A. Frontó , L.G. Balázs, M. Paparó

Distribution of Late-type Stars around IC 4665

No. 95 (Vol. 11, Part 2)
Budapest, 1990


We have investigated 424 stars of F8 spectral types and later in a 19.5 sq. degree field around IC 4665. The main purpose of our study in this low latitude field (b = +16.5 in our case) was the testing of the plane-parallel hypothesis of the density distribution, i.e. the hypothesis that the spatial density of the Population I stars observed at great angular distance from the galactic caps is well approximated by the z = r sin (b) scaling of the distributions obtained in the polar regions.

We used the factor analysis of multivariate mathematical statistics in order to extract the effect of absorption from the photometric data. To identify the factor component describing the interstellar reddening we invoked the corresponding IRAS Sky Flux Data. We computed the spatial densities for the F8 - G5 dwarfs and the K giants separately. We used a maximum likelihood algorithm for oblating the space densities. We arrived at the following main conclusions in our paper: The absorbing material concentrates closer than 150 pc in our area. There is a weak but still significant correlation between the optical measures of absorption and the IRAS 100 micron Sky Flux Maps data. The spatial densities of F8 - G5 dwarfs essentially reflect the densities obtained in the galactic plane. The distribution of distance moduli of K giants in our sample can be well modelled by the z = sin (b) scaling of Upgren's data from the North Polar region. The actual form of the space density curve of the K giants can be satisfactorily fitted both by an isothermal model and an exponential model.

Key words: late-type stars - galactic structure - multicolour photometry - interstellar matter

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