Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968 ON THE PRESUMED PRESUPERNOVA STAGE FOR TYPE II SUPERNOVAE G. BARBARO, N. DALLAPORTA, C. SUMMA Istituto di Fisica dell'Universita, Padova (presented by Prof. L. Rosino) ABSTRACT The physical conditions of stars in presupernova type II stage when the outburst is expected to be due to the Fe-He transition occurring in its core are reviewed. The arguments showing that the star must preserve a large envelope in this stage and therefore appear as a red supergiant are stressed, and a lower mass limit of about 10~14 Msun for stars undergoing the outburst is confirmed on the basis of the more recent evaluations. Finally, the possibility that the presupernova type II stage could be represented by the small amplitude irregular and semiregular red variables with large masses belonging to young population I is briefly indicated. This paper aims partly to summarize the present situation concerning the usually accepted interpretation of type II supernovae; and partly to focus the main phenomenological aspects which could allow to test some consequences of this theory. The opportunity for such a clarification is required by the fact that not unfrequently theoretical investigations on this subject neglect to connect the happenings in the core of the star to its more external characteristics, so that some supplementary considerations are necessary to bridge the gap between the two aspects of the problem. According to present data (Minkowski, 1964), type II supernovae occur only in arms of spiral galaxies, and are therefore typical for early population I. The process giving rise to the outburst must affect only stars of relatively conspicuous mass, owing to the large values generally quoted for the amount of matter ejected (several solar masses); moreover, the abundance of hydrogen in the spectrum during the explosion seems to indicate that the ejected matter is largely formed by the envelope of the star. Hoyle and Fowler (1960) have proposed the following mechanism as triggering the outburst: after having evolved through the whole series of thermonuclear reactions building heavier and heavier elements in its inner part, the star reaches the formation of an iron core for a central temperature of the order of a few 10^9 K; as no heavier nuclei may be built with energy gain, for further contraction of the core, at temperatures of the order of 8 * 10^9 K iron is transformed endothermically into helium plus neutrons; and in order to provide the energy necessary for such a transformation, the central part of the star collapses in practically free fall, giving thus rise to the outburst observed as a supernova explosion. Fowler and Hoyle have applied these ideas to a model of a 30 Msun star with a core of 20 Msun; its evolution in the central density rho_c - central temperature T_c plane and its crossing the Fe-He transformation line are schematically indicated in Fig. 1. It has been argued by Chiu (1961) and others that several neutrino production processes, according to the current-current interaction theory with universal constant for weak interactions could occur for temperatures of the order of 10^9 K with such intensity as to compel the whole structure of the star to collapse, owing to the enormous amounts of energy subtracted by neutrinos in its center; so the question arose whether this neutrino collapse should prevent the Fe-He collapse. Although no definite word has been said on this subject, it is generally considered that the usual first order calculations done to evaluate the neutrino losses are inaccurate enough as not to allow to draw such a conclusion, and it is implicitly supposed, on the whole, that neutrinos contribute to accelerate the evolutionary process but do not prevent the star to reach the Fe-He conversion line; this point of view has been assumed in what follows. In order to test the Fowler-Hoyle scheme on a more realistic model than the one used by them, Barbon and al. (1965) have tried to identify the presupernova stage with the red supergiant phase of large mass stars, and, have considered the core to which the Fowler-Hoyle considerations apply as being only the 15% of the total mass of the star. Further, by studying the evolutionary sequence of the central core according to polytropic models and with different mass values allowing for the degeneracy of the gas, it was found that for cores with mass lower than a limiting value M_l, degeneracy would stop the increase of temperature in order to forbid for such stars the reaching of the Fe-He transition line, as may be seen in Fig. 1. It turned thus out that only for masses higher than M_l the type II supernova outburst was possible. The M_l value for the core is practically the Chandrasekhar limit for white dwarfs ~ 1.4 Msun; so that, keeping in mind the assumed proportion in mass between core and envelope, it resulted that only stars with total mass higher than about ~ 10 Msun were expected to undergo an Fe-He supernova outburst. In a more recent and detailed research, Rakavy and Shaviv (1966) have quite independently redetermined the evolutionary tracks of degenerate polytropes, obtaining exactly the same results as Barbon et al. However, they have considered in their work some other possible causes of collapse, among others, a dynamical instability interesting for the actual problem, occurring for very massive stars and due to the e^+ - e^- annihilation process, whose domain is shown also in Fig. 1. It thus further appears that polytropic models with mass higher than 30 Msun may be prevented to reach the Fe-He line because encountering the e^+ - e^- instability domain in an earlier stage of their evolution. In a second paper, Rakavy and Shaviv (1967) have reconsidered the problem according to a more accurate point of view; they integrate the equilibrium equations for the core and determine the evolution of its material by calculating in detail a number of reactions, allowing them to follow the transformation from carbon to iron. The results of their investigation show that, although the trajectories in the rho_c - T_c plane for any of the model stars considered are much more complicated than those obtained with the simplified polytropic models, still they do not discard too much from them, the polytropic evolutionary curve acting as a kind of average behaviour in respect to the more exact one, and being thus confirmed as qualitatively reliable enough. Rakavy and Shaviv, however, do not consider at all the envelope of the star in their investigation; this may lead to wrong predictions when using their results for deducing the mass range of stars able to become type II supernovae.Fig. 1. Evolutionary tracks for the core. M_b represents the mass of the core; only for M_b > 1.41 the track crosses the Fe-He transition line. Dashed region corresponds to the region of dynamical instability due to the e^+ - e^- annihilation process. An adequate investigation of the problem would require the detailed treatment of core models of Rakavy-Shaviv's type with an hydrogen envelope. In prevision of such a work, we try here to stress some points showing, on very general arguments, the likelihood that the hydrogen envelope persists throughout the whole presupernova stage and therefore cannot be ignored for comparison with data. Finally, we discuss some possible red supergiant types which could be suspected of being presupernova stages. Concerning the first point, we first rely on the evolved models for large mass stars (i.e. the 15.6 Msun star of Hayashi and Cameron (1962)) followed from the main sequence to the initial phase of carbon burning. At this stage, the star is left with a carbonoxygen core including the 18% of the total mass. Assuming, as usual, that no conspicuous mass loss should alter the evolution, one may try to calculate the maximum possible amount of nuclear fuel which should be burnt in the interior of the star in the remaining time of its supergiant evolution up to the last presupernova stage; this should give us the maximum amount of hydrogen transformed into heavier elements, and therefore allow to calculate the minimum envelope which the star preserves just before its outburst. The luminosity L_n due to nuclear shell burnings, is expressed by:
where E_i^* is the energy yield per gram of the i-th given fuel, X_i its concentration in the i-th burning shell, Delta M_i / Delta t the variation of mass of the i-th shell per unit time. The maximum value for each of the Delta M_i may be immediately obtained by supposing its corresponding shell as the only one burning, thus
A more conservative assumption is reached by assuming an evolution in which the different shells advance in a parallel way, the amounts of different fuels burnt in each shell being approximately equal. That is, we assume:
If we disregard the possible luminosity loss due to expansion of the outer envelope which in no case (except flashes, not to be expected for non degenerate matter) should be very large, and assuming that eventual neutrino losses, however big, should be provided for by the central burning of the core, the nuclear shell burnings luminosity L_n could be substituted with the total observed luminosity L in order to arrive at maximum estimations; thus we get:
Assuming the data of the Hayashi model
Delta t = 8 * 10^5 years from C burning to the explosion and the constants tabulated in Table I, we obtain for the Delta M's the results given also in Table I. These are probably rather insensitive to errors of L and Delta t. Should in fact the luminosity increase due i.e. to neutrino emission, then the evolution time Delta t should correspondingly decrease, so that the product L Delta t would not change much. If we define the core of the star as the central portion of it for which mu = const ~ 2, that is the whole portion inside the He burning shell, then according to data of Table I, the medium increase of it is Delta M / M = 0.06, with extreme possibilities ranging from no increase at all (should the He burning shell stop burning) and maximum increase of about 0.23 (should the He burn alone). The core fraction therefore should increase from the 0.18 value in the last Hayashi model to 0.24+0.17-0.06 Table I
Should we instead consider the core as being only the innermost part inside the deeper burning shell (at the end of the iron core), then only a fraction of the previous increase is expected, which almost justifies the assumption of a constant core made by Barbon et al. If now, according to Rakavy and Shaviv, we consider that only cores with mass greater than 2 Msun can surely evolve towards the Fe-He transition line (the case of masses between 1.4 Msun and 2 Msun has not yet adequately studied by these authors), then we obtain for the lower limit of the total mass of the presupernova the value M_l ~- 8.3 Msun+2.7-3.3 with the first definition of the core, and the value M_l ~ 11 Msun with the second one. Moreover, if we accept Weymann's data (1961) on mass loss of red supergiants (20 per cent of the total mass for alpha Ori), we obtain for the lower limits of the initial masses of future type II supernovae the values M_l = 10.5+3.5-4.3 Msun for the first type core definition, and M ~ 14 Msun for the other. Therefore, the results of Barbon et al., on the mass range of type II supernovae, are practically confirmed by the present analysis. The absolute visual magnitude of a main sequence star with mass around 10-14 Msun lies in the range -3 to -4. According to Limber's (1960) original luminosity function for the sun's neighbourhood, this gives us for the number of stars per cubic parsec with luminosity higher than this limit, the value ~1.10^-4. Assuming a mean lifetime for these stars on the main sequence of T = 1.5 * 10^7 years, and equilibrium between birth rate and death rate functions, we obtain some 0.7 * 10^-11 type II supernovae per cubic parsec per year. Considering such events to occur possibly in all the outer disc portion of the Galaxy, we arrive at a frequency of a few events per year. Compared with data, this value is too high by a factor of about 100. Considering, however, the enormous uncertainty of the present evaluation, especially concerning the volume of the galaxy occupied by population I, and the extrapolation of the luminosity function for the sun's neighbourhood to the whole volume, one cannot conclude that the present disagreement is sufficient to disprove the theory. Moreover, it must be stressed that the present evaluation, although too large greatly improves the figure obtained by lowering the mass limit M, for supernovae to about 2 Msun as frequently done. Probably, should the Fe-He conversion mechanism be true for triggering supernovae, there should still be some other reason to further increase the lower mass limit for their occurrence. As a further remark, according to Rakavy and Shaviv, cores with mass higher than ~ 30 Msun fail to reach the Fe--He transition line, as they are stopped earlier in their evolutionary path by the e^+ - e^- pair creation zone, in which the star grows unstable. The fate of such huge stars has been investigated by Fraley (1968) and found to lead them to a kind of softer collapse, which should perhaps show in a slower increase of the light output at the beginning of the explosion. Such a situation has been observed in some anomalous supernovae such as SN 96 in NGC 1058 discussed by Zwicky (1964) and Bertola (1963), which, moreover, appears also at minimum to be an exceptionally luminous star (M_v ~= -9); another example of the same type of event might have been eta Car. The e^+ - e^- collapse might perhaps be taken into consideration for interpreting such kind of events. Concerning the second question of trying to identify the red supergiant types which could be considered as last presupernova stages, we have focused our attention on the red irregular and semiregular variables. Although the difficulties of determining their low temperatures makes it difficult to locate them exactly in the H-R diagram, still there may be some suspicion that light variability occurs generally for the coolest and reddest among giants, and this could connect its cause to the fact of being near the Hayashi limit. If this were the case, and if the evolutionary trend in the presupernova phase was still from left to right in the H-R plane, then the connection of red variability with such a phase could appear not too unlikely. Not many reliable data on red variables of small amplitude are at hand. In order to partially supply for this lack of knowledge, we have collected the stars of this kind belonging to galactic clusters whose location in the H-R plane is determined. The data concerning them are given in Table II and their position in the H-R plane shown in Fig. 2; some Mira type stars belonging to the clusters are included for comparison. At first sight, the red variables appear to be divided into two groups: an upper one of supergiants evolving from large mass clusters of early population I; and a lower one of giants belonging to low mass clusters of disk population. Mira variables are found only in this second group, so that small amplitude red variables of this group could be considered as transition stages leading to the Mira situation. One would like to investigate whether the two groups outlined are in fact physically different, and separated by a real gap between them. Some indication on this question may be obtained from Table III, in which the clusters have been divided into three groups according to their different ages, and which contains the following data: number of clusters, number of red giants, number of red variables, ratio of the number of variables to the total number of giants for each group. The values into brackets for the third group include stars which have not been studied yet and which, therefore, are only suspected variables. It is seen that for the first or large mass group, the ratio of column 4 is much higher than for the third or low mass group.
Fig. 2. H-R diagram of semiregular and irregular red variables. Schematic main sequences of the corresponding clusters are also drawn. So, either red variables are intrinsically more frequent in the first case, or the stage of red variability is relatively longer for it. There is only one ascertained case belonging to the second group, BM Sco in NGC 6405; the period assigned to this variable is 850 days, much longer in respect to all others in both groups; this fact suggests that this star, exceptional both for its period and its location, should be studied more accurately. On the whole, the present data, although insufficient, seem to support the division of the red variables into two really different classes. The larger mass one, whose evolution towards more unstable states as are the Miras seems to be prevented by some other happening, might then perhaps be considered as a possible candidate to represent the presupernova type II stage, should all the present considerations correspond to some reality. Table II Cluster Star Mv kind of Period Spect. type (B-V)_0 Delta Mv Mass (H/M_hel) Age (years) variability (days) I Gem BU Gem -5.4 I - M1 Ia 1.68 1.4 < = 12 1*10^7 WY Gem -4.5 I - M3epIab 1.72 0.6 9 1*10^7 TV Gem -4.6 SR 182 M1 Iab 1.68 0.8 (1.4) 9 1*10^7 I Per YZ Per -6.8 SR 378 M2.5Iab 1.64 1.0 15+16 1.2*10^7 (h, chi) AD Per -5.5 SR 320 M2.5Iab 1.82 0.8 13 1.2*10^7 SU Per -5.2 SR 470 M3.5Iab 1.84 1.2 12 1.2*10^7 RS Per -5.3 SR 152 M4.5Iab 1.83 1.6 12 1.2*10^7 BU Per -5.0 SR 365 M3.5Ib 1.85 1.9 11 1.2*10^7 T Per -4.8 SR 326 M2Iab 1.89 1.0 10 1.2*10^7 S Per -4.6 SR - M4eIa 2.05 3.2 9 1.2*10^7 FZ Per -5.0 I - M1Iab 1.97 0.7 11 1.2*10^7 NGC 7419 -3.6 M7 1.80 9 8 2*10^7 -4.3 N (1) 1.55 9 9 2*10^7 NGC 6405 BM Sco (2) -3.2 SR 850 K-M 1.45 1.9 7 7*10^7 NGC 6940 -0.9 SR(I) (3) 80 M5II 1.58 2-3 4*10^8 Hyades (gr.) R Lyr -0.6 SR 46 M5III 1.52 ~1 2-3 4*10^8 R Hya -1.6 LPV 386 gM7e 1.60 6 2-3 4*10^8 VZ Cam -1.6 SR 23.7 gM4 1.62 0.3 2-3 4*10^8 RR UMi -0.6 SR 40(?) gM5III 1.54 0.3 2-3 4*10^8 TV Psc -0.1 SR 49 M3III 1.60 0.6 2-3 4*10^8 HR 46 -0.9 M3III 1.56 0.1 2-3 4*10^8 HR 1003 -0.9 gM3 1.62 0.1 2-3 4*10^8 HR 8636 -2.2 M3II 1.64 0.2 2-3 4*10^8 W Cyg -1.3 SR 130 gM4e-M6 1.62 2.1 2-3 4*10^8 NGC 7789 WY Cas -3.2 LPV 477 Se 1.91 >5.2 2 1.2*10^9 61 Cyg (gr.) -0.7 I gM6 1.53 1.3 3*10^9 zeta Herculis T Cet -2.0 SR 160 M5eII 1.65 1.1 1.2 ~(4-5)*10^9 (group) rho Per -1.3 SR 33-55 M4II-III 1.60 0.7 1.2 ~(4-5)*10^9 Wolf 630 (gr.) BQ Gem -1.2 I M4 1.67 0.4 1.2 ~(4-5)*10^9 -1.4 I M3S 1.74 1.2 ~(4-5)*10^9 -1.1 I gM1 1.61 1.2 ~(4-5)*10^9 gamma Leo (gr.) R Dor -0.3 SR 335 M7III 1.60 ~1 1.2 (4-5)*10^9 sigma Pup R Her 0.0 LPV 402 gm8e 1.70 ~10 < = 1 ~10^10 (1) Probably non member (2) Possible member (3) Uncertain. Table III Group Age limits (years) Mass limits Total Total Total Red variables of clusters (solar unit) number number number of clusters of red of red giants variables red giant stars I 5*10^6 < t < 2*10^7 M > = 9 16 37 13 0.35 II 2*10^7 < t < 2.5*10^8 3 < = M < = 9 47 184 1 0.005 III t > 2.5*10 M < 3 33 619 16 (22) 0.025 (0.035) * Our best thanks are due to Drs. G. Fabris and L. Nobili for their help in collecting and discussing the material related to red semiregular and irregular variables. REFERENCES Barbon, R., Dallaporta, N., Perissinotto, M. and Sussi, M. G. 1965, Mem. Soc. astr. Ital. XXXVI, fasc. 1, 2. Bertola, F., 1963, Contr. Oss. astrofis. Univ. Padova, N. 142 and 1965 N. 171. Bertola, F. and Sussi, M. G., 1965, Contr. Oss. astrofis. Univ. Padova, N. 165. Chiu, H. Y., 1961, Ann. of Phys. 15, 1; 16, 321. Fraley, G. S., 1968, preprint. Hayashi, C. and Cameron, R. C., 1962, Astrophys. J. 136, 166. Hayashi, C., Hoshi, R. and Sugimoto, D., 1962, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. N. 22. Hoyle, F, and Flower, W. A., 1960, Astrophys. J. 132, 565. Limber, D. N. 1960, Astrophys. J. 131, 168. Minkowski, R., 1964, A. Rev. Astr. Astrophys. 2, 247. Rakavy, G. and Shaviv, G., 1966, preprint. Rakavy, G., Shaviv, G. and Zinamon, Z., 1967, Astrophys. J. 150, 131. Weymann, R., 1961, Mt. Wilson and Palomar Obs. Spec. Techn. Rept. No. 4. Zwicky, F., 1964, Astrophys. J. 137, 519.