Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars 
                                        IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968


         N. L. IVANOVA, I. D. KUPO and A. CH. MAMATKAZINA 
                 Alma Ata Observatory, USSR

  After an instability period late in the 30es some more or less long runs 
of observations of gamma Cas, giving an idea of the behaviour of the continuous 
and line spectrum of the star at different years (Vandekerkhove 1967, 1961; 
Barber 1959) were accomplished. Unfortunately, when investigating the continuous 
spectrum, little attention was paid to the ultraviolet spectrum, and as a 
result all observations referred only to the photographic and visual regions. 
The resulting curve for the ultraviolet spectrophotometric gradient 
in the years 1948-1964 contains only two points (Chalonge, Divan 1952; 
Dibai 1956). In about 1963 a new increase of the brightness of gamma Cas was 
marked. About 1966 the continuous brightening stopped (Kalish 1966) but 
the instability is still expressed in short-periodic oscillations in the star's 
luminosity. It seemed interesting to compare the available observational data 
and to investigate the question if the behaviour of the star in the 
contemporary stage fits the conception of a variable shell, in agreement with 
data on the previous flare of gamma Cas (Gorbatzkij, 1949).
  We obtained photographic spectra of gamma Cas, beginning 1958 in Alma-Ata 
(slit spectrograms with a dispersion of 140 A/mm at H gamma) and during the 
years 1964-1967 in Byurakan (slitless spectrograms 175 A/mm at H gamma). In 
1965 we began to observe gamma Cas in Alma-Ata with a diffraction spectrograph 
(30 A/mm) attached to the 28" reflector AZT-8, and in autumn 1966 we started 
to scan the star's spectrum on a 20 reflector. The observations were conducted 
as far as possible parallel to perform simultaneous analysis of the continuous 
and line spectrum. delta Cas was chosen as a comparison star for the investigation 
of the continuous spectrum. We tried to conduct our observations on gamma Cas 
for as long as possible, to find eventual short-periodic variations.
  69 spectroelectric records, 22 slit spectrograms (1958-1964) and 23 slitless 
spectra in the range 3200-6600 A were treated. Relative spectrophotometric 
gradients were determined in the usual way for three spectral regions: 
Phi_1 (lambda lambda 4000-4800 A), Phi_2 (lambda lambda < 3700 A) and 
Phi_3 (lambda lambda > 4800 A). To get absolute gradients for gamma Cas, 
average gradient values for the sepetral class of the comparison star were 
used (Aller 1955).
  Average absolute gradients of gamma Cas for each night are given in Table I. 
We notice essential differences in the averaged gradient values from to date. 
Even more astonishing are the considerable differences, occurring during 
several hours, for example, on November 15 1966, which cannot be explained 
by observational errors.
   In Table I still another important fact should be noticed. For the whole 
period covered by our observations the relation Phi_2 < Phi_1 < Phi_3 was 
satisfied on the average. The UV-gradient Phi_2 was smaller than the blue one. 
Formally it corresponds to an ultraviolet spectrophotometric temperature about 
5000 deg higher than the temperature determined from the blue part of the 
spectrum. The relation Phi_2 < Phi_1 contradicts to our recent knowledge on the 
structure of stellar photospheres, requiring opposite correlation (Mustel 1941; 1944). 
At the same time our results, based on a sufficient number of observations, and 
obtained with different instruments and methods, seem to be reliable. 

                                 Table I

           Date          D         Phi_1     Phi_2      Phi_3       n

October   21/22          -         0.70       -                     4
November   6/7           -         0.59       -          -          4
          24/25                    0.70       -                     7

September  2/3           -         0.63       -                     4
October   12/13        -0.06       0.75      0.74        -          2
December  15/16          -         0.74       -                     3

October   28/29        -0.06       0.87      0.81       1.36        5
          29/30        -0.06       1.07      0.80       1.77        4
November  13/14        -0.06       0.92      0.92       1.38        3
          15/16        -0.07       0.83      0.98       0.84        5
          15/16          -         0.88      0.34       1.26        5
          23/24        -0.07       0.38      0.28       0.84        6
December   3/4         -0.07       1.28      0.75       0.72        2
March     13/14        -0.10       0.76      0.74        -          6
          14/15        -0.11       0.75      0.63        -          5
July      20/21        -0.05       0.98      0.77       1.12        2
          21/22        -0.05       0.88      0.92       1.31        3
          31/1         -0.06       1.07      0.64       1.25        3
September 12/13          -          -        0.56        -          3
December  10/11        -0.08       0.91      0.83       1.43        3
          10/11        -0.05       0.86      0.61       1.22        3
          11/12        -0.06       0.96      0.57       1.34       12
          12/13        -0.06       0.90      0.50       1.21        6
          14/15        -0.06       1.17      0.48       1.44        3

January    5/6         -0.07       0.57      0.32       1.65        2

                              Fig. 1

      From Gorbatzkij's (1949) research it follows, that at the late 30es 
the gradient ratio was in agreement with theory. It was of interest to confront 
all available observations executed during a longer period, for example during 
the last 20 years, to reveal the character of changes, which the gradients have 
undergone, to see at which time the UV and blue gradients obtained their recent 
abnormal ratio and to test the reality of our results. In Fig. 1 averaged 
half-year values of the spectrophotometric gradients, based on available 
data are represented. The diameters of the marks accord with the number
of observations used, the scattering, as usual, is marked by a vertical line.
(Vandekerkhove 1957, Barber 1959, Zilevicute 1965, Taffara 1957, Chalonge 
and Divan 1952, Dibai 1956, Boyarchuk 1958.)
  From Fig. 1 the following conclusions can be drawn:
  l. During the last 20 years the spectrophotometric gradients of gamma Cas 
showed a smooth change at all investigated parts of the spectrum.
  a) The ultraviolet gradient showed a distinct decrease, in accordance with 
the increase of the spectrophotometric temperature of gamma Cas by 8000 deg.
  b) On the other hand, the blue gradient increased from ~ 0.6 in 1948 
up to an average 0.9 in 1967. That corresponds formally to a cooling by more 
than 15000 deg.
  c) In the first half of the 50es the red gradient showed a distinct wave 
with an amplitude larger than 0.3. Since 1956 a stable increase-tendency was 
marked, corresponding to a "cooling" by more than 20000 deg.
  We want to draw special attention to the fact, that the gradient-changes 
have a systematic character. It seems that a smooth process is proceeding in 
the inner parts of the star and nobody can yet say to what results it will lead 
in the near future.

  2. Comparing the run of the gradients Phi_1 and Phi_2, we see, that till the 
middle of the 50es a normal ratio Phi_2 > Phi_1 was observed. Apparently in the 
time interval 1956 to 1958 the numerical values of the gradients became equal 
and since then the anomaly Phi_2 < Phi_1, in a continuously increasing degree 
(due to the steady decrease of Phi_2 and especially to the growth of Phi_1) has set
in. It was already marked that at the same time, about 1956, the wavy changes 
in the visual spectrum described by the gradient Phi_3, passed on to a 
continuous growth.

  3. Our results for the blue and red spectra are in good agreement with 
those obtained by Vilnius observers at nearly the same time.
  To make it obvious what spectral regions are responsible for the abnormal 
structure of the continuous spectrum of gamma Cas and what the appearance of 
the anomaly, is, we have constructed curves of absolute energy distribution 
for different years, using our observational data. Curves of the relative energy 
distribution of gamma Cas were averaged for the seasons of 1958, 1966, and for 
the summer and winter of 1967. Then, using the absolute energy distribution 
tabulated by A. V. Kharitonov for the comparison star delta Cas, we calculated 
in absolute units the energy distribution for the averaged spectra of gamma Cas. 
These results were compared with an energy distribution curve for an average 
B0 spectrum, constructed by using data for B0-B1 stars, included in Kharitonov's 
list (1964). No correction for interstellar extinction was necessary, because 
its differential effect on gamma Cas and the comparison B0 star was negligible.
  In Fig. 2 absolute distribution curves for an average B0 star and gamma Cas 
are plotted for different seasons.
  By examining this figure we notice that in the blue part of the spectrum 
a deep depression, which mainly causes the anomalous gradient-ratios, is 
conspicuous. It seems that beginning in 1958, when the blue spectrum was 
practically normal, spectral changes developed, deepening the depression, 
more pronounced in the years 1966-1967. The energy distribution in the 
UV spectrum seemed practically normal, in 1966 it completely corresponded 
to the distribution of a B0-star, in 1967 it became somewhat steeper, "hotter". 
The intensity in the red spectrum is larger than in the case of a normal star 
and the discrepancy is growing with the wavelength. It was desirable to get 
at least a rough idea of the infrared spectral part, inaccessible for our 
observations. For this purpose the results of multicolour photometry were used. 
In Fig. 3 energy distribution curves based on 8-colour photometric data (Johnson 
1964, Johnson et al. 1966) for gamma Cas in 1963 and 1966 and for the average 
B0-star, obtained by averaging the colour-indices of the listed B0 and B1 
stars (Johnson 1966) of the luminosity classes IV-V, are plotted. Examining 
Figure 3 we draw the following conclusions.
  1) The intensity increase with increasing wavelength, noticed in the visual 
range, is continuing in the infrared part of the spectrum as far as observations 
exist. Reddening of gamma Cas in comparison with other early B-stars has already 
been marked (Lunel, 1954).
  2) The reddening of gamma Cas is intrinsic. This becomes obvious when analysing 
the experimental law of interstellar extinction and especially from the variability 
of the energy excess in the red spectral region, clearly seen in Fig. 3.
  3) The reddening increased considerably in 1966 as compared with 1963. 
This agrees with the detected tendency of intensity increase in the red spectrum.
  H beta emission intensity variations as well as changes of gradients and 
Balmer discontinuities, occurring during one night, were observed several times. 
V. Liutij found brightness oscillations of gamma Cas, which reached 0.1 mag in 
U during several hours. But the question of short-periodic changes in gamma Cas 
requires a more detailed investigation.

                             Fig. 2

                             Fig. 3

  An unsuccessful attempt was made to explain the unusual structure of 
the continuous spectrum of the star by a superposition of a shell on a B0-star. 
Thus the spectrum of gamma Cas cannot be interpreted in terms of the usual 
Be-star model of a hot star and a variable shell, as it was possible in 
the 30es (Gorbatzkij, 1949). The contemporary state of the star requires 
an additional mechanism.
  In conclusion we want to emphasize once more that the noticed accumulation of 
some continuous process in the star's interior makes an appreciable change of 
its physical state highly probable. Interesting spectral changes can be awaited. 
This makes systematic detailed observations of gamma Cas in the nearest future 
urgently necessary.


Alley, L., 1955, Astrophysics 1, 183.
Barber, D., 1959, Mont. Not. astr. Soc. 119, 381, 534.
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Mustel, E. R., 1944, Astr. Zu. 18, 297, 1941. 21, 133.
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