Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars 
                                        IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968


              C. BLANCO, F. CATALANO, and G. GODOLI
             Catania Astrophysical Observatory, Italy 


  The results recently obtained at Catania from the observations of the magnetic
stars SX Ari, 41 Tau, CU Vir, HD 173650, HD 184905, HD 219749, 8k Psc, 
HD 224801 are summarized.


  In 1967 systematic photoelectric observations of magnetic variables 
were started at the Catania Astrophysical Observatory. These observations 
have been undertaken in the course of the Catania research programme on stellar 
activity of solar type (Godoli, 1967, 1968). Some results have already been 
published (Blanco and F. Catalano 1968; Godoli 1968). Here the observations 
made and the results obtained until August 1968 will be summarized.


  The instruments used for the observations are a 91 cm and two 30 cm 
(distinguished by N and S) conventional Cassegrain reflectors (Fracastoro 
  The characteristics of the stars observed (August 1968) according to 
the Ledoux and Renson Catalogue (1966) and of the instruments used are 
reported in Table 1. The stars observed have periods of 0.5 to 12 days.
  The photoelectric observations have been carried out in the three 
colours U, B, V. For each colour, sequences of measurements were made in 
the order S C_1 S V S V S C_2 S C_1 S (S indicates the sky, C1 and C2 
the comparison stars, V the variable under study), every measurement lasting 
one minute. Such a sequence was used since we were interested in the small 
(short period or secular) variations of these stars.
  The comparison stars are listed in Table 2.
  The observations are corrected for atmospheric extinction using a 
statistically determined mean absorption coefficient. The data are elaborated 
by the IBM computer of the Faculty of Sciences of Catania University. 
In Table 3 the sequences obtained in the U, B, V bands until August 31 are 
reported for every star.
                    METHOD OF REDUCTION

  First of all, the diagrams m_c1 - m_c2 versus JD have been plotted in 
order to control the constancy of the comparison stars C_1 and C_2. All the 
observations for each star are plotted in a diagram m_v-m_c1 versus JD for 
each colour.

                                 Table 1

Characteristics of the observed magnetic stars (August, 1968), according to the Ledoux 
                 and Renson Catalogue (1966) and the instruments used

                        Coordinates                 Delta m
Magnetic star             (1950)             m_v                 Sp.  Period days Instrument

                     R. A         D.                B      V

HD 19832             3h 09.3m   +27deg 04'   5.7   0.06   0.04   B8pV    0.7279   30 N
(SX Ari)
HD 25823             4  03.5    +27    28    5.2   0.03   0.035  A0pV   11.9      30 N
(41 Tau)
HD 124224 A         14  09.7    + 2    39    4.9   0.08   0.07   B9pV    0.52067  30 N
(CU Vir)
HD 173650           18  43.5    +21    56    6.4    -      -     A0pV   10.1      30 S
(BD +21 3550)   
HD 184905           19  33.2    +43    50    6.6    -      -     A0pV    1-2      91
(BD +43 3290)   
HD 219749           23  15.6    +45    13    6.3   0.03   0.02   B9pV    0.723    30 S
(BD +44 4373)
HD 220825           23  24.4      0    59    4.9   0.020  0.015  A2p     0.58     30 N
(8k Psc)
HD 224801           23  58.2    +44    58    6.3   0.03   0.05   A0pV    3.74     91
(BD +44 45)     

                                        Table 2 

                                   Comparison stars

                                 C_1                                   C_2
Magnetic star
                comparison star    m_v      Sp.      comparison star     m_v       Sp.

HD 19832         HD 19548          5.62m    B7V       HD 19600           6.36m     A0V
(SX Ari)
HD 25823         HD 25867          5.32m    dF1       HD 26322*          5.40m     dF3
(41 Tau)                                              HD 25626**         7.9m      A2
HD 124224 A      HD 121607         5.86m    A3        HD 125489          6.14m     A3
(CU Vir)
HD 173650        HD 173494         6.10m    dF5       HD 174160          5.68m     F5
HD 184905        BD +42 3386       5.8m     A         BD +41 3398        7.0m      A
HD 219749        HD 219891         6.40m    A2        HD 219668*         6.40m     sgK0
                                                      BD +44 4421**      7.0m      A
HD 220825        HD 222603         4.52m    A7V       HD 221950          5.60m     dF0
(8k Psc)
HD 224801        HD 224559         6.52m    B3IV      BD +45 4363*       6.7m      B
(CG And)                                              BD +46 4231**      7.0m      A

         * For the observations made during 1967.
        ** For the observations made during 1968.

     The curves m_v-m_c1 versus phase phi have been deduced from these diagrams. 
For this deduction previous values of the period, when available, have been 
taken into account.
     From m_v-m_c1 versus phase (phi) curves the normal points have been 
calculated in order to determine the U - B and B - V colour index curves. 
When possible we have plotted the diagram m_v - m_c1 versus phi doubling the 

                                             Table 3
             Number of observations     in the three colours  in the order  U, B, V

Magnetic star                      Number of observations for different nights

SX Ari             1967/XI    2(11; 10; 9), 9(4;4;3), 10(4;3;3), 14(20;18;18), 22(3;3;2),
                   1967/XII   7(7;6;6), 16(3;3;0),17(3;2;2), 29(2;1;1).

41 Tau             1967/X     28(2;2;2).
                   1967/XI    9(1;2;2), 14(1;1;1),24(2;2;2).
                   1967/XII   3(1;1;1), 7(3;3;3).
                   1968/I     29(1;1;1), 30(4;5;4).
                   1968/III   1(4;4;0), 19(1;1;0).

CU Vir             1968/II    26(3;3;3).
                   1968/III   1(3;2;2), 18(6;5;4), 21(3;3;2), 23(6;6;7), 25(8;8;7), 28(7;6;6).
                   1968/IV    5(9;7;7), 6(1;1;1), 8(6;5;4), 18(7;7;6), 22(3;3;3), 23(5;5;4),
                              24(1;2;1), 30(2;2;1).
                   1968/V     4(2;3;1), 16(4;4;4), 17(6;5;6), 18(8;8;8),21(3;2;2), 27(4;3;3).
                   1968/VI    3(2;2;1), 8(1;0;0), 13(3;2;2), 15(1;1;0).

HD 173650          1967/VII   11(1;1;0), 15(2;2;2), 18(1;1;1),20(1;1;1), 22(3;3;3), 24(2;2;2),
                              25(2;2;2), 26(2;2;2), 27(2;2;2),28(2;2;2).

HD 173650          1967/VIII  1(1;1;1), 2(2;1;2), 3(1;1;0), 6(2;2;1), 7(2;2;2), 8(2;2,2),9(1;0;0),
                              10(2;1;2),  12(2;2;2), 13(1;1;0),  14(2;2;2), 18(0;2;2), 19(4;0;4),
                              20(1;2;2),  24(2;2;2), 25(2;2;2),  26(2;2;2), 27(2;2;2), 28(2;2;2),
                              29(2;2;2), 30(1;1;1), 31(2;2;2).
                   1967/IX     1(2;2;1); 5(1;1;0), 8(1;2;1), 10(2;2;2),13(1;2;0),16(2;1;2),17(2;1;2),
                              19(2;2;2),  20(2;2;2), 21(2;2;2),  22(2;2;2), 26(2;2;2), 27(2;2;2),
                              28(2;1;2), 29(2;2;2), 30(2;2;2).
                   1967/X      1(2;2;0), 2(2;2;2), 7(2;2;2), 11(2;2;1), 12(2;2;2), 16(2;2;2), 21(2;2;2)
                              22(2;2;0), 23(1;1;0), 29(1;0;0).
                   1967/XI     3(2;1;0).
HD 184905          1967/VIII  18(4;4;4),  19(5;5;5), 20(5;4;5),  21(2;2;2), 24(5;5;5),  25(4;4;3),
                   1967/IX     1(7;7;6).
                   1968/VII    9(4;4;5),  10(7;6;6), 12(8;8;8),  19(8;7;7), 20(7;9;8),  21(5;5;5),
                              27(2;2;2), 30(3;3;3), 31(9;9;9).
                   1968/VIII   2(4;4;4), 10(1;0;0), 14(1;1;1), 17(6;6;6), 18(4;4;4), 19(8;8;8).

HD 219749          1967/IX    17(10;11;8), 19(6;5;5), 20(7;7;7), 21(8;8;8), 22(2;1;2), 23(7;6;6).
                   1967/X     13(5;5;3),  16(2;1;1), 21(7;7;7), 22(11;11;0), 28(3;3;3), 9(9;9;9),
HD 219749          1968/VII   15(5;5;5), 18(4;4;4).

8k Psc             1967/IX     7(5;5;4), 20(2;2;2),  21(2;0;1), 23(9;0;9), 26(6;4;6), 27(9;9;9),
                              28(6;6;6), 29(8;8;8).
                   1967/X      1(2;2;2), 2(2;2;2), 11(2;2;2), 13(5;5;5), 16(6;0;6).

HD 224801          1967/IX     7(2;1;2),  15(1;1;1), 17(7;6;7), 19(3;2;2), 20(4;3;3),   21(6;5;5),
                              22(1;0;1), 23(9;10;9), 26(6;6;5), 27(4;4;4), 28(1;2;1).
                   1967/X     11(4;4;4).
                   1967/XI     2(4;3;3), 3(1;1;1), 4(6;5;6), 5(3;3;3), 9(6;5;6), 14(4;2;7), 15(5;5;5),
                              18(1;0;0), 22(2;2;2), 24(5;5;5).
                   1967/XII    7(2;2;2).


              1. Comparison stars

   For the magnetic stars 41 Tau, HD 219749 and HD 224801 the comparison 
stars show variations larger than the usual dispersion. For this reason
a third comparison star, C_3 was chosen for the 1968 observations.

                2. Periods

   SX Ari: Our observations are in agreement with the epoch and period 
given by Provin (1953). According to our observations:

        Min. light = JD 243 9792.49 + 0.7279d E.

   CU Vir: Our observations are in agreement with the epoch and period 
given by Hardie (1958). According to our observations:

        Min. light = JD 243 9887.56 + 0.52068d E.

   HD 173 650: Starting with the epoch given by Wehlau (1962) an epoch 
for our observations and a new period have been obtained:

        Min. light = JD 243 9685.82 + 10.1353d E.

   HD 219 749: Our observations are not complete at present, but the best 
agreement is found for the period of 2.604d given by Rakos (1962).
   Light curves of all the other stars are not completely studied at present. 
The period of 8k Psc is difficult to determine, because of the very small light

               3. Light curves

   The light curves and the curves of the colour indices for the completely 
observed stars are reported in Figs 1-4.
   For all the stars observed, the maximum variation of luminosity occurs 
in the U light. We did not notice any displacement of the phase of the maxima 
in different colours. For all these stars the U - B curves are in phase with 
the light curve, except for CU Vir, where the minimum of the U - B curve 
shows a displacement of 0.1 P.
   We noticed for none of the stars short period or secular variations. 
No peculiarity for any star has been found for odd and even cycles.

     4. Comparison between light curves and magnetic curves

   We have only for HD 173 650 the magnetic curve. For this star the 
light curve is in phase with the curve of the magnetic field given by Wehlau 

Fig. 1. Light curves and curves of the colour index for SX Ari

Fig. 2. Light curves and curves of the colour index for CU Vir

Fig. 3. Light curves and curves of the colour index for HD 173650

Fig. 4. Light curves and curves of the colour index for 8k Psc.

                                  5. Summary

      The periods and Delta m values deduced from our observations are compared 
 with those from the Ledoux and Renson Catalogue in Table 4.

                                    Table 4
Periods and Delta m according to the Ledoux and Renson Catalogue and according to our
                                                     Delta m 
      Star                            U            B                V
               L & R     our obs.  our obs. L & R    our obs. L & R    our obs.

SX Ari          0.7279    0.7279    0.08     0.06     0.06     0.04     0.05
41 Tau         11.9        -         -       0.03      -       0.035     -
CU Vir          0.52067   0.52068   0.14     0.08     0.09     0.07     0.07
HD 173650      10.1      10.1353    0.06     0.039    0.03     0.045    0.04
HD 184905     102 ?        -         -        -        -                 -
HD 219749       0.723     2.604     0.07     0.03     0.035    0.02     0.02
8k Psc          0.58      0.58      0.025    0.007    0.02     0.012    0.015
HD 224801       3.74       -        0.08     0.03     0.05     0.05     0.07


Blanco, C., Catalano, F., 1968, Mem. Soc. astr. ital., 39.
Fracastoro, M. G., 1967, Oss. astrofis. Catania Pubbl. No. 107. 
Godoli, G., 1967, Oss. astrofis. Catania Pubbl. No. 115.
Godoli, G., 1968, In "Mass motion in Solar flares and related phenomena" 
      IX Nobel Symposium, Anacapri.
Hardie, R., 1958, Astrophys. J., 127, 620.
Ledoux, P., Renson, P., 1966, A. Rev. Astr. Astrophys., 4, 293. 
Provin, S. S., 1953, Astrophys. J., 118, 281.
Rakos, K., 1962, Lowell Obs. Bull., 5, 227.
Wehlau, W., 1962, Publ. astr. Soc. Pacific, 74, 137.