Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars

                                                IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968


                             A. D. ANDREWS

                Armagh Observatory, Northern Ireland
                       (read by J. D. FERNIE)


  The first results of a photometric study of the Orion flare stars is 
presented using material from the Boyden Observatory. A 60-inch 
photoelectric sequence, in U, B, V and R, and a photographic reduction 
technique developed for ADH Baker-Schmidt plates by C. J. Butler, are 
utilized to construct colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams for 
flare stars to V = 16m. The scatter of the flare stars about the main 
sequence, pointed out by Haro, is confirmed in the B-V/V diagram. 
However, a fairly well-defined band in the V-R/V diagram is evident, 
extending from V-R = 1.0m, V = 12.5m to V-R = 1.7m, V = 16.0m. The 
classical flare stars appear to fall within the same region of the 
B-V/V-R diagram but to the red of the majority of Orion flare stars.


  The wealth of material on flare stars in stellar aggregates of differing 
age, systematically accumulated since the early fifties mainly by Haro, 
has inspired many fresh inquiries into the early evolution of stars. The 
list of 176 flare stars in the vicinity of the Orion Nebula published by 
Haro (1968) summarizes the discoveries of Haro and Chavira at 
Tonantzintla, Rosino at Asiago, and their collaborators up until 1965. 
These flare stars, in common with many T Tauri stars, are strongly 
concentrated towards the centre of the Orion Nebula, and are, almost 
beyond doubt, T-association members of Orion T2 (Kholopov, 1959). From 
the evidence of extensive photographic work, Haro has stated that the 
Orion flare stars appear to lie both above and below, as well as on the 
main sequence. In view of the lack of spectra any but the brightest 
stars, obtained by Herbig (1962), and the paucity of reliable magnitude 
determinations, it is worthwhile to attempt, as far as possible 
traditional UBV photometry even in this difficult, nebulous region to 
examine this peculiar feature of the Orion flare stars in the H-R 
diagram. Mendoza (1968) has already made multicolour photometry for 
seven of these stars and has emphasized large infrared colour-excesses 
in these and other related, T Tauri-like stars. The primary questions 
asked today concerning flare stars are: a) What is the true extent of 
their scatter about the lower main sequence? b) What is the observed 
leftward limit, following Poveda (1964), of the flare stars in the H-R 
diagram? c) Is there evidence for broad-band colour changes in flare 
stars such as found in the RW Aurigae stars (Broglia, Lenouvel 1960, 
Mosidze 1967) and d) What is the relation between flare stars of the 
Orion type, for example, and the classical UV Ceti variables?

Fig. 1. Sequence stars (Centre R. A. 5h 27.3m, Dec. -4 deg 23 sec, 1900)

 My original intention was to extend Mendoza's photoelectric work in Orion 
to flare stars with V = 16m in four bands, U, B, V and R, using the 60-inch 
reflector of the Boyden Observatory. This initial work was abandoned as 
being far too time-consuming for a substantial number of stars to be measured 
with sufficient accuracy. Instead, photographic photometry, based on 
a new photoelectric sequence, was attempted for those stars only slightly 
affected by nebulosity. Correction for small variations in nebulous fog has
been successfully applied using an empirical technique developed for ADH 
Baker-Schmidt plates by C. J. Butler at Dunsink Observatory (private 
communication). In this report is presented the first part of the 
reduced material only, with a brief discussion of the photographic 
accuracy, and the applications and limitations of broad-band photometry 
applied to flare stars.

			    Table 1a				

		   Photoelectric Sequence
No.   P     V       V-R     B-V     U-B    n   V'    (V-R)'   (B-V)'  (U-B)'

 1   866   8.769m  0.887m  1.219m  1.263   6    primary standard
 2   908   8.806   0.038  -0.034  -0.199   6    primary standard 
 3   857   8.25    1.38    1.78    1.94    2   8.21m  1.44m   1.78m   2.16m
 4   878  10.12    0.50    0.51   -0.02    1  10.10   0.49    0.57   -0.14
 5   784  10.88    0.61    0.48    0.16    2  10.77   0.52    0.52    0.22
 6   824  10.91    0.58    0.64    0.09    1  10.92   0.56    0.69   -0.02
 7   917  11.36    0.54    0.59    0.01    1  11.29   0.47    0.73   -0.09
 8   895  11.71    1.18    1.42    1.14    4  11.73   1.17    1.43    1.09
 9   930  11.88    0.92    1.06    0.70    4  11.84   0.87    1.10    0.66
10   804  12.05    0.58    0.56    0.08    1  11.96   0.56    0.65    0.07
11   952  12.30    0.79    0.95    0.62    3  12.40   0.85    0.93    0.56
12   767  12.57    0.64    0.67    0.11    1  12.69   0.61    0.57    0.03
13   793  12.86            0.66            2  12.77   0.72    0.68    0.11
14   924  13.94    0.80    0.90    0.16    2  13.99   1.02    0.83    0.26
15        14.29    1.30    1.48    1.07    1  14.50   1.48    1.51    1.34
16        14.67    0.84    0.86    0.10    1  14.85   0.99    0.71    0.01
17        15.50    1.19    1.31    1.11    1  15.53   1.21    1.18    0.79    
18        15.50    1.14    0.79    0.49    1  15.53   0.90    0.95    0.23
19        15.66            0.87            1  15.71   0.86    0.85    0.08
20        16.03    0.54    1.23            1  16.18   0.67    1.14    0.17
21        16.11    0.89    0.53    0.39    1  15.79   0.74    1.25    0.24

			    Table 1b				

		   Photographic Sequence
                No.      P        V'    (V-R)'   (B-V)' (U-B)'

                22      748     10.19m  1.52m    1.78m  1.69m     
                23      775     10.22   0.20     0.20   0.10     
                24      979     14.41   0.98     0.82   0.13     
                25      936     14.56   1.21     1.05   0.33      
                26      980     14.75   1.05     0.80   0.15       
                27              15.75   1.13     1.22   0.54
                28              15.77   1.00     1.11   0.31  
                29              15.90   0.38     1.44   0.38   
                30              16.01   0.92     1.12   0.43   
                31              16.05   0.76     1.09   0.20        
                32              16.12   0.69     1.15   0.32  

  The Boyden 60-inch reflector, freshly aluminized, was equipped with an 
E.M.I. 9558 QA photomultiplier, magnetically-shielded and cooled to 0 deg C, 
with sensitivity ranging from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared. The
following filter combinations were used which allow reproduction of the 
standard system of Johnson et al. (1966), and remove the red leak:

U   1 mm UG  2 + 2.5 mm 80% saturated CuSO_4 soln. at 15 deg C 
B   1 mm BG 12 + 2 mm GG 13 + 1 mm BG 18
V   2 mm GG 14 + 2 mm BG 18.
R   2 mm RG 5

The effective wavelength of the red filter-tube combination at about 
7150 A is 150 A longward of Johnson's value, cutting off the H-alpha line.
  The magnitude sequence extends to 17.9m, 17.2m, 16.1m and 15.5m in 
U, B, V and R, respectively. Colour transformations were studied for dwarf and 
giant stars to a redward limit of 1.8m, 1.6m and 1.5m, in U-B, B-V and V-R, 
respectively. The effects of reddening and peculiar spectra have not yet been 
examined. Nightly-determined zero-points and extinction coefficients (with 
second-order colour dependence in V and B-V only) were used together with 
colour equations derived during the same observing period. For the faint 
R-scale extension, a 4-magnitude perforated aperture-screen was employed 
at the 60-inch to first establish V-R colours for primary standards at about 
V = 9m, using the Arizona Tonantzintla Catalogue stars (Johnson, 1966). 
The sequence is given in Table 1a. The columns give 1) Reference number as per 
Finding Chart (Fig. 1), 2) Parenago's (1954) designation, 3) to 6) Photoelectric
magnitudes and colours, 7) Number of observations, 8) Photographically-smoothed 
magnitudes and colours (not used in, the present work). A photographic 
interpolation to a number of other stars in the field of the sequence is added 
in Table 1b. The probable errors for the primary standards in V, U-B, B-V and 
V-R are +-0.014m, +-0.035m, +-0.007m and +-0.018m, respectively, and for 
the faint end of the sequence, about five times these values.
  A large number of scattered photoelectric standards were also set up in 
the Orion region for the study of photographic colour-corrections, field-errors 
etc. The agreement with the work of Johnson (1957), Sharpless (1952, 1954, 1962)
and Lee (1968), for a number of common stars, was within the errors of 
measurement. A few additional stars taken from their work were consequently used
in the photographic reductions but given one-third weight to reduce possible 
systematic effects across our plates.

                             PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL

  Over a period of two months, 76 plates were taken at the ADH 32/36-inch 
Baker-Schmidt telescope, with the following plate-filter combinations as 
frequently as possible on the same night:

U	103a-O  + 2 mm UG 2.
B	 IIa-O	+ 1 mm BG 12 + 2 mm GG 18
V	103-aD  + 2 mm GG 11
R	103a-U	+      RG 1.

The present discussion is limited to three sets of UBVR plates and another 
single V plate, with the centre, R.A. 5h30.0m, Dec. -5.0, Equinox 1900. 
Several different exposure times, ranging from 7 to 59 minutes, were taken on 
each emulsion in order to study the effects of nebulous fog. Fuller details are 
given later in Table 2.


   A maximum number of 303 stars, depending on the emulsion and 
exposure time, has been measured on the above plates using the Sartorius 
iris-photometer of Armagh Observatory. This number comprises 113 flare 
stars, 43 other Orion variables, 99 photoelectric standards and 48 control 
stars of unknown magnitude. For each star a mean measure of the neighbouring 
fog-density (W) on an arbitrary scales was made, after completion of the 
iris measurement (diam.) for the whole plate, by wedge photometry of the densest
plates. Differences due to sky fog from plate to plate of the same emulsion 
were shown to be negligible compared with the nebulous-fog. An X and Y 
measure for each star was also made with an arbitrary centre of co-ordinates.
   Basically, Butler's ADH plate reduction technique involves a least-square 
solution for the coefficients in normal equations of the form:

   p.e. mag + F(diam.) + G(X, Y) + K(Col) + L(Den) + const = 0

where the functions, F, G, K and L, are carried to as high an order as required 
for a satisfactory solution. See Remarks under Table 2. In fact, the solution 
is built up step by step, with attention to stars with exceptional residuals, 
delta m (p.g. - p.e.), with the solution for position, colour-and density-dependence 
limited to stars with magnitude brighter than 15.5m, and with a system of 
weighting to ensure that the final calibration curve is dominated by stars of 
the p.e. sequence. The reduction for a set of UBVR plates is illustrated in 
Fig. 2 showing the accuracy attainable with the densest of our plates. Table 2 
summarizes the colour and density coefficients used in calculating photographic 
magnitudes, and gives r.m.s. errors in the fitting of the final calibration
curve. All least-square solutions were performed on the I.B.M. 1620 computer 
of Dunsink Observatory.
   From a comparison of the derived magnitudes for non-standard stars from each 
series of plates a general empirical limit for an acceptable background-density 
variation was set. This was found to correspond to a maximum magnitude-correction 
of 0.5m (for density alone). By contrast, final magnitudes of these stars 
agreed, then, to better than +-0.1m from one series to another. The fog-image 
interaction is, thereby, not directly studied. Practically the 
full field of an ADH plate (16 X 16 sq. cms.) within an area of 6 sq. degs., 
could be utilized to yield magnitudes and colours with probable errors less than
+-0.1m to V = 16m, indicating that field errors were well corrected. The value
of these results to this order of accuracy is evident in the colour-magnitude 
diagrams for the Orion flare stars.

Fig. 2. Photographic reductions of ADH Baker-Schmidt plates (Nos. 8282, 8279, 8278 
and 8280) showing field-correction contours in tenths of a magnitude over an area of
2.9 X 2.9 sq. degs., and photographic minus photoelectric magnitude residuals as a 
    function of magnitude, colour and background density. See Table 2.

                             Table 2 

         Summary of Photographic Data: Colour and Density Coefficients 
              and r. m. s. Errors of Calibration Curves

ADH Plate No.    8314      8345      8282      8313      8343      8279      8311

J.D. -2439400    52.072d   68.957d   43.067d   52.058d   68.897d   42.946d   52.028d

Exp. (filter)    15m(U)    40m(U)    59m(U)     7m(B)    20m(B)    31m(B)     7m(V)

k = Col. coeff.  -0.013    -0.047    -0.037    -0.157    -0.116    -0.149     0.109

l = Den. coeff.  -0.055    -0.157    -0.211    -0.019    -0.209    -0.291    -0.083

r. m. s. error  +-0.075m  +-0.094m  +-0.163m  +-0.112m  +-0.064m  +-0.082m  +-0.070m

ADH Plate No.    8278      8341      8364      8312      8346      8280

J.D. -2439400    42.916d   68.863d   96.792d   52.043d   68.997d   42.997d

Exp. (filter)    15m(V)    21m(V)    30m(V)*   15m(R)    40m(R)    59m(R)

k = Col. coeff.  -0.169     0.166     0.166    -0.071    -0.038    -0.033

l = Den. coeff.  -0.232    -0.288    -0.304    -0.004    -0.046    -0.037

r. m. s. error  +-0.081m  +-0.096m  +-0.085m  +-0.086m  +-0.090m  +-0.084m

Remarks to Table 2
Photographic magnitudes (U, B and V) are derived from the following equation:

    p.g.mag.= a^5+b^4+c^3+d^2+e+fX^2+gY^2+hXY+iX+jY+k(B-V)+l(W)+const.

A similar equation is used for R except that the colour, V-R, is 
substituted. Since the nebulous background is most serious in the 
ultraviolet, affecting both the photoelectric and photographic measures, 
a U-B colour dependence was not used. After correction on the U plates 
for B-V dependence, however, no further dependence on U-B was evident. 
In Table 2, the colour coefficient, k, may be defined as the magnitude 
correction at B-V (or V-R) = 1.0m, and the relative magnitude corrections 
for density may be derived by applying the coefficient, l, to the 
density scale in Fig. 2. It may be seen that the density coefficients 
for a given emulsion are fairly smooth (almost linear) functions of 
the exposure times. N. B. The asterisk indicates use of 103a-D instead 
of the usual IIa-D emulsion employed. Also, we note that the colour 
coefficients are consistent within photographic accuracies. The form of 
the field corrections, G(X, Y), are, however, considerably different 
from plate to plate and from emulsion to emulsion (not tabulated). This 
may be due to differences in image quality, focus, plate-tilt, etc. From 
the r. m. s. errors for the fitting of the final calibration curves over 
the whole plate (2.9 X 2.9 sq. degs.), the plate reductions appear most 


  In B, V and R, 68 flare stars satisfy the following conditions, a) within 85' 
of the plate centre, b) background-density corrections less than 0.5m and 
c) all magnitudes within the limits of the photoelectric sequence. In U, the 
number is smaller, only 37. These selected flare stars have been plotted 
in colour-magnitude colour-colour diagrams (Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6), showing at 
the same time the scatter in the values for the 15 plates. The zero-age 
main-sequence and standard colour relations for normal, unreddened main-sequence
stars are indicated (Johnson 1963, Mendoza 1967). Also, the position
of several bright Orion stars, members of the Orion Nebula Association, is 
shown in the colour-magnitude diagrams. No correction for reddening has 
been attempted. Several classical flare stars (YZ CMi, AD Leo, V 1216 Sgr, 
DH Car and EV Lac) have been added to the colour-colour diagrams when 
the appropriate colours were available (Andrews 1968; Kunkel 1967; Tapia

Fig. 3. Colour-magnitude diagram for Orion flare stars showing the 
scatter in the observed values. The dots indicate bright members of 
Orion association and the dashed line in the zero-age main sequence
using Mendoza's (1967) distance modulus of 7.9m

Fig. 4. As in Fig. 3. except using the V-R colour. The zero-age main-sequence 
is derived using Mendoza's (1967) relation between B-V and V-R for the Hyades 
cluster stars. The bright stars are taken from the work of Lee (1968).

Fig. 5. The B-V/V-R diagram for the Orion flare stars. The relation for 
unreddened (Hyades) stars is indicated. Also, the position of the classical 
flare stars, AD Leo and YZ CMi, is shown.

Fig. 6. The U-B/B-V diagram for the Orion flare stars. The standard colour 
relation for normal, unreddened main-sequence stars is indicated. The classical 
flare stars, AD Leo, YZ CMi, V 1216 Sgr, EV Lac and DH Car, are shown.


   I) Although, as pointed out by Haro, there is considerable scatter of 
the Orion flare stars about the main-sequence (See Fig. 3), this scatter is much
less-pronounced in the V-R/V diagram (Fig. 4). In fact, to V = 16m, a band 
about 1 to 2 magnitudes above the main sequence is indicated using the red 
colour index.
   II) There is a fairly clear leftward limit of the Orion flare stars in the 
V-R/V diagram at about V-R = 1.0m, defined by the brighter flare stars 
of spectral type K0 to K1.
   III) Half the selected flare stars showed no magnitude or colour variations 
during the 2-month observing period, certainly not greater than the 
probable errors of measurement. Colour variations amounting to 0.3m and 
more are evident in some stars for which the plate corrections are adequate 
(in the sense stated above).
   IV) The classical flare stars appear to fall in the B-V/V-R diagram 
within but to the red of the Orion flare-star region. In the U-B/B-V 
diagram, all but DH Car fall somewhat below the reddest Orion stars. There is, 
however, some doubt attached to the enormous ultraviolet colour-excesses 
in some Orion flare stars, and it is impossible to decide what is a typical 
U-B colour for these stars.


   Owing to the inexact knowledge of the form of the transformations from 
the instrumental to standard UBVR system for peculiar red stars, many with 
emission-line spectra, comparison with other work is difficult. Also, the 
physical interpretation of the results and especially their application 
to problems of stellar evolution, is at present impossible. The results may, 
however, be useful for the classification of flare stars amongst themselves, 
and as compared with other Orion variables, notably the non-flaring 
T-association stars.


   I am greatly indebted to Prof. G. Haro for supplying me with finding 
charts for a large number of his flare stars prior to publication. I wish to 
express particular gratitude to Dr. E. M. Lindsay for his encouragement 
at each stage of this work, to Prof. P. A. Wayman for the use of the Dunsink 
photometer and computer, to Mr. G. J. Butler for the use of his 60-inch 
colour-equations and amplifier calibrations and for his kind assistance in the 
computer programming, and to Mr. M. J. Bester for a number of ADH plates 
taken by him.


Andrews, A. D., 1968, I.B.V.S. Nos. 265 and 273; also unpublished V-R for AD Leo.(IBVS N°.265) (IBVS N°.273)
Broglia, P. and Lenouvel, F., 1960, Mém. Soc. astr. ital. 30. 199.
Haro, G., 1968. Stars and Stellar Systems Vol. 7, 141 Univ. Chicago. 
Herbig, G. H., 1962, Astrophys. J. 135, 736, Adv. Astr. Astrophys. 1, 47.
Johnson, H. L., 1957, Astrophys. J. 126, 134.
Johnson, H. L., 1963, Stars and Stellar Systems. Vol. 3. 204. Univ. Chicago. 
Johnson, H. L. et al., 1966, Commun. lunar planet Lab. 4. 99.
Kholopov, P. N., 1959, Soviet Astron. A. J. 3. 291. translation. 
Kunkel, W. E., 1967, Dissertation. Univ. Texas.
Lee, T. A., 1968, Astrophys. J. 152, 913.
Mendoza, E. E., 1967, Bol. Obs. Tonantzintla y Tacubaya, 4. 149.
Mendoza, E. E., 1968, Astrophys. J. 151, 977.
Mosidze, L. N. 1967, Perem. Zvezdy 16, 149.
Parenago, P., 1954, Trudy Gos. astr. Inst. Sternberga, 25.
Poveda, A., 1964, Nature 202, 1319. 
Sharpless, S., 1952, Astrophys. J. 116, 251.
Sharpless, S., 1954, Astrophys. J. 119, 200. 
Sharpless, S., 1962, Astrophys. J. 136, 767.
Tapia, S., 1968, I.B.V.S. No. 286. (IBVS N°.286)