Larsson-Leander: Changes in the light curve of Beta Lyrae 1958-1959[HTML]
62. E.F. Milone: The O'Connell-effect in some eclipsing variables[HTML]
63. T. Herczeg: Sudden changes in the period of Algol[HTML]
64. E. Pohl: On the research program concerning eclipsing variables
at the observatories Nurnberg and Izmir[HTML]
Part V
Miscellaneous problems
65. H. Sawyer-Hogg: The third catalogue of variable stars in globular clusters[HTML]
66. N. S. Nikolov, P.Z. Kunchev: The Cepheids on the colour-colour plot[HTML]
67. M.V. Penston, R.D. Cannon: Irregular variations of radio sources[HTML]