Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968 PHOTOELECTRIC OBSERVATION OF LINE PROFILES WITH HIGH TIME RESOLUTION IN B AND Be STARS J. B. HUTCHINGS Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, B. C. Canada INTRODUCTION One of the most important problems connected with the observation of irregular variable stars is that of spectroscopic time resolution. In a star whose variable properties are not repeated in a predictable manner it is essential to make continuous observations until the time scale and magnitude of its variations become apparent. In addition, high time resolution observation may reveal short time variation in properties of stars previously thought to be stable. It is known that many early type stars for instance, especially those having emission lines (and hence extended atmospheres), show changes in their spectra, but until we can watch such changes taking place we cannot expect to explain their occurrence. High dispersion high time resolution spectrophotography is limited to the few brightest stars or the few largest telescopes in the world. Both of these limitations are unsatisfactory, but as the photomultiplier is some 10 to 20 times more efficient than the photographic plate it is the obvious choice for such work. In addition the photomultiplier's linear response to light enables one to obtain direct intensity profiles immediately, saving hours of daytime drudgery, and allowing on-the-spot monitoring of the results. Several systems for photoelectric line scanning are being developed now, so it is important to discuss the techniques being used in order to achieve reliable cross-comparison of results and to overcome design and performance problems. It is also important to bring to the attention of astronomers the sort of work which can be done with this technique. I propose therefore to describe the Victoria scanner and the problems in its operation and then show the results which early runs on it have produced. These results should at this stage be regarded as an introduction to the astrophysical problems brought to light by the observation. THE SCANNER Basically the scanner is a photomultiplier, Fabry lens, and slit which are moved in a straight line tangential to the focal plane of the 96" focal length coude spectrograph of the Victoria 48" telescope, using an accurate screw and speed stabilised motor. The dispersion in the spectrum is about 2.3 A/mm and with the present resolution scans of up to 50 A are possible before defocussing is significant. The motor speed is continuously variable by remote control and is normally used in the range between 0.5 and 50 A/minute. The speed is constant to within 1 % at any setting. The screw trips a micro-switch every revolution, which provides a fiducial mark on the tracing every 2.3 A. Thus the wavelength scale on the tracing is accurate to within .02 A, which is far below the resolution of the instrument. The zero point of the wavelength scale is determined by scanning the comparison spectrum, which is an Fe-A discharge tube. This comparison exactly replaces the stellar spectrum by means of a swinging quartz prism. Initially a grating setting is made and the exact position of the scan identified by making a scan of the comparison spectrum. Once the position and length of the scan are decided, they can be fixed by means of adjustable limit switches on the screw. The cooling mechanism is thermoelectric, with the hot junction cooled by water circulation. Temperatures accurate to 1 deg C, down to -30 deg C are remotely controlled. The best compromise between thermal noise and light response is obtained at about -20 deg C with the EMI tube used in the blue. The recorded tracing is the ratio of the output of two channels - the scanner and a monitor channel. The monitor system measures light reflected off a diagonal quartz plate in the beam immediately behind the objective slit. The output from each channel is amplified and impedances matched. Further optional adjustments allow the scale of the tracing and the time constant to suit the speed of scan and brightness of the star. A filter is used in the main beam to isolate the spectral region being scanned for the monitor response. Using this system, variations in seeing and extinction during the time of scan are largely overcome. A 25% change in light transmitted through the slit results in a 2% change in the recorded output. In good conditions the seeing variation is less than 5% over the time for a scan so that final accuracy can be well within 1%. In order to achieve this stability however it is necessary to pass most of the starlight through the objective slit, which requires a width of about 7 mm. The resolution of the scanner is then some 0.5 A. While this is not very high it is sufficient to indicate changes which occur is spectral features of almost all early type stars. Finally I should mention the disadvantages of the system and possible ways of overcoming them. The monitoring system used requires a filter which cuts down light or covers too wide a range in wavelength. It also requires a wide slit. Unevenness or dirt on the quartz flat can lead to inaccuracy in the monitoring system, and defocussing and decollimation effects are not monitored. A stationary monitor channel covering some 10-20 A in the spectrum would overcome all these drawbacks. It would also allow the limiting magnitude to be increased by one, or the resolution to be improved for brighter stars. Efficiency and resolution could also be improved by replacing both slits with image slicers of the type now used for spectrography in Victoria. This would require redesign of the Fabry optics, but is a possibility. Lastly, a recorder which showed both monitor and ratio outputs would assist in the assessment of the profile accuracy. At present the scanner can produce profiles in the blue region of early type spectra of 2% accuracy in a 4th m. star over 20 A in some 5 minutes, or 3% accuracy in a 6th m. star over 6 A in about the same time. RESULTS The figures below show selected profiles of lines in some early type stars which show irregular and rapid spectral changes. 1. gamma Cas. Figure 1 shows series of profiles of H gamma and H beta taken on two consecutive nights. Each shows rapid change in the double emission structure found in this Be star. The star is well known for its longer term changes and similar short term changes have been obtained previously (Hutchings 1967, 1968). The separation of the H gamma peaks here falls fairly steadily during the period of observation, increases sharply at the second last profile and then starts to fall again. This is shown by the table below. time 4.03 4.07 4.10 4.13 4.16 4.21 4.24 4.27 4.31 separation (arbitrary units) 3.9 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.4 3.3 3.9 3.6 Whether this is a regular phenomenon or not must be decided by further systematic observation. 2. kappa Dra. This is another Be star, with much weaker emission components. Figure 2 shows a series of scans of the emission components in the bottom of the H gamma line. Here again there is rapid activity, especially in the shortward peak, whose sharpness appears to fall off steadily throughout the time of observation. Further observation is needed to confirm and study this type of activity, which may be connected with the rapid rotation of the star. This star also shows emission peaks in other lines, often very weakly, but whose mean separations are quite different. Again, evidence so far is fragmentary but it may indicate differential rotation of the stellar envelope with height or even latitude. The following table gives tentative velocity ranges for various lines.Fig. 1. Line profiles in gamma Cas
Fig. 2. Scans of H gamma in kappa Draconis 30/5/68 Line 4471 4481 H gamma H beta H alpha (triple peaked) Vel. indicated by peak 490-650 400-520 210-300 160-240 170-650km/s separation Other lines without emission (4921, 4713, 4387, 4267, 4143) all have rotationally broadened profiles indicating v sin i about 350 km/sec. The star is being investigated further observationally and by computation of line profiles for various geometrical models.
Fig. 3. Scans of H gamma in B-type supergiants 3. B Supergiants. Figure 3 shows profiles of H gamma for the B3 supergiant 55 Cygni, and for P Cygni. The core of the H gamma absorption in 55 Cygni is seen to be in rapid and irregular activity. As the line core is formed in the outer layers of the atmosphere and the star is probably undergoing mass loss (Hutchings 1968a), this type of observation may be a valuable method of extracting information about the atmospheres of such stars. This sort of activity is seen in other supergiants (Hutchings 1967). Scans of the B 1.5 supergiant HD 190603 have shown rapid changes in strength in the O II line at 4351 A, which may indicate temperature fluctuations in the atmosphere. The scans of P Cygni, which is losing mass fairly rapidly show evidence of irregular changes in the shape of the emission peak. These may provide a further clue as to the dynamic state of the outer layer of this peculiar star. CONCLUSION In conclusion I should mention other objects for observation by this technique. There are the chromospheric absorption lines in Ca H and K of the eclipsing systems 31 and 32 Cygni; the rapidly changing profiles in bright novae, and the line profiles at various stages in the cycles of beta Cephei stars. It is also hoped to use the apparatus for obtaining accurate profiles of rapidly rotating stars, for comparison with theoretical ones. I must acknowledge the help of the D.A.O. workshop staff, Mr D. Andrews, Mr W. Symthe, and Dr G. A. H. Walker, without whose guidance this work could not have been done. REFERENCES Hutchings, J. B., 1967, Observatory 87, 289. Hutchings, J. B., 1968, Mon. Not. R. astr. Sec. (in press). Hutchings, J. B., 1968a, Trieste Colloquium on Mass Loss (in press). DISCUSSION Slettebak: Do you find changes in the line profiles of Be stars of the type you discussed every time you observe these stars, or did your illustrations show selected moments of large change? Hutchings: I have found variations in the stars which I have mentioned during most observing runs. However those shown today were selected as showing the most marked variations. Photographic observations of these stars have shown smaller variations but this is partly due to smearing out of the changes by the length of exposure necessary. Slettebak: I have observed gamma Cas on one other night and found less variation. Spectrograms taken in Victoria also show less activity but the length of exposure quite probably smears out the changes shown here. De Groot: The variations that you mentioned in the emission line profile of H gamma are also indicated in our material; but there they are more difficult to detect because our profiles are from photographic observations. The emission peaks sometimes are quite black and difficult to reduce, but there are indications for the same variations.