Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968 SPECTRAL VARIATIONS OF P CYGNI MART DE GROOT Sonnenborgh Observatory, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands ABSTRACT From a careful study of 35 high-dispersion spectrograms of P Cygni it is concluded that the spectroscopic data do not confirm the conclusion of Magalashvili and Kharadze that P Cygni is a W UMa type system. It is found that many of the absorption lines are double, the hydrogen absorption lines even triple. This is attributed to line formation in different shells. In the outer shell variations with a period of 114 days lead to observed radial velocity variations between -180 and -240 km/sec. A preliminary conclusion about the velocity field in the atmosphere of P Cygni is drawn. P Cygni, in the Henry Draper Catalogue classified as B1p, has been known as a variable star from the year 1600 when it was discovered as a third magnitude nova by the Dutch chartmaker, geographer and mathematician Willem Janszoon Blaeu. The early history of the light variation of this star is nearly unequaled and rather puzzling. However, since 1880 P Cygni has been of nearly constant brightness. Some observers have reported irregular light variations with an amplitude up to 0.2 magnitude (e.g. Nikonov 1936, 1937). About one year ago Magalashvili and Kharadze reported some interesting two and three color observations of P Cygni. From their observations made during the period 1951-1960 they concluded that P Cygni is a W UMa system with a period of 0.500656 days and with amplitudes of 0.10m and 0.08m for the primary and secondary minimum respectively. (Magalashvili and Kharadze 1967a, b.) When these results were first reported in the Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (no. 210) P Cygni was put on a constant observation program for 5 nights by Alexander and Wallerstein (1967) who reported that their observations did not reveal any variations of the brightness of P Cygni and thus did not confirm the observations made by Magalashvili and Kharadze. In this paper some facts pertaining to the character of these light variations are presented from a different point of view. We have been working upon a collection of high-dispersion spectrograms of P Cygni, covering the period 1942-1964. From the study of some 35 spectrograms the following facts have been established. l. On most of the spectrograms the lines of hydrogen, many lines of He I and the strongest lines of Fe III show besides the nearly undisplaced emission line two shortward displaced absorption components. In the case of the hydrogen lines with Balmer number n >= 9 there often are even three components with velocities of about -95, -125 and -210 km/sec (cf. Figure 1). 2. The radial velocity of the most shortward displaced component of the hydrogen lines is not constant but shows variations which after a closer inspection have a period of 114 days. Other lines do not show this periodicity.Fig. 1. Profile of H10 lambda 3797 showing three absorption components. 3. There are variations in the relative intensities of different absorption components. These variations seem to be rather irregular. With this information let us consider again the conclusion of Magalashvili and Kharadze about the binary nature of P Cygni. Should the fact that the spectral lines often are double be regarded as a proof that P Cygni is a binary The two absorption components which appear at the positions of the hydrogen and helium are of comparable strength. This means that a companion star should not be more than one magnitude fainter than the main star. If this statement were true, then also other spectral lines of the companion should be visible in the spectrum of P Cygni, this providing more double absorption lines. This is not the case. Only the hydrogen and some of the helium lines are double. One might think of a late B type companion with few strong spectral lines except those of hydrogen. But then the Si II spectrum and the line of Mg II at lambda 4481 should be more prominent than the lines actually observed in the spectrum of P Cygni. Furthermore, the mean velocity of approach, as derived from the two absorption components of the hydrogen lines equals about -170 km/sec. If the duplicity of the lines were a proof of the binary nature of P Cygni this figure would mean either that the system as a whole has a velocity of -170 km/sec with respect to the sun, or that the W UMa binary is surrounded by a large expanding atmosphere. The first suggestion is not acceptable because it leaves unexplained the fact that all the emission lines lie at an average displacement of about -15 km/sec. Also a velocity of -170 km/sec is impossible to combine with the membership of P Cygni of the galactic cluster NGC 6871. The second suggestion is difficult to maintain because the two components always fall in the same limited radial-velocity intervals between -180 and -240 km/sec and between -120 and -160 km/sec respectively, but their relative intensities change. If these were two lines from the spectra of different stars their radial velocities should pass through all values between say -120 and -240 km/sec. In order to find out if the intensity ratio between the two absorption components or their radial velocities show any correlation with the phase of the light variations given by Magalashvili and Kharadze (1967a) the phases of all the plates of this study were determined and in Figure 2 are shown plotted against the intensity ratio of the two absorption components at -210 and at -125 km/sec. The intensity ratios for the Balmer lines, H9, H10, H11 and H12 were used, since these lines are essentially free from blends and nearly always show the two components concerned. The same phases are also shown plotted against the radial velocities of the components of H gamma and H9 at about -210 km/sec and of H9 at about -125 km/sec (see Figure 3). In both figures there is much scatter. In Figure 2 this is caused by the roughness of the visual intensity estimates that were made on the spectrograms while measuring them for their radial velocity. In Figure 3 much of the scatter is introduced by unresolved double or triple absorptions. No convincing evidence appears of a change either in the intensity ratio or the radial velocity in a period of 0.500656 day. One must conclude that the result of Magalashvili and Kharadze, that P Cygni is a W UMa system, though very interesting from the points of view of stellar evolution and of explaining nova outbursts, is not supported by the spectroscopic information. As is indicated above the radial velocity of the most shortward displaced component of the hydrogen lines shows variations with a 114 day period. This results is more fully illustrated in Figure 4 which shows the radial velocities of H beta, H gamma, H delta, H9, H10 and H11 against their phases in the 114 day period. It is found that all these lines show very much the same variations with corresponding phases and amplitudes. In evaluating Figure 4 one should keep in mind that many of the points in the lower part of the diagram at small and at large phases are from dates on which the H-lines did not show all three components. These points then are either the results of blends between the third and second component, or they are only the second components the third being absent. In both cases these points give lower limits to the radial velocity of the third component. Not only are the phases and amplitudes of these variations about the same, but also the mean value around which the radial velocity varies is strikingly similar for the various lines studied. If one assumes a unique relation between radial velocity and level in the stellar atmosphere, which in fact is a unique relation between radial velocity with respect to the star and the distance from the stellar surface, Figure 4 could be explained in either of two ways: 1. At some high level in the atmospheres of P Cygni there is a layer which shows periodic velocity fluctuations. The velocity of that particular part of the atmosphere varies with a 114 day period between -180 and -240 km/sec. 2. The velocity field in the stellar atmosphere is fixed. The variations are introduced by variations in the opacity of the atmosphere. Sometimes we can only see as deep as the layer with a velocity of -240 km/sec and half a period later we see a deeper layer with a velocity of -180 km/sec.
Fig. 2. Intensity ratio of second and third components of hydrogen lines against phase of Magalashvili and Kharadze.
Fig. 3. Radial velocity of some hydrogen absorption lines against phase of Magalashvili and Kharadze; open circles: second component of H gamma; dots: third component of H9; crosses: second component of H9.
Fig. 4. Radial velocity of the most shortward displaced absorption components of various hydrogen lines against phase in the 114-day period; a: H beta lambda 4861; b: H gamma lambda 4340; c: H delta lambda 4101; d: H9 lambda 3797; e: H10 lambda 3797; f: H11 lambda 3770. Before trying to decide which of these explanations should be chosen it is investigated whether similar variations are found in the behaviour of other spectral lines. This has been done for the second absorption component of H delta, H9, H10 and H11; the results are shown in Figure 5. It is clear that the general pattern of Figure 4 is not retained. The variations are more at random. This means that second absorptions are formed in a layer where no radial-velocity fluctuations or opacity variations of the stellar atmosphere occur.
Fig. 5. Radial velocity of the second absorption component of various hydrogen lines against phase in the 114-day period; a: H delta lambda 4101; b: H9 lambda 3835; c: H10 lambda 3797; d: H11 lambda 3770. The same results are obtained for the radial velocities of the helium lines. From different series the best measured lines were selected and their radial velocities plotted against the phase in the 114 day period in Figure 6. The lines at lambda lambda 3964, 4471, 4387 and 4120 are used for this purpose. There are no indications of variations in that part of the atmosphere where these helium lines are formed. The second components of the lines at lambda 4387 and at lambda 4120 have radial velocities of about -180 km/sec and this value is well below the value found in the case of the varying velocity of the third components of the hydrogen lines. For the two other lines, lambda lambda 3964 and 4471, the second components have radial velocities of nearly -200 km/sec. This value is about equal to the velocity minima of the third components of the hydrogen lines. That no variations are found in the case of lambda 4471 may be due to the small number of measured second components. For lambda 3964 the mean velocity of the second component is -193 km/sec whereas the third hydrogen absorption component with smallest radial velocity, H11, still gives -208 km/sec. The conclusion is that even the radial velocity of lambda 3964 is not subject to variations because this line is formed just below the layer of the atmosphere in which the variations occur.
Fig. 6. Radial velocity of all components of some He I lines; a: lambda 3964; b: lambda 4471; c: lambda 4387; d: lambda 4120. First components are indicated by open circles, second components by dots, and unresolved pairs by triangles. The influence of the emission lines upon the measured radial velocities has been investigated also. The tendency is that a strong line fills in a larger part of the adjacent absorption and thus will cause a larger absorption velocity to be measured. By studying the radial velocities and the line profiles simultaneously it is possible to separate this "emission-line effect" from the influence upon the radial velocity of the velocity gradient of the atmosphere. It appears that the corrections to be applied in correcting for the emission-line effect are always smaller than 15 km/sec. The effect of the stratification of the atmosphere which can be determined from a study of the radial velocities of lines from ions with different ionization potentials is much larger than the emission-line effect.
Fig. 7. Absorption minus emission radial velocity against Ionization Potential. The size of the dots is a measure for their weight. The results obtained by previous investigators (Struve 1935, Kharadze 1936) about the dependence of the radial velocity upon the ionization potential are confirmed. This dependence is found best to show up if the ionization potential is plotted against the velocity difference absorption minus emission instead of plotting it against the absorption velocity only (cf. Figure 7). If we now combine all these results into one general picture of the atmosphere of P Cygni we find the following: Material from the stellar surface is driven away from the star. While moving outward it is accelerated up to a maximum velocity of about 240 km/sec. Beyond that point the velocity stays constant or may even decrease a little. The matter in the extended atmosphere is concentrated into three spherical shells of gas each giving rise to one of three absorption components. These shells are stationary; the particles move outward through the shells with high velocity. In the velocity range -80 to -140 km/sec the velocity increases not very much with the distance to the star but at higher levels (where the velocity is between -180 and -240 km/sec) the velocity changes more rapidly (see Figure 8). If now a varying opacity according to our previous second assumption permits one to see deeper into the atmosphere the result is that at high velocities one really sees into a layer with smaller velocity, while in the deeper layers one sees about the same velocity. This explains why the velocity of the third component is varying while the first and second components only scatter about their mean value.
Fig. 8. Tentative picture of the outward velocity in the extended atmosphere of P Cygni against the distance to the stellar surface. The next step is to find out if and how it is possible to fulfil the equation of continuity in this case. Furthermore, it is possible from spectroscopic criteria about the relation between emission intensity and dilution factor to give a more accurate height scale to Figure 8. From the study of absorption equivalent widths it is then possible to deduce values for the densities of the different shells which will complete the present provisional picture. This work is hoped to be completed in the next few months. I am indebted to the Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories, to the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, to the Lick Observatory and to the Haute Provence Observatory for the spectrograms which form the underlying material for this investigation. The stimulating remarks and comments of Prof. Anne B. Underhill I gratefully acknowledge. REFERENCES Alexander, Th. and Wallerstein, G., 1967, Pub. astron. Soc. Pacific 79, 500. Kharadze, E. K., 1936, Z. Astrophys. 11, 304. Magalashvili, N. L. and Kharadze, E. K., 1967a, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars No. 210. (IBVS N°.210) Magalashvili, N. L. and Kharadze, E. K., 1967b, Observatory, 87, 295. Nikonov, V. B., 1936, Abastumansk. astrofiz. Obs. Gora Kanobili Bull. 1, 35. Nikonov, V. B., 1937, Abastumansk. astrofiz. Obs. Gora Kanobili Bull. 2, 23. Struve, O., 1935, Astrophys. J. 81, 66. DISCUSSION Fernie: I think one can dismiss the W UMa hypothesis for this star more simply. From its position on the H-R diagram, P Cyg must have a radius of about 100 R_sun. For a binary companion to have a period of 0.5 day, the primary would have to have a mass of the order of 10^5 M_sun, and the companion an orbital velocity of ~ 10^4 km/sec. An alternative explanation might be that P Cyg is a beta CMa star. However, this too would require large and rapid variations in radial velocity, which your observations do not show. Also, current photometry at Toronto is in agreement with Wallerstein's finding that there are no significant short-period light variations in P Cyg at present. De Groot: From the observations made by the Russian observers it seems to me that there certainly are brightness fluctuations on P Cygni. As you said, another possibility could be that P Cygni is a beta CMa star. It might well be that an even more detailed spectrophotometric study would reveal the radial-velocity variations you mentioned. Although P Cygni lies somewhat out of the general region of occurrence of the beta CMa stars we should have an open mind for new findings. And why not find a hot, overluminous beta CMa star some day? Fernie: That is true, but the beta CMa variables are confined to the low-luminosity classes near the main-sequence. P Cygni is too bright to be a beta CMa variable. However, I agree you that one should always have an open mind for new findigs. Hutchings: The preliminary velocity field presented by Dr. De Groot is in general agreement with similar results I have obtained for this star and three others of similar type. Note added on May 20, 1969: For a more thorough discussion of the light variations of P Cygni see Luud's contribution at this colloquium and M. de Groot, 1969, Bull. Astr. Inst. Netherlands 20, 225-273.