M. Paparó

Structure of NGC 2420

No. 81
Budapest, 1982


A new examination of the structure of NGC 2420 has been made according to Kholopov's method. 1890 stars were measured between the circles of about 6' and 25' radius centered on the cluster, for which photographic B,V magnitudes and positions were obtained down to the limiting magnitude of plates (17.8 in V) but in constructing the density distributions stars down to mag. 17.5 were chosen. A literature determination of the proper motion of stars in a circle of 12' radius was used to define the place and shape of the C-M diagram. Around this diagram bands of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 magnitude width in B-V were drawn to select the members of the cluster. The stars were separated into four groups and surface density distributions were made for the whole cluster and for each subgroup. The distributions of the stars reveal two different parts of the cluster: the core has a radius of 5.1 pc, whereas the halo extends as far as 12.7 pc. The brighter stars belong to the core and many of fainter ones to the halo - as might expected from the theory. The whole halo seems to be steady against the irregular forces of background stars but the outer part of the halo from 8.2 pc radius is not stable against the tidal force.

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