Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars
                                              IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968

                      FLARES OF UV CETI TYPE STARS

                         Introductory Paper by 

                            R. E. GERSHBERG
               Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, USSR

  The term "flare stars" is used sometimes as a synonym to "eruptive 
stars" and in that case the term "flare" covers a wide range of 
phenomena of stellar variability. I intend to give a review of 
observational and theoretical results bearing on the classical flare 
stars of UV Ceti type only and I shall use the words "flare" and 
"flare stars" only in that limited sense. Owing to the restricted time, 
I have no possibility to give the detailed history of the investigations 
of the UV Ceti type stars. This history can be found in Joy's (1960), 
Oskanjan's (1964) and Haro's (1968) reviews - therefore I shall submit 
the state of the problem only for the present moment. That is why I 
shall not refer to a number of investigations which were important for 
their times but were surpassed by following studies.
  The dMe-objects with quick flares of brightness are attributed to 
classical flare stars of UV Ceti type. Today no spectral or photometric 
criteria are known which would permit to establish the relation of a dMe 
to the UV Ceti type by observing it in a quiet state. About 25 UV Ceti 
type stars are at present known, and they make nearly a quarter of the 
known dMe stars and about 5 per cent of all the dM objects; because M 
dwarfs represent to about 80% per cent of galactic stellar population, 
one may suppose that the flares of UV Ceti-type stars are the most 
wide-spread kind of stellar variability.
  Among the 25 UV Ceti type stars 19 are known as binaries. 3 of them are 
spectroscopic binaries, 2 of them have distances less than 1" between 
the components; in the other 14 visual binaries the fainter components 
are flare stars. The masses of flare stars are small: the mass of UV Cet 
itself is equal to 0.04M sun, that is less than a minimum mass of a main 
sequence star; the mass of EQ Peg is equal to 0.13M sun, and that of DO Cep 
to 0.16M sun (Petit, 1961). The diameters of flare stars are about 3 times 
less than that of the Sun (Lippincott, 1953). The luminosities of these 
objects are low, and the absolutely faintest star, van Biesbroeck's object, 
BD +4 4048 B, M_v = 18.6m, is a flare star. But we are not certain 
that there exist systematic differences in masses, sizes, luminosities 
and percentage of binaries between flare and normal M-dwarfs. The 
dispersion of the peculiar velocities of dMe and UV Ceti type stars is 
2-2.5 times less than that of normal dM stars (Gliese, 1958).
  After giving this short stellar statistical characterization of UV Ceti 
type stars, we may pass to discuss the flares themselves.


  In accordance with the topic of our Colloquium it is necessary to begin 
with the time features of flares.

                     Time distribution of flares

  For nearly 20 years there had been a belief that the flares of UV Ceti 
type stars occurred irregularly. But Andrews (1968) found some recurrence 
in the time distribution of 9 flares of YZ CMi: 2 intervals between flares were 
near to 122h, 3 near to 73h and 3 near to 47h; later Andrews found the same 
effect with a characteristic interval near 48h for flares of V 1216 Sgr. 
A closeness of all these quasiperiods to values wick are divisible by 24h 
supposes a possible effect of observational selection.
  The most detailed consideration of a possible periodicity of flares has 
been carried out by Chugainov: he has studied the time distribution of 
28 flares which, were registered during a cooperative observation of UV 
Cet organized by Lovell at several observatories. Chugainov has found as 
the best periodic representation of maximum flare moments:

               T_max = const + 0.1821d X E.

11 periods of this cycle are equal to 48.1h. But the deviations, O-C, 
are large: mean(O-C) = 43m and (O-C)_max = 99m. The registered flares have 
occurred not in all, but only in 70 per cent of "critical moments"; but 
that is not a contradiction to the hypothesis of periodicity of flares: 
the remaining 30 per cent of flares could have small amplitudes or occurred 
on the opposite side of the star. The arguments against the periodicity 
hypothesis are the large mean(O-C), a value which is close to 1/6 of the period 
proposed, and a possibility to represent the observable time distribution of 
flares as a Poisson distribution. This year the Working Group on Flare Stars 
organized several cooperative observations of UV Ceti type stars with attemps 
to realize a 24^h photometric patrol. We hope to receive an important 
information on the time-distribution of flares from these observations, 
but their discussions have not yet been finished.
  Nearly 15 years ago Oskanjan (1964) has found variations of the flare activity
level of UV Cet from season to season. A list of photoelectric observations of 
this star made by the end of 1967 is given in Table 1 (Gershberg and Chugainov, 1968). 
It is seen that the mean monitoring time per flare spent by different observers
varies from 4.1h to 47h. But this table does not permit to reach a final 
conclusion: first, using different telescopes and different spectral bands we 
have different thresholds of flare detection; second, it is not clear whether 
a mean monitoring time per flare can characterize a flare activity level. 
In order to clear up these points, let us consider Chugainov's, observations 
of UV Ceti which were carried out for 4 years with the same instrumental and 
photometric system. Three different criteria of the flare activity level are 
given in Table 2: the mean monitoring time per flare, the mean radiative energy 
of a flare and the ratio of the radiative energy of flares to the radiative 
energy of the star calculated by integrations over the monitoring time. These 
data show the reality of the flare activity level variations and detect some 
correlation between different criteria of this level.

                             Table 1.

           List of photoelectric observations of UV Ceti

                                                        Total                      Mean
                                          Spectral      monitoring     Number    monitoring
Observer	Season	Telescope	  region        time         of flares   time per flare
                                                        (hours)      registered  (hours)

Roques          1952    12" refractor     without       94            2	         47
Chugainov       1963    64  cm meniscus	   V            25            3	          8.4
Chugainov       1964        telescope	   V            47            4	         12
Chugainov       1965                       V            70           17	          4.1
Chugainov       1966    70  cm reflector   H_beta	49           12	          4.1
Eksteen	        1966    16" reflector	   V            24	      3	          8.0
Chugainov       1967    64  cm meniscus	   V            35	      8	          4.4

                             Table 2.

                 Different criteria of the flare activity level of UV Ceti

                                                                  Ratio of radiative
        Number of flares  Mean monitoring  Mean radiative	   flare energy in
Season	 registered	  time per flare   energy of flare        V-region to the stellar
                          (hours)             in V-region (ergs)  radiation in V during 

 1963       3                8.4             9.3 X 10^30             0.0060 
 1964       4               12               3.2 X 10^30             0.0014 
 1965      17                4.1             9.0 X 10^30             0.012
 1967       8                4.4	     8.3 X 10^30             0.012

  Before finishing the discussion of time characteristics of UV Ceti type 
star flares and going to photometric characteristics, it is necessary to 
note, that observations carried out by different instrumental methods 
give us results which are difficult to compare. As seen from Table 3, 
even experienced visual observers overestimate systematically the 
amplitudes of flares registered and miss small flares. On the other 
hand, observations in UV region have a threshold of flare detection 
three times lower than those in blue and 9 times lower than those in 
visual region (Kunkel, 1967). This point complicates the statistical 
discussion of flare features.

                             Table 3.

Comparison of the results of simultaneous visual (Odessa) 
and photoelectric (Crimea) monitoring of the brightness of UV Ceti

Date          U. T.       M_vis	   m_v

19.9.65	    21h  03m	           0.9
20.9.	    00   18	  2.1	   1.0
            00   52                0.35    
22.9.       22   59                0.4 
23.9        23   46       1.1      0.65
24.9        00   32       2.9      1.9 
26.9        00   47       4.0    >=1.5 
28.9	    00   11	           0.4
            21   09       2.1      1.15 
1.10.       21   12       2.3      1.4 
2.10.	    21   57	           0.4
            23   54	  4.2	   1.7

                             Table 4.

Comparison of the observed and calculated Balmer decrements according to Kunkel

       The observations of EV Lac flare on 11.12.1965
U. T.     H_beta    H_gamma    H_delta    H_zeta    H_eta     H_10    H_11
3h  55m    1.0       1.24       1.48       1.22      1.17     0.94    0.80
4   00	   1.0	     1.04	1.16	   0.92	     0.63     0.64    0.47
4   03	             1.10	1.28	   1.10	     0.90     0.67    0.59
4   08	   1.0	     1.13	1.06	   0.76	     0.54     0.52    0.38
4   56	   1.0	     1.15	0.90

      Photometric characteristics and energetics of flares 
  Light curves of UV Ceti type star flares are very asymmetrical: as a 
rule, after a very quick increase of brightness there is a sharp, 
momentary maximum which is followed by a smoother decay (see Figs. 4 and 6). 
According to statistics (Gershberg and Chugainov, 1968) which is based on 
the discussion of about 100 photoelectric light curves, the time of flare 
growth is 10 to 30 sec for the half of the flares and 3 to 100 sec for 90 per 
cent of the flares. The time of photometric decay of flares is 10 to 100 times 
as large as that of flare growth, but, as a rule, the rate of increase of 
energy output just before the maximum is only 2 to 3 times as large as 
the rate of decrease of energy output immediately after the maximum. 
Then the flare decay slows down and such details as secondary maxima and steps 
of constant brightness appear on the light curve. Strong secondary maxima 
occur usually 5-10 min later than the main maximum and the light curve 
of secondary maximum is more symmetrical; this photometric feature can be 
regarded as a criterion to distinguish two close flares from a flare with 
a secondary maximum. As a rule, on the ascending branch of the light 
curve - in contrast to the descending branch - no deviations from a monotone 
growth of brightness are seen. Often, but not always, a slow brightening 
appears some minutes before the sharp beginning of the flare and the amplitude 
of such a slow brightening amounts to several tenths of a stellar magnitude. 
Flares of UV Ceti type stars are known with amplitudes up to 3-4 magn. 
Of course, the lower limit of flare amplitudes is determined with the precision 
of photometric observations. The behavior of UV Ceti type stars outside the 
flares is not clear up to now; the observers, who were monitoring the brightness
of these stars visually and photographically, sometimes noted small and slow 
variations of brightness with amplitudes up to 0.3-0.5 magn. and with 
a characteristic time close to half an hour; but such secondary brightness 
variations were not confirmed by special photoelectric observations.
  According to Gershberg and Chugainov (1968) and Kunkel (1967) the total 
radiation of flares of the most active UV Ceti type stars amounts to 0.1-1 per 
cent of the energy of the radiation of these stars outside the flares.
  For the best studied 4 flare stars the distributions of flares according to 
their energy of radiation (L) are given in Fig. 1. One sees that the total 
energy of flare radiation in blue region amounts to 3 X 10^(31+-2) ergs and more 
than half of the flares radiate 10^(31+-1) ergs. Fig. 1 permits to conclude that 
an absolutely brighter star shows stronger flares on the average and certainly 
this conclusion can not be due to the observational selection effect. 
  For the same 4 stars the distributions of flares according to their absolute 
rates of increase of energy output before maximum (dl/dt) are given in Fig. 2. 
In all investigated cases these rates were within the limits 10^27 and
3 X 10^28 ergs/sec^2. The narrowness of these histograms should be noted, they 
are 2-3 times narrower than the previous ones. It is suspected that the brighter
the star is, the slower are the flares on an average, but we did not find any 
correlation between the total radiative energy of individual flares and their 
rate of increase.

Fig. 1. Flare distributions according to their total radiative energy for 
        4 UV Ceti stars. Non-dashed districts are less certain data.

Fig. 2. Flare distributions according to their absolute rates of energy output 
        increase before maximum for 4 UV Cet stars. Non-dashed districts are 
        less certain data.

                   Intrinsic colors of flares

  The most certain and complete information on the intrinsic colors of UV Ceti
type star flares was obtained by Kunkel (1967). By using his data a two-color 
diagram of flares is drawn in Fig. 3: the location of several flares of three 
UV Ceti type stars near their maxima are marked with different symbols and three
broken lines represent the tracks of flares which could be studied 
colorimetrically for a long time. This diagram gives a good idea of the 
intrinsic colors of flares near their maxima (B - V approx. 0.0m +- 0.3m, 
U-B approx. -1.1m +- 0.2m) and of the character of a flare drift on the two-color
diagram (to the right and slightly downwards) during their decay.

                      Spectral features of flares

  In 1948 Joy and Humason (1949) took the first slit spectrogram of an UV Ceti 
flare. The examination of this unique plate taken with the exposure of 144 min 
has shown that during the flare the emission hydrogen lines became much stronger,
CaII emission intensified, but to a less extent emission lines of HeI and HeII 
appeared which had not been seen in the quiet state star spectrum. Absorption 
lines almost disappeared, being veiled by a continuum which was very strong in 
UV spectral region; the spectrophotometric temperature of that continuum 
exceeded 10000 deg K, widths of the emission hydrogen lines amounted to 2 A, 
and the decrement was not steep.

Fig. 3. Two-color diagram for UV Cet star flares. In the left and upper part 
of the plot there are the colors of hot ionized hydrogen clouds of different 
temperatures and optical thickness.

  Having used a high sensitive receiver (image tube), the spectral 
observations of flares were carried out in Crimea in 1965 and nearly 30 
spectrograms of 10 flares of AD Leo and UV Cet were obtained with a time 
resolution from 20 sec up to 1 - 2 min (Gershberg and Chugainov, 1966, 
1967); simultaneously the brightness of the star was being monitored 
photoelectrically. The light curve of the strongest. AD Leo flare 
registered by us is given in Fig. 4, the time intervals of flare 
spectrographying are marked too. Five spectra of this flare are 
reproduced in Fig. 5. During the strong flare the stellar spectrum 
transformed beyond recognition in the photographic region, but the 
changes were not so striking in green and red. The most prominent 
feature in all flare spectra is an intensification of Balmer emission 
lines. The quantitative treatment of the spectrograms shows that the 
equivalent widths of the emission hydrogen lines during the flares 
approach tens of angstroms, the augmentations of the widths at a half 
intensity level amount to 3-5 A. With the flare decaying, the continuum 
radiation decreases first of all and line emission decreases more 
slowly; sometimes line emission is still visible when a wide-band 
photoelectric photometry does not find a trace of a flare. The widths of 
emission lines return to the normal state more quickly than the 
intensities of these lines do. The helium lines were found only near 
flare maxima, the maximum in CaII takes place later than that in 
hydrogen lines. The veiling of intensity jumps near the TiO-band limits 
and that of the absorption line lambda 4227 A give a possibility to evaluate 
a part of flare continuum in the whole continuum radiation for moderate 
intense flares.
  Later Chugainov (1968) carried out two sets of photoelectric observations 
of EV Lac and UV Cet flares; he used narrow-band interference filters and 
confirmed time variations; he determined absolute values of equivalent widths 
of the H_beta-line spectrographically with the image tube device.
  The same year important spectral studies of UV Ceti type star flares 
were carried out by Kunkel (1967). Kunkel's essential success is an 
investigation on the UV spectral region of flares and spectrophotometric 
measurements at a wide wave-length interval. Kunkel has found and 
measured the emission jump near the Balmer limit, he has confirmed the 
fact of a quick disappearance of the strong continuum radiation and the 
quick narrowing of emission lines after the flare maximum and found the 
Balmer decrement at several stages of the flare. He has shown that the 
relative rate of the flare decay in the lines is nearly one half of the 
rate in the continuum, and the decay in CaII is the slowest one.
  At present we do not possess any information on flare line profiles, 
their Doppler shifts and possible anomalies in abundances of elements 
and isotopes. Nowadays such investigations are on the very limit or 
beyond the limit of instrumental power.

Fig. 4. Light curve of the AD Leo flare on 18.5.1965. Numbered 
rectangles mark time intervals of spectrographying the flare.

Fig. 5 Spectrograms of AD Leo during the strong flare on 18.5.1965 and 
in the quiet state on 4.6.1965. Numbers on the left correspond to the 
numeration in Fig. 4.

                          Polarimetric studies

  Attempts to measure the polarization of UV Ceti type flare radiation 
were undertaken more than once. But as it was shown by Efimov (1968), 
all those observations had been made without due regard to the extreme 
rapidity of UV Ceti type flares. It is clear that when studying 
polarimetrically a variable source, the whole cycle of consecutive 
measurements must be made during the time which is small in comparison 
with the characteristic time of the source variations. But UV Ceti type 
flares are weak, therefore the quantum fluctuations of flare radiation 
flux turn out to be an essential obstacle when using small or moderate 
telescopes and small time averages for polarimetric measurements. It is 
necessary to use a large telescope and a special rapid-acting polarimeter 
(may by, similar to the device which was constructed by Oskanjan, 
Kubichela and Arsenijevich in Jugoslavia some years ago) in order to 
obtain reliable results on polarization features of flares.

                        Radio emission of flares

  Excluding the sun, the UV Ceti stars are the only stellar bodies from 
which radio emission is certainly registered up to now. Radio emission 
of UV Ceti flares was found by Lovell (1964) with Jodrell Bank radio 
telescopes in 1958. First the radio emission of flares was found 
statistically by superposition of the radio records during 23 small 
optical flares (Lovell, 1963). But now we have more than two dozens of 
individual radio flare records at wave lengths in the range from 20 cm 
to 15 m.

Fig. 6. Radio and optical flare of UV Cet on 19.10.1963.

  The radio emission of flares varies as quickly as the optical radiation. 
The radio emission is characterized by a high brightness temperature: a 
moderate UV Cet radio flare distributed over the whole stellar disk 
corresponds to Tb approx. 10^15 deg K. A typical radio flare record and its light
curve are given in Fig. 6. According to a rough estimate, a flare 
radiates 100 times less energy in the radio wave-length range than in 
the optical flare energy. Lovell (1964) found a certain delay in radio 
emission at the lower frequencies when observing the UV Cet flare on 
25.10.1963 at two frequences. (Fig. 7)

  The radio emission of the V 371 Ori flare on 30.11.1962 was studied in 
the fullest detail (Fig. 8): Australian investigators found the flare 
radio emission at 3 frequencies and at 410 MHz sharp and deep fadings 
were observed (Slee et al. 1963).

  Fig. 7. Radio emission drift over frequencies during the UV Cet flare 
          on 25.10.1963.

  Fig. 8. V 371 Ori flare on 30.11.1962. 
      a) optical observations: solid line - photographical, 
         dashed line - visual monitoring of brightness; 
      b) radio observations: solid line is the smoothed record at 410 MHz, 
         segments mark time intervals when the flare is recorded at other 
      c) the flare-record at 410 MHz.

                           INTERPRETATION AND HYPOTHESES 

  Let us go to phenomenological interpretations and the physical hypotheses 
related to UV Ceti flares.
  It is known that in 1924 Hertzsprung found for the first time a stellar flare,
similar to UV Ceti flares, and in accordance with the spirit of the 20th years 
astronomy he supposed that the falling of an asteroid on the star could be 
regarded as a cause of the flare. Now this idea may be considered only as a 
historical curiosity. Since the beginning of intensive study of flare stars in 
1948 nearly a dozen hypotheses have appeared. Today, the so-called nebular or 
chromospheric flare model has the closest contact with observations. Therefore,
I shall give an account of this scheme and then shall describe other models 
and hypotheses in short.

                          Nebular or chromospheric model

  The main supposition of the nebular model is that an optical flare is 
connected with a quick appearance of a hot ionized gaseous cloud above 
the photosphere of a cold star; this cloud is deprived of external 
sources of ionization and radiates due to irreversible recombinations. 
Let us compare this scheme with the observations.
  If during a flare the mass of the cloud is constant and its optical 
thickness is small, then it is not difficult to calculate the expected 
light curve. The comparison of 10 observed EV Lac flares with 
theoretical curves,  which have been calculated for the simplest 
isothermal radiative process, are given in Fig. 9. (Gershberg, 1964). In 
half of the cases we have an agreement. Later calculations were carried 
out taking the cooling effects into account (Gershberg, 1967), and now 
we calculate the theoretical curves making allowance for self-absorption 
in the Balmer lines; as a result, the theoretical curve-family enriches 
and a possibility to fit the theory to the observations increases. But 
one ought not to undergo a delusion: on one hand, a rich theoretical 
curve-family makes the comparison of the theory with observations 
non-critical; on the other hand, no theoretical curves calculated for a 
homogeneous and uniformly expanded cloud are able to explain such 
details of light curves as secondary maxima and time intervals of 
constant brightness, and to interpret the ascending branches of flares. 
Therefore, the observed light curves are not in contradiction with the 
nebular model but this model is too primitive to give a complete theory 
of the observed light curves. It should be noted that many observers 
have represented the observed light curves of UV Ceti flares as one or 
two exponential curves, and this representation is not worse than the 
nebular one; but the exponential representation is not substantiated 
physically, it is an erroneous conclusion of a wrong hypothesis on a hot 
spot (see below).
  The nebular interpretation of color features of flares is given in 
Fig. 3 according to Kunkel (1967). The colors of a hot ionized hydrogen 
cloud, which has the optical thickness tau_H alpha = 0-10^5, are located 
in the left and upper part of the plot. From the relative positions of 
flares and nebular models on the two-color diagram one can conclude that 
the flare radiation at maxima has the same colors as the hot gas in the 
case of T_e >= 30000 deg K and tau_H alpha approx. 10^2 to 10^3. The approximate 
character of Kunkel's calculations (a stationary gas in LTE-conditions, 
self-absorption effects in coherent approximation) does not permit to insist on 
the values T_e and tau_H alpha obtained, but the agreement between observations
and the nebular model is at hand. With the same certainty, Fig. 3 shows a flare
drift according to the nebular model during the flare decay. Kunkel interprets 
this drift as an increasing contribution of an equilibrium hot photospheric 
spot - a photosphere's "burn" - to the surplus stellar radiation.

Fig. 9. Nebular representations of 10 light curves of EV Lac flares.

  Qualitative spectral features of a UV Ceti type flare - the appearance of 
strong continuum emission and strong intensification of line emission - were 
known from previous observations by Wachmann (1939), Joy and Humason (1949), 
and Herbig (1956) and naturally they fit to the nebular model. Our observations 
(Gershberg and Chugainov 1966; 1967) and those of Kunkel (1967) permit to make 
a quantitative comparison.

Fig. 10. Comparison of the observed equivalent widths of Balmer lines in 
the AD Leo flare on 18.5.1965. and corresponding equivalent widths 
calculated in accordance with the flare brightness at different times 
for the optically thin flare model.

  The comparison of the equivalent widths of Balmer emission lines observed 
in the AD Leo flare on 18.5.1965 with the equivalent widths calculated in
accordance with the brightness of the flare and in supposition of an 
optically thin gas is given in Fig. 10. It is seen that at the beginning 
of the flare the equivalent widths observed are ten times less than the 
calculated ones. The same results follow from other spectrograms of AD 
Leo and UV Cet flares. Since our calculations have been carried out for 
T_e <= 80000 deg K, the obtained disagreement can be explained either by a 
higher temperature, or by self-absorption effects in the lines. Kunkel's 
observations decide this dilemma: the considerable magnitude of the 
emission Balmer jump found by him means T_e < 25000 deg K. It should be 
noted that this upper limit of temperature may not be far from the real 
temperature because of the existing HeII emission. Comparing the 
observed and calculated Balmer decrements (see Table 5) Kunkel has found 
an independent and decisive argument for the chromospheric flare model: 
observed line intensity ratios from H_beta to H_11 correspond to radiation of 
the gas of the temperature T_e = 20000 to 25000 deg K and of the same 
optical thickness what has been obtained from colorimetric studies.

                          Physical hypotheses

  The phenomenological nebular model of flares permits several physical 
interpretations. The possible existence of a characteristic time between flares 
suggests the assumption of active regions on the stellar surface and of a 
rather quick rotation of the star. The origin of a hot cloud above the 
photosphere can be connected either with a shock wave appearance, or with a hot
"bubble" coming to the surface (Gorbatzkij, 1964), or with solar chromospheric 
flare type processes.

                             Table 5
Calculated Balmer decrements for LTE-conditions, coherent re-emission in lines,
n_e = 30x 10^13 cm^-3 and V_turb. = 20 km/sec.

lg tau_H alpha  H_alpha  H_beta  H_gamma H_delta  H_xi    H_eta   H_10    H_11

                             T_e = 20000 deg K

     2.0        0.55     1.00    1.06    0.74     0.32    0.22    0.16    0.12
     2.5        0.63     1.00    1.32    1.27     0.68    0.49    0.36    0.27
     3.0        0.76     1.00    1.31    1.55     1.26    0.97    0.73    0.56
     3.5        0.81     1.00    1.21    1.45     1.65    1.49    1.26    1.02
     4.0        0.84     1.00    1.13    1.29     1.57    1.64    1.60    1.46

                             T_e = 25000 deg K

     2.0        0.51     1.00    1.09    0.78     0.35    0.24    0.17    0.13
     2.5        0.58     1.00    1.37    1.35     0.74    0.53    0.39    0.29
     3.0        0.68     1.00    1.36    1.65     1.37    1.06    0.81    0.62
     3.5        0.75     1.00    1.25    1.54     1.79    1.64    1.39    1.12
     4.0        0.78     1.00    1.17    1.36     1.70    1.80    1.76    1.61

  An analogy between solar and UV Cet type flares was suspected by 
Greenstein and Whipple nearly 20 years ago, then it was spoken about by 
the Burbidges, Schatzman, Struve and al., but now this analogy becomes 
clearer and deeper. Indeed, both types of events have a strongly 
pronounced explosive behavior, they have no clear periodicity, but there 
are epochs of different activity level; the same emission lines appear 
in the spectra of both types of flares and there is similarity in the 
sequence of the flaring of different lines and in the character of 
intensity and line width variations during the flare decay; both types 
of optical flares are accompanied by strong radio flares, and the 
physical parameters of the hot gas responsible for the optical flares 
are similar. Therefore we have a good reason to suspect the similarity 
in intrinsic physical causes of both types of flares.
  As it is known, the energy source of chromospheric flares is the magnetic 
field, and the solar activity is determined by magneto-hydrodynamic phenomena 
which are mostly caused by convective motions. As UV Ceti stars are bodies 
of small mass and their inner structure is completely convective, it is natural 
to expect strong magneto-hydrodynamic motions and, as a result, a flare 
activity in these stars. The decisive confirmation of this conception 
has been obtained recently. Poveda (1965) showed that the convection 
must be very strong in stars of low luminosity up to K1-stars and 
Haro (1968) found a high flare activity of stars (in clusters of different age) 
up to the same spectral class. The main but the only parameter of the 
modern theory of stellar evolution - the mass - is used in this conception; 
therefore, in order to explain the differences between dMe and UV Ceti type 
stars and between dMe and normal M dwarfs, it is necessary to appeal either to 
evolutionary considerations or to additional parameters, as rotation, anomaly 
of element abundance, binary systems' features etc. We may note that the 
approximate characteristic time of flare activity level variations is a few 
months for UV Cet and the orbital motion characteristic time is tens of 
years for the L726-8AB-system (UV Cet = L726-8B), therefore a close 
connection between these phenomena can not exist.

                   Alternative models and hypotheses

  Finally we submit some critical comments on other phenomenological 
models and physical hypotheses.
  Recent results on UV Ceti-type star flares permit to reject some 
previous models of flares. For instance, the ideas about a flare as an 
appearance of a hot equilibrium photospheric spot, and hypotheses on 
pure synchrotronic or pure Compton nature of flare radiation must be 
rejected in view of the discovery of the Balmer emission jump and the 
strong line emission in flares. It is also necessary to reject different 
hypotheses of external excitation of flares as the flare frequency and 
the drift of radio emission to long wavelength range indicate inner 
causes of these events.
  Ambarzumjan (1954) supposed that the UV Ceti type flares were connected 
with ejections of an unknown "pre-stellar matter" from the stellar 
interior. Recent experimental data do not confirm this hypothesis but 
they do not disprove it either.
  Since 1956 Schatzman (1967) has developed a stellar vibrational 
instability theory and applied it to different stellar flares; but this 
mechanism cannot be responsible for UV Ceti type flares as its basis is 
a strong dependence of the thermonuclear reaction rate on temperature 
and density of matter and such a reaction is not maintained in small 
mass M dwarfs.
  Kolesnik (1966) has used a maser effect in nonequilibrium plasma to interpret
the flares. The necessity of such a hypothesis is not obvious today.
  For the last years Gurzadjan (1965, 1966) has been developing a theory 
of UV Ceti type flares; all nebular features of flares are regarded as 
secondary effects while the primary one is supposed to be a fast electron 
ejection and their Compton interaction with the photospheric radiation. 
According to this hypothesis the electron energy must exceed 10^5 to 10^7 
times the optical energy of the flare and does not excite any observable 
consequences on the star; this is the main difficulty in Gurzadjan's theory.
  It is my pleasure to thank Dr. W. E. Kunkel, who courteously sent me his 
Dissertation. Prof. Haro for making available a preprint of his review 
on flare stars and Dr. P. F. Chugainov, Chairman of Working Group on 
Flare Stars, for the information on premilinary results of cooperative 
observations. All these data were very useful while preparing this 


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Lortet-Zuckerman: I did not understand whether the nebular model may 
       account for the high observed ratio of radio to optical energy. 
       The ratio radio to optical energy is two or three orders greater 
       for flare stars than for the sun.