by T. HERCZEG, Budapest

    The subsequent paper deals with three different topics, presenting: 
        1. observations of the well-known eclipsing binary VV Cephei ; 
        2. notes on the duplicity of Nova DQ Herculis (1934) and 
        3. discussions of two interesting and problematic visual pairs.*

          1. Photoelectric observations of eclipsing binaries

    First I shall give a short account about current observations of eclipsing 
binaries at the Budapest Observatory. The following stars are in the  
observational program of various observers:
         lambda Tauri, VW Cephei (Dr. Detre)
         GO Cygni (Ozsváth)
         SX, TT and BF Aurigae (Herczeg).
    The photoelectric light curve of lambda Tauri and VW Cephei are practically 
complete and a discussion will be soon published. Measurements made till 
now of the four other above mentioned stars are giving a very fragmentary 
light curve only.
    Besides these stars we are observing regularly the eclipses of Zeta 
Aurigae-type double stars. Observations of the 1950 and 1955-56 eclipses of 
Zeta Aurigae are reported elsewhere. The session of to-day give an opportunity 
of publishing my two-colour photoelectric observations of VV Cephei.
    I observed the present eclipse of VV Cephei with the 1P21 tube attached 
to the 24-inch reflecting telescope in blue and ultraviolet light in order to get 
a lightcurve of eclipse which is as free as possible from the erratic changes 
of the M-type component. These measurements will be included into widespread 
co-operative program organised by Dr. F. B. Wood, but for the sake 
of completeness I give here the results of 19 observations made between 
July 5 and September 22, 1956.
    The Budapest observations fall on the descending branch and seem 
to indicate the beginning of constant phase.** Measurements before 
July 5 were, unfortunately, prevented by the delayed silvering of the 24-inch 
mirror and (primarily) by unfavourable weather.
    The filters used are Schott BG 12 and Schott UG 1; the isophotic 
wavelength is 4340 A in blue light, in ultraviolet it is not yet determined. 
    It would be prematured to discuss these measurements without taking 
into considerations the observations made elsewhere. Nevertheless, let me

    * This last section appeared as Nr. 35, of our Mitteilungen [CoKon No. 35]
   ** Note added in proof: Later observations have shown that this constant 
phase is only a hump on the descending branch.


                                 Fig. 1.

                       Photoelectric observations of VV Cep. 
                        Circles: blue magnitudes, dots: 
                                 ultraviolet magnitudes.

                                 Table 1.

                    Photoelectric observations of VV Cephei

   Obs.       J. D.       Number   Delta mm  -m_vv     Atmospheric         
  number    (heliocentric)  of            cdmp          conditions
                           obs.    in blue    in UV

   1.      2435 638.515     1                +0.437   moderate
   2.           660.530     1                +0.088   poor
   3.           664.468     2                -0.068   fair
   4.           664.486     1     +0.522                "
   5.           665.470     3                -0.035   poor
   6.           665.488     1     +0.540                "
   7.           671.511     2                -0.208   good
   8.           671.524     2     +0.438                "
   9.           673.477     3                -0.306   fair
  10.           673.502     2     +0.435              fair
  11.           680.510     2     +0.327              poor, Moon
  12.           680.525     1                -0.520     "
  13.           681.516     2                -0.524   good; Moon
  14.           681.532     2     +0.308                "
  15.           684.449     3                -0.647   good
  16.           684.489     2     +0.236                "
  17.           690.399     3     +0.259                "
  18.           690.431     3                -0.656     "
  19.           694.527     2                -0.645   fair
  20.           694.545     2     +0.260                "
  21.           726.494     2                -0.775     "
  22.           726.518     2     +0.252                "
  23.           728.481     1                -0.636:  poor^1
  24.           732.508     2                -0.754   poor; Moon
  25.           732.524     1     +0.240                "
  26.           739.444     2                -0.809   moderate; Moon
  27.      2435 739.461     2     +0.175                "

     ^1 Observations interrupted by clouds; magnitudes very uncertain !

allowed to notice that the provisory elements due to S. Gaposchkin give very 
good prediction for the "second contact". This is perhaps already indicated 
by the end of the loss of light after J. D. 2435684, the O-C value being only 
of the order of -20d. But there is a surprisingly great difference between 
predicted and observed durations of the partial phase.
   The rate of gradual dimming during the ingress is according to Gaposchkin 
0.038m per day, in photographic light, whereas our observations indicate 
a change 0.018m per day in blue and even in the ultraviolet only 0.033m per

             2. Note on Nova DQ Herculis (1934)

    The all-important discovery by Walker [1] of the close binary nature of 
Nova Herculis was put in the right order by Kukarkin [2] saying that Walker's 
discovery is of greater importance than all the photometric and spectroscopic 
observations made before. It raises the natural question whether or not 
the present binary system existed before the outburst. Detection of duplicity 
in the preoutburst stadium must be based exclusively on patrol plates and is 
therefore very difficult though not entirely hopeless. I hope to return to this 
point later. In the present article I propose an other approach to the problem.
    It is well known that Nova Herculis like other slow novae exhibited 
a deep minimum after the outburst, dropping almost to its prenova magnitude in 
the first days of May, 1935. Is it perhaps possible to detect duplicity during 
this short interlude of comparatively low brightness? Obviously one cannot 
expect any indication of an eclipse during the period of the overwhelming 
luminosity of the nova, the secondary being imbedded in a highly luminous 
layer of gas. But a discussion of all the available photographic observations 
gave the somewhat unexpected result that there are some slight indications 
of binary nature as early as during this short period of minimum brightness, 
suggesting the existence of duplicity before the outburst.
    The question is closely connected with theories about the physical  
interpretation of nova phenomenon. Accepting e. g. the "opaque dust cloud"  
explanation put forward by Chandrasekhar and Stratton, we may conclude that 
the suspected eclipse I shall discuss subsequently is clearly spurious. On the 
other hand my suggestion is well compatible with the simple picture of a gas 
layer either contracting or gradually getting transparent. The best explanation 
so far proposed for the following increase of nova brightness is due to 
Grotrian. [3].
    The discussion is based on a closer scrutiny of this minimum. I collected 
all the photographic observations available in our library published for the 
interval of about 12 days, between April 28 and May 10, 1935. Visual 
observations are hardly useful for our purposes and can define a general trend 
of light variation only. (This we call as the "ground level of magnitudes".) 
The photographic observations I used were the following.
    1. Best data are the observations of Schneller [4] and those of Lavdovsky [5] 
made at Babelsberg and Pulkova, respectively. These plates were measured 
    2. Fischer (Innsbruck) made some observations [6], but with different 
telescopes and measured only the diameters of the photographic images. Fresa's 
observations were made on panchromatic plates and he probably made very 
long exposures, reducing the usefulness of his data [7].

     3. Brunner published [8] two and Gaposchkin three observations [9] 
for this critical time-interval; they are actually only estimates of the 
photographic brightness.*
     Table 2 contains the photometric data I used, both the original and the 
somewhat modified magnitudes. These modified values are the results of an 
attempt of reducing the published data to a homogeneous scale, undoubtedly 
a rather problematic procedure.
     The magnitude reductions were made on the following grounds.


                                  Fig. 2.

     Lavdovsky and Schneller quote international photographic magnitudes 
and their data - adopted without any correction - were considered as the 
basis of the whole investigation. The observations of Brunner and Gaposchkin 
(based similarly on international standards) were, faute de mieux, also adopted 
without changing, because their small number is not suited to a discussion of 
possible systematic differences.
     Further, the "1922 correction" [10] was applied to the results of Fischer.
     Fresa's observations had a different effective wave length; to them 
an empirical correction of +0.6 was applied, derived by the aid of the known 
change of colour-index [11] during the deep minimum.
     Then I tried to determine a "groundlevel" of brightness, fixed by the 
general trend of light variation.
     This "ground level" or "zero level" of light variaton was then a 
symmetrical interpolating curve**, the elevation of which at the end of the
interval considered is very strictly determined by numerous observations made
in the adjacent period of fast perfectly linear increase of brightness 
(between 15th May and 5th June). Near the minimum this construction seems to
be in some extent arbitrary, but, practically, a small vertical shift of the
"ground level" do not alter the remarkably distribution of the magnitude 
differences we are just going to discuss.

     * I received Gaposchkin's paper just after the end of the colloquium and
therefore his data were incorporated only afterwards into figures and text.
    ** S. Figure 2.

                                      Table 2.

                 Photographic observations of the deep minimum 1935

     Date of obs.                Observed    Reduced   Deflection from 
 No                Observer                                           Phase 
    J. D. 2427000+               magnitude   magnitude   "zero-level" 

  1      920.56   Lavdovsky         13.58       13.58      -0.05      0.087
  2      921.562  Fresa             13.0        13.6       +0.08       .262
  3      921.80   Gaposchkin        14.22       14.22      -0.49       .49(1)
  4      923.550  Fresa             13.6        14.2       -0.33       .529
  5      924.504  Lavdovsky         14.09       14.09      -0.17       .456
  6      924.69   Gaposchkin        14.22       14.22      -0.29       .41(6)
  7      925.388  Fischer           13.55       13.80      +0.13       .021
  8      925.401  Fischer           13.76       14.01      -0.07       .088
  9      925.466  Lavdovsky         13.88       13.88      +0.05       .424
 10      925.501  Fresa             13.7        14.3       -0.37       .605
 11      925.516  Lavdovsky         13.79       13.79      +0.14       .682
 12      925.546  Brunner           13.8        13.8       +0.13       .837
 13      926.408  Fischer           14.06       14.31      -0.39       .289
 14      926.500  Brunner           14.0        14.0       -0.09       .764
 15      927.372  Fischer           13.65       13.90      -0.04       .268
 16      927.431  Schneller         13.88       13.88      -0.02       .572
 17      927.70   Gaposchkin        14.13       14.13      -0.29       .96(2)
 18      928.519  Schneller         13.72       13.72      +0.04       .191
 19      929.484  Schneller         13.53       13.53      +0.11       .175
 20      903.509  Fresa             12.9        13.5       -0.01       .469
 21      931.504  Lavdovsky         13.36       13.36      -0.05       .068

      The next step was namely the fixing of the differences in brightness 
from the "zero level" (Column 6 in Table 2).
      These resulting magnitude differences I reduced by the aid of the usual 
P^-1 (t-t_0) phase formula, using as initial epoch quite arbitrarily J. D. 
2427923.254 corresponding to the computed phase = 0.5. (Column 7, Table 2.) 
The period was taken P = 0.193627d, i. e. Walker's first, only approximate 
value. The time interval considered is not longer than 11 days, therefore even 
an error in the 4th decimal of the period is not at all of influence.
      The resulting "light curve" is shown in Fig. 3. It is unmistakable that 
these observations show a clear tendency toward being "depressed" in a 
rather narrow interval about phase = 0.5 suggesting perhaps an eclipse of 
the proper duration and of a reduced amplitude. (This is to be expected because 
of the higher luminosity of the system.) In fact, all but two or three observations 
are in rough agreement with a light curve of a hypothetical eclipsing system. 
Let me notice, that quite apart from errors of photographic photometry, 
longexposure plates are especially unfavourable in detecting a possibly light 
variation of no more than 1 hour duration. Supposed now that this - very 
doubtful - minimum is real, we can, of course, determine its date. Taking 
JD 2427923.448 as the time of this minimum, we get the following residuals: 
1. with Rosino's period [12] O - C =+0.04d (that is 20 per cent of the period); 
2. with Walker's improved period O - C = +0.01d, a remarkably small 
value. But it is necessary to underline that these residuals cannot be regarded 
as any convincing evidence at all. It is, in the contrary, easily possible, 
that this seemingly very good agreement is merely fortuitous, for a change of
one unit in the 6th decimal of P, will shift - after 20 years - the 
time of minimum by about 0.04d i. e. 20 per cent of the period!*


                                Fig. 3.

     Adopting, however, this hypothetical eclipse as real, we obtain for the 
"improved" period the alternative values P = 0.1936251d or P = 0.1936198d, 
the number of epochs being n = 36314 or n = 36315, respectively.


     This discussion can perhaps underline the importance of the problem 
of a possible pre-outburst duplicity of Nova Herculis. In this respect the 
patrol plates taken at the Harvard Observatory and at the Sternwarte Sonneberg 
are extremely interesting and it is highly desirable to rediscuss this 
valuable material.


  [1] M. F. Walker PASP 66, 230, 1954 and Ap. J. 123, 68, 1956. 
  [2] B. V. Kukarkin IAU Draft report. Dublin meeting. 
  [3] W. Grotrian Zs. f. Ap. 13, 215, 1937. 
  [4] H. Schneller A. N. 256 108, 1935. 
  [51 V. Lavdovsky A. N. 256 251, 1935. 
  [6] H. Fischer A. N. 256, 106, 1935. 
  [7] A. Fresa A. N. 255, 430 and 256, 68, 1935. 
  [8] W. Brunner jr. A. N. 258, 129, 1936. 
  [9] S. Gaposchkin A. J. 61, 36, 1956. 
 [10] H. Shapley and M. Walker, Harv. Bull. 781, 1922.
 [11] C. Payne-Gaposchkin-F. L. Whipple Harv. Circ. 433, 1939.
 [12] L. Rosino Asiago Contrib. No. 63, 1955.

     * At this point I am very indebted to Prof. L. Rosino and 
Prof. A. van Hoof for their valuable criticism.