SOME SINGLE AND BINARY SOURCES OF MULTIPLE PERIODICITY IN PULSATING STARS by MARTIN JOHNSON, Birmingham University Summary: Mechanisms causing the long and short beats discovered by the Budapest observers in single stars of RR Lyr type might become less difficult to understand if a connection were found between two other problems: firstly the conditions for resonance between several forces due to binary structure and the non-radial free pulsations in a spinning component of the system, secondly the conditions under which circulation and apsidal motion of a satellite or ring of gas could give rise to similar excitation in the atmosphere of a single star. The first problem calls for further study in the extremes of fast rotation and low gravity suggested by the binary phi Persei, the second calls for distinction between the beat phenomena in single and binary examples of beta Cep or beta CMa type, and also a distinction between periodicities in single Be stars such as gamma Cas compared with phi Per binaries. Atmospheric mechanisms may be the more important in beta Cep periods, and internal sources the more important in RR Lyr, but some features of the external excitation of an atmosphere may act as selectors for resonance even among oscillations which were initiated internally. The phenomenon of "beats", or combined frequencies in pulsating stars of short period, has been investigated notably at Budapest [1], in the Netherlands [2], on the Pacific coast of U. S. A. [3] and in U. S. S. R. A distinction has emerged between long beat and short beat, for instance among the stars with considerable amplitude in luminosity variation (RR Lyr type). Although their primary periods are mostly between 1/4 and 3/4 day, in RS Boo and XZ Dra the beat period is hundreds of times greater, whereas at the other extreme in SX Phe and AI Vel and VZ Can the beat is of the order of only three or four times the primary period. RR Lyr itself, with 1/2 day period and 41 day beat, lies between the extremes. Much has been done at Budapest, Leiden, and in California, towards extracting the variability of amplitude and shape of light-curve used in tracing the underlying frequencies, and determining a second period adjacent to the primary for combination into a beat. For spherical pulsations applicable to RR Lyr type, Kluyver [4], Schwarzschild [5], Rosseland [6] and others have gone far towards calculating the modes of radial oscillation which could yield these periods. Recently a significant attempt to correlate length of beat with depth of unstable convection zone in a star has been made by Fitch [7]. Even in the light of these advances, it is not yet certain how adequately the emergence of surface luminosity at the observed phases can be accounted for, in any postulated co-existence of adjacent frequencies in the anharmonic oscillation of a stellar interior under adiabatic or other gradients. The agency for initiating such internal oscillation is often disputed, even for Cepheids, and the RR Lyr type show more bewildering complexity of "acoustic spectrum" than Cepheids or red variables. Stellar magnetic fields are not yet sufficiently understood to invoke as controllers of frequency. I suggest in this note that one useful step might be a detailed comparison of these RR Lyr phenomena with some features of multiple periodicity in other cases, (a) in the B stars which pulsate in velocity rather than in luminosity, generally called by beta Cep or beta CMa as type star, (b) in binaries of high spin and therefore periodic tidal ejection of gas, notably phi Per. The beta Cep stars have been most fully investigated by Struve and his associates; at first sight their velocity cycles exhibit a complexity as baffling as that of RR Lyr stars, 2 or 3 or even 4 periods being sometimes identifiable in the same star, often with non-repetitive maxima and length of period. However, their pulsation in luminosity is of far smaller amplitude than in RR Lyr stars, and may be atmospheric or even circumstellar rather than in deep structure; the spectral cycles caused by binary association are also in general atmospheric. But since it is the atmosphere in any variable star which exhibits the Doppler displacements, excitation therein enhanced by motions in circumstellar gas may act as an agent of selection among the possible frequencies. This might be true also for the beats in an RR Lyr star, even when its primary impulses originate in its interior. Since among beta Cep type some seem single and some binary, there may be hope of distinguishing in them between forced and free periods, if these stars contain indications of any of the mechanisms ascribable to binary gas flow, as in phi Per where spin is sufficiently fast. A notable beginning was made by Ledoux [8] towards understanding the velocity cycles of beta CMa, in terms of the non-radial oscillations studied by Cowling [9] and others; but he himself doubted his identification of a long period with an 80 day rotation, and when his free periods seemed correct they disagreed with the observed phasing. His only source of forced periods was the possibility of a satellite or small companion, possibly White Dwarf, which Struve had suggested as able to raise local eruption as it travelled round the equator. This possibility, of non-radial oscillation excited by a satellite, Struve [10] had also explored for the star 12 Lac of beta Cep type: his theory of zonal structure in sigma Sco [11] another star with beta Cep features, makes the suggestion more plausible. Recently I have suggested [12] somewhat similar equatorial tidal excitation of circumferential oscillation for phi Per, using Hynek's [13] elucidation of tidal jets in this star, in an attempt to find whether the subharmonics suggested by the 20 day impulses of the earlier observers are a combination of tide with the extremely fast spin of phi Per. These developments might be extended by asking what periodic properties comparable with those of binaries could arise in a single star, if caused by Struve's circulating satellite or by rotating rings of extruded gas such as possessed by gamma Cas and other Be stars. Is an agency of forced atmospheric oscillation possible in single as well as binary structures, and has it any significance for the recent distinction of beta Cep stars into single bodies (12 Lac, beta CMa, beta Cep, nu Eri, delta Sct) and binaries (16 Lac, sigma Sco) ? The final question would then become accessible: if gas circulating in a binary system has any counterpart in deciding the periods of atmospheric pulsation in a single star, is it also relevant to the deeper oscillations of RR Lyr type? Since the mass of circumstellar gas is small, it cannot initiate an internal oscillation, but it might for instance aid in selecting the distribution of amplitudes among such natural frequencies as emerge at the surface, and so affect the choice of modes to combine into a beat. A first step, towards such mutual relevance of phi Per, beta Cep, gamma Cas, and RR Lyr types, would require a classification of non-radial oscillations into (i) natural, (ii) binary forced, (iii) single forced, which I accordingly proceed tentatively to suggest. (i) Natural frequencies of single star: (a) In Cowling's frequencies, sigma^2 = 4/3 pi G rho multiplied by a term > 1 < q for different modes, or in one case multiplied by (n-N) where n is the polytrope index and 1/N = gamma -1 in the usual notations. These allow periods of 3-12 hours in stars of suitable type, but can tend to zero or infinity if central condensation and compressibility are adjusted. (b) If the star has angular spin Omega, these frequencies split into pairs sigma +- 2 beta Omega where beta is of the order 0.85. Hence when a wave circulates against the spin, the period referred to stellar co-ordinates may become much longer, for instance comparable with observed beat periods. This was applied by Ledoux to beta CMa pulsation, by combining stationary and progressive waves in sigma and sigma - 2 beta Omega, with the uncertain results already quoted. (c) Among "natural" periods in the gases ejected by a hot star must be classified the time to complete a cycle of growing and diminishing opacity, studied by Gerasimovic [14] for Be stars, and possibly underlying the investigations of Be electron scattering with non-spherical symmetry by the Burbidges [15] and even Baldwin's [16] studies of gamma Cas. The time for ejected gas to reach a maximum excursion before falling back to the star is also to be listed here. (ii) Frequencies enforced by binary structure: (a) Except in the closest binary pairs, resonance of sigma with orbital period is unlikely, but even the longer orbital periods might excite frequencies comparable with sigma - 2 beta Omega if spin and orbit are unequal as in phi Per. (b) In coordinates rotating with the star, the "semi-diurnal" tide interval may resonate with sigma. I found this significant in deductions from the very rapid rotation of phi Per discovered by Slettebak [17]. (c) Corresponding to the natural period of time for gases to reach a limit in spiralling round a single star, there will be a period decided by the time taken for ejected gas to reach the Roche point of escape from a binary, as studied by Kuiper [18] and by Kopal [19]. This might impose a cycle of increasing and decreasing density between the components of fairly close binaries, a pulsation in a disc-shaped envelope. (d) Of very long period will be the rotation of apse of a binary orbit; with large eccentricities this will introduce a period in spectral line displacements, but in general too lengthy for the problems discussed here. (iii) Agencies of forced periods in a single star: (a) Struve's theory of a satellite, applied by him to 12 Lac and by Ledoux to beta CMa, would impose a periodicity upon spectral line structure through its excitation of a local "sunspot" or eruptive area travelling round the star's equator under the satellite. (b) Since the satellite would have a very short period, the rotation of its apse might not be too slow, but the small eccentricity might prevent this from constituting another period of any detectable amplitude. (c) The apse rotation of a gaseous ring might be much more potent in the observed spectrum inspite of small mass, since ejection of the constituent gases from the star may have had an almost parabolic velocity giving high eccentricity. Struve [20] suggested this as a possible source of spectral variability, but the topic seems not to have been pursued. A star must be supposed intrinsically capable of radial and nonradial oscillation, each in a wide range of possible frequencies dependent upon density and gradients. Whether any particular periods are detectable will depend on the manner and intensity of their excitation. If disturbance from stable equilibrium is spherically symmetrical and sub-photospheric, pulsation of RR Lyr type will be created and no other. But if an external agency exists, for instance a binary tide, in a star whose gravity is low because of spin, or a perturbation due to a satellite or the apse motion of a ring round a single star, atmospheric pulsation of beta Cep type may be set up equatorially, with luminosity effects smaller than the effects upon line velocities. Beats between free and forcing periods will result, or the energy might be lost from the atmosphere to bias the selection of spherical oscillations initiated from inside. It would therefore be interesting to discover transition cases between binary beta Cep pulsation, single beta Cep pulsation with ring or satellite, and single RR Lyr pulsation; in these, clues from spinning gas-enveloped binaries such as phi Per and single spinning stars such as gamma Cas would be valuable as indicating how frequencies can select themselves for combination into beats, or how overtones and fundamentals are suppressed or intensified by resonance. REFERENCES 1. Detre and others; Budapest Mitteilungen, 1938-55. 2. Walraven and others; Bul. Astron. Netherlands, 1937-52. 3. Struve and others; Astrophys. Journ., 1940-55. 4. Kluyver; B.A.N., 7, 313, 1936. 5. M. Schwarzschild; ApJ., 94, 245, 1941. 6. S. Rosseland; Pulsation theory of variable stars, 1949. 7. W. S. Fitch; ApJ., 121, 691, 1955. 8. P. Ledoux; ApJ., 114, 373, 1951. 9. T. G. Cowling; M. N. Roy. Astron. Soc., 101, 367, 1941. 10. O. Struve; ApJ., 113, 589, 1951. 11. Struve and others; ApJ., 122, 1955. 12. M. Johnson; The Observatory, 1956. 13. J. A. Hynek; Perkins Obs. Contrib., 1940 and 1944. 14. B. P. Gerasimovic; M. N., 94, 737, 1934. 15. G. R. and E. M. Burbidge; ApJ., 117, 407, 1953. 16. R. B. Baldwin; ApJ., 92, 82, 1940. 17. A. Slettebak; ApJ., 110, 498, 1949. 18. G. Kuiper; ApJ., 93, 133, 1941. 19. Z. Kopal; Trans. Internat. Astron. Union, 1955. 20. O. Struve; ApJ., 73, 94, 1931.