Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars 
                                        IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968

                  T PYXIDIS DURING THE 1967 MAXIMUM 

                     G. CHINCARINI, L. ROSINO
           Astrophysical Observatory Asiago, University of Padova 


  Spectroscopic observations of the recurrent nova T Pyx have been made at 
Asiago in the first months of 1967, during the slow decline of the star from 
maximum. The early spectra show wide emission lines of H, HeI, CII, NII, NIII, 
OIII, FeII, etc. with violet-shifted absorption components. The mean expansion 
velocity derived from the dark lines is about 1800 km/s. Spectra taken in March 
and April indicate an increasing degree of ionization, as shown by the 
strengthening of the emission bands of HeII, NII, NIII, OIII. The absorption 
lines weaken or disappear. Although the forbidden lines of [OIII] and 
[FeX] 6374 are already present, the star has not yet reached its highest 
degree of ionization, as observed by Joy in 1944, when the observations were 


  A fifth outburst of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis (alpha = 9h 2m 36s; 
delta = -32deg 9.5'; 1950.0) was announced on Dec. 7, 1966 by A. Jones, New 
Zealand, who observed that the star had brightened to magnitude 12.9. The 
variable reached magnitude 9.0 on Dec. 10 and then slowly increased in luminosity 
reaching the maximum on January 9. The light-curve (Fig. 1) derived by M. 
Mayall (1967) plotting AAVSO observations, is remarkably similar in shape
to the light-curves obtained combining the observations made during the four 
previous maxima in 1890, 1902, 1920 and 1944. The similarity of the light 
curves in successive outbursts was also noticed for the recurrent novae RS Oph, 
T CrB and WZ Sge. At maximum, in 1967, T Pyx reached visual magnitude 6.9. 
At minimum the star has magnitude 14.0, so the amplitude is about 7m.

Fig. 1. Light curve of T Pyx in 1966-67 (Mayall, JRAS Canada 61, 350). Vertical 
        lines sign the epochs of the spectroscopic observations.

  While other recurrent novae (T CrB, RS Oph) have an extremely fast variation 
during the outburst, T Pyx can be classified as a relatively slow nova, with 
a flat maximum and slow decline of brightness. In 1966-67 it took the nova 
about 30d from the epoch of maximum to decline by one magnitude, 50d by two 
magnitudes and 80d by three magnitudes. The corresponding figures for RS Oph 
are: 4d for a decline of two magnitudes; 9d for three magnitudes. RS Oph is 
therefore about ten times faster than T Pyxidis.
  Although the relatively slow decline of T Pyxidis offers the possibility 
of securing good spectra for months after its outburst, the information on the 
spectral evolution of the nova is rather fragmentary. A few spectra of the nova 
were obtained by Adams and Joy (1920) during the maximum of 1920. They show an 
emission spectrum with wide lines of H, OII, NII, FeII, etc. accompanied on 
the violet side by absorption components indicating a radial velocity 
of -1700 km/s. Joy in 1945 observed the nova about four and a half months after 
maximum and found a high excitation emission spectrum with bright lines of H, 
HeI and HeII, forbidden lines of NII, OI, OII, OIII, NeIII, NIV, SII, FeV, 
FeVI and coronal lines of FeX and FeXIV. The expansion velocity, estimated by 
the halfwidth of the emission bands was near 1700 km/s as in 1920. At minimum, 
the spectrum was studied by Humason (1938), Babcock and Elvey (1943) who found, 
over a continuum of variable intensity, emission lines of moderate strength due
to H, HeII 4686 and OIII, as in other 
normal novae. No companion has been hitherto found.

                          OBSERVATIONAL MATERIAL

  The spectroscopic observations of T Pyx began at Asiago on Jan 31, 22 
days after maximum, the visual magnitude of the nova being about 7.5, 
and were interrupted seventy days later, on April 11, when the object at 
magnitude 10.2 was no longer observable at the latitude of Asiago for its 
low altitude on the horizon. The spectroscopic material is listed in Table I. 
The epochs of the spectroscopic observations are marked in the mean light 
curve reproduced in Fig. 1.
  Two spectrographs were employed: spectrograph AI (cassegrain) which gives 
a dispersion of 75 A/mm at H_gamma and 330 A/mm at lambda 7000 A; spectrograph 
BI (newtonian) which gives 130 and 630 A/mm at the same wavelengths. The slit 
was mostly orientated in the direction of the atmospheric spectrum, the effect 
of which was not negligeable in view of the low altitude of the object.
  The wave lengths of emission and absorption features on the spectra were 
determined using the Hilger measuring machine (Rosino) or directly 
on the microphotograms (Chincarini). The results of the two independent 
determinations were always found in good agreement.
  The final results of measurements and identifications are reported in 
Table II, which gives, in the successive columns: I, the mean observed wave 
length; II, the weight, determined by the number of the spectra used in the
mean wave length (Cam. AI, weight 2; Cam. BI, weight 1); III, mean visually 
estimated intensity (H_beta = 30; trace = 0, on 103a-F for the blue-visual, IN 
for the infrared). IV, V, VI, wave length, ion and multiplet of the suggested 
identification; VII, difference O-C between the observed and laboratory wave 
length. Further comments are given in the foot notes.

                                 Table I
                        Observational material

 Plate No.    Date          UT      Phase   EXP.  Emul.         Camera

  7357     1967 Jan. 31    1h 45m    22d    90m   103a-F          AI
  7361     1967 Feb. 2    22  35     24     30    103a-F          AI
  7362     1967 Feb. 2    23  40     24     80    IIa-O bkd       AI
  7363     1967 Feb. 3     0  40     24     20    IN sens.        AI
  7364     1967 Feb. 3     1  30     24     60    IN sens.        AI
  1198     1967 Feb. 6    22  59     28     25    103a-F          BI
  1199     1967 Feb. 6    23  48     28     40    IN sens.        BI
  7381     1967 Feb. 24   23  10     46     70    103a-F          AI
  1222     1967 Mar. 15   21  30     65     40    103a-F          BI
  1223     1967 Mar. 15   22  00     65     15    103a-F          BI
  1224     1967 Mar. 16   22  00     66     45    IN sens.        BI
  1227     1967 Apr. 11   19  50     92     40    103a-O          BI

Note: Objective prism spectra (dispersion 450 and 630 A/mm at H_gamma) 
      have also been obtained with the two Schmidts of Asiago on 
      Feb. 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 and March 15. The quality is poor because 
      of bad seeing, due to low altitude. They have been used only for 
      the continuum.


  The spectra of T Pyx obtained at Asiago from Jan. 31 to Feb. 6 are typical of 
novae in the early decline. The continuum, as shown by objective prism spectra, 
is relatively strong and, in spite of the intense atmospheric extinction, is 
well extended in the ultraviolet, like that of a B-A type star. Wide emission 
lines due to H (from H_alpha to H_11), HeI (4471, 5015, 5084, 5876, 6678), HeII 
(4686), CII, NII, NIII, OI, SiII, FeII appear over the continuum and are 
accompanied on the blue side by a system of displaced absorption components. 
The measured half-width of the emission features is approximately 12-15 A. 
Some of the emissions, particularly on the spectral region between H_beta and 
H_gamma are blended together.
  The absorption system associated with the Balmer emissions is particularly 
sharp and strong and can be recorded up to H_12. Lines of others atoms have 
absorption components much weaker and rather diffuse.
  Measurements of the central wave lengths of the hydrogen absorption components 
yield expansion velocities of 1535 +- 85 km/s on Jan. 31, 1760 +- 30 km/s 
on Feb. 2 and 1820 +- 30 km/s on Feb. 6. The other absorption lines give values 
slightly higher. The mean radial velocity over the period 
  Jan. 31 - Feb. 6 determined from all the measurable absorptions lines, is: 
-1810 +- 40 km/s in good agreement with the value given by Adams and Joy in 
1920, near the maximum (-1700 km/s).

                       Table II

                Identification of emission lines

lambda     Weight Int.   Ident.    Atom       Mult.   Notes

 3771        2     2     3770.6    H_11          2
 3798        2     2     3797.9    H_10          2
 3887        3    2-3    3889.1    H_8           2
 3969        4     4     3970.1    H_epsilon     1
 3995        1     3     3995.0    NII          13
 4057        1    3-4    4068.6    [SII]        1F       1
 4102        9    8-11  /4097.3    NIII          1       2
                       | 4101.7    H_delta       1
                        \4103.4    NIII          1
 4191        1    1-2   /4195.7    NIII          6       1
 4240        1    0-1   /4237.0    NII       47, 48
 4271        1     0    /4267.0    CII           6       3
 4318-25     1    2-3   /4317.19   OII           2       4
                        \4325.8    CII          28
 4341       11    14     4340.5    H_gamma       1       5
 4369        3    3-20   4363.2    [OIII]       2F
 4415        3     3    /4411.4    CII          39
                        \4415.17   OII           5
 4446        1     4     4447.0    NII          15       6
 4470        3    4-5    4471.5    HeI          14
 4514-24     4    2-20   4520      NIII          3       7
 4537-51     2     2    /4541.6    HeII          2       8
                       | 4535.47   NIII          3
                        \4549.56   FeII       38.37
 4595        7    2-3   /4583.9    FeII         38       8
                       | 4591.0    OII          15
 4647       10    3-45  /4634.41   NIII          2       9
                        \4647.51   CIII          1
 4686        5    3-10   4685.7    HeII          1      10
 4702        7     5    /4699      OII          40
                       | 4703      HeI          12
 4798        5    2-3   /4788      NII          20      11
 4861       11    30     4861.3    H             1
 4880        4    1-2   /4881.84   NIII          9
                        \4891      OII          28
 4925        8    1-2   /4921.9    HeI          48
                        \4924.6    OII          28
 4959        1    0-1    4958.9    [OIII]       1F      12
 5007        8    2-25   5006.8    [OIII]       1F      13
 5015        6    3-4    5015.7    HeI           4
 5048        4    1-2   /5045.1    NII           4
                        \5047.7    HeI          47
 5175        8    3-4    5171-79   NII        70.66     14
 5312        2    1-2    5314.5    NIII         15
 5584        2     2     5577.4    [OI]         3F      15
 5682        8    5-17  /5679.6    NII           3      16
                        \5677.0    [FeVI]?      1F
 5756        4    4-25   5754.6    [NII]        3F      17
 5816        2    2-3   /5801.5    CIV           1      18
 5878        9    5-9    5875.6    HeI          11      19
 5942        6    4-5    5941.7    NII          28      20
 6002        1    2-3    5991.4    FeII         46      21
 6022        1     2     6021.2    FeII?        24      21
 6083        1    1-2   /6074.1    HeII          8
                        \6084.1    FeII         46
 6160        3    3-4    6156-58   OI           10
                         6167.8    NII       36.60
 6207        1     3       -        -           -       22
 6310        1    1-2    6300      [OI]         1F      23
                         6287-6312 SII          26
 6349        2    3-4   /6340.7    NII          46      21
                       | 6347.1    SiII          2
                        \6357.0    NII          46
 6375        4    3-4    6372.9    [FeX]        1F      24
 6481        6    3-10  /6467      NIII         14      25
                        \6482      NII           8
 6563        6    50     6562.8    H_alpha       1
 6675        4     -     6678.1    HeI          46
 6720        1     -     6716-30   [SII]        2F
 7077        1     -     7065.2    HeI          10
 7223        1     2     7231-36   CII           3
 7324        2    2-3    7319-30   [OII]        2F      26
 7494        2    10     7476-80   OI           55      27
 7772        4    20     7772-75   OI            1
 8034        1     2       -        -            -      28
 8239        4    20    /8216      NI            2      29
                       | 8232-35   OI           34
                        \8237      HeII          6
 8445        4    30?    8446      OI            4      30
 8657        4    30?   /8629      NI          8.1      31


 1. The identification is doubtful.
 2. Broad diffuse band.
 3. Probably in blend with multiplets 67, 68 of OII
 4. The identification is somewhat doubtful. Many other components of OII 
    and CII are probably in the blend.
 5. These two lines are partially in blend. In the first spectra H_gamma 
    is prominent, but in April lambda 4363 is definitely stronger than H_gamma. 
    The estimated intensities are very rough.
 6. Partially in blend.
 7. Diffuse blend of mult. 3 of NIII. Its strength increases in March and April.
 8. Diffuse blend. The contribution of FeII is doubtful.
 9. Wide band of complex structure partially in blend with 4686 HeII. 
    The chief contributor is mult. 2 of NIII. The displaced wave length of 
    the band suggests CIII as a possible contributor. The intensity of 
    the band increases enormously in March and April.
10. The line strengthens in March and April. Partially in blend with 4647 and 4702. 
11. Blend of NII mult. 20.
12. Weakly represented in March.
13. In blend with 5015 HeI and probably also with 5003-11 NII. By March its 
    intensity considerably increases and in April it becomes the chief 
    contributor of the blend. 
14. Broad blend of NII lines. [FeVI] 5176 may be a possible contributor in 
    the late stages.
15. Partly atmospheric.
16. Blend of the complete mult. 3 of NII. The emission band which represents 
    the blend increases considerably in intensity by March. The presence of 
    [Fe VI] 5677 may explain the strengthening of the band.
17. The auroral line [NII] 5755 is present from the beginning and gradually 
    increases in strength. By March the line is nearly comparable in intensity 
    to H_beta.
18. The representation with CIV is somewhat doubtful. No better identifications 
    have been found.
19. Gradually increasing in strength.
20. Blend of the mult. 28.
21. The identification is somewhat doubtful.
22. Unidentified.
23. The presence of SII is somewhat doubtful.
24. Comparisons with spectra of RS Oph show that the identification is correct. 
    The line is present from February, slowly increasing in strength. 
    Possibly in blend with 6364 [OI]. 
25. In blend; however, in some spectra the maxima appear separated. 
    The intensity of NIII increases in March.
26. The line emerges on the spectra taken in March. Increasing intensity. 
27. The identification is somewhat doubtful.
28. The wave length is uncertain. Unidentified.
29. The mail contributors of this strong band are probably NI and OI. 
30. The estimate of the intensity is very uncertain.
31. Broad blend of multiplets 1, 8 of NI.

  The infrared spectrum has been obtained on hypersensitized IN emulsion. 
It consists of fairly strong emission lines of HeI, OI and NI, which were also 
observed by Joy in 1944 and are common in normal novae.
  In conclusion, the spectra obtained during the period Jan. 31-Feb. 6 
indicate a state of moderate excitation in the expanding envelope around the 
nova. Forbidden lines are represented by [NII] 5755 and possibly by [OIII] 
5006. NIII 4640 and a faint HeII 4686, are blended in a wide band of low 
  The situation radically changes in March and April 1967. In the spectra taken 
on March 15-16 and April 11, the continuum has become weak, the absorption 
lines have disappeared, or faded to a diffuse trace which cannot be measured. 
A general increase in the degree of ionization is indicated by the appearance 
of new lines and by the strengthening of permitted and forbidden lines of ions 
with a higher ionization potential. The star has entered the nebular stage. 
The NII and NIII permitted emission lines have had a flash-like increase 
of intensity. On April 11, the NIII blend at 4640 represents the strongest 
emission feature in the blue-violet spectrum of the nova. [NII] 5755 is also an 
outstanding feature, while [OIII] is represented by lambda 5006 rapidly growing 
in strength (with 4959) and by the auroral line 4363, which in April appears 
much stronger than H_gamma, although in blend with it. HeII 4686, partially in 
blend with 4640, has also strengthened as have the other HeII lines. The 
infrared spectrum, on the contrary, has not substantially changed, except 
for the appearance of OII 7324 in emission.
  An interesting point is the presence of coronal line 6374 of [FeX] which 
at first appeared somewhat doubtful. However, its identification with a sharp 
emission line at about 6374, well visible in the spectra of March and also,
although fainter, in the spectra of February, seems to be well authenticated 
by the measures and by comparisons with spectra of RS Oph taken with the same 
instrument. It should be remembered that in RS Oph [FeX] 6374 made an early 
appearance and became later one of the most prominent lines of its spectrum.

Fig. 2. On the left:  T Pyx: 1967 Feb. 6; 1967 March 15 
                      (122 cm telescope, Cam. BI). 
        On the right: T Pyx: 1945 Apr. 4; Apr. 12; Apr. 17 
                      (from Joy, PASP 57, Plate IX).

  Table III gives the variations of the relative intensities for some of the 
most representative lines, from Jan. 31 to Apr. 11. A comparison of the spectra 
of February and March is shown in Figs. 2 and 3 which reproduce some spectra 
and microphotometer tracings.

                            Table III 
      Variations in the relative intensity of emission lines in T Pyxidis (1967)

                              Jan. 31-
              Atoms                    Feb. 24   Mar. 15   Apr. 11
                              Feb. 2
 4102        H delta             9         9        10        11
 4341-4363   H gamma + [OIII]   14        13        14        25
 4514-4524   NIII                -         2         7        20
 4640-4686   NIII + HeII         8        16        28        45
 4861        H beta             30        30        30        30
 5006-5015   [OIII] + HeI        8        16        17        25
 5679        NII                 5        12        17         -
 5755        [NII]               4         7        20         -
 5876        HeI                 5         7         9         -

  Unfortunately, the southern declination of the nova prevented us from 
continuing the observations just in the most interesting phase, when the 
nebular spectrum was attaining its maximum strength, and forbidden lines of 
highly ionized atoms were on the point of appearing. This phase, however, 
was covered by Joy (1945) in 1944. In Fig. 2 we have reproduced together with 
our spectra and in the same scale, three of Joy's spectra taken one hundred 
and thirty days past maximum, which illustrate the successive development of 
the spectrum of T Pyxidis. So, all of the stages in the spectral evolution
of this nova, except the latest, are now covered by observations. Continuous 
spectroscopic control of T Pyx at minimum from a southern Observatory 
should be highly desirable for a better understanding of the phenomena 
involved in the periodic outburst of this and other recurrent novae.
  In conclusion, although different from RS Oph and T CrB for the slower 
photometric and spectroscopic evolution and the apparent absence of a companion, 
T Pyx displays some of the same phenomena which have been observed in normal 
and recurrent novae, such as the development near maximum of absorption systems 
of large radial velocities and, in a more advanced phase of evolution, of broad 
emission lines of high excitation. The most astonishing fact is the appearance 
of coronal lines (FeX, FeXIV) during the decline of brightness, which seems to 
be a common characteristic of all recurrent novae and was observed in T Pyx as 
well as in T CrB and RS Oph. The source of such a high degree of ionization is 
still unknown, and can be tentatively attributed to collision with material 
surrounding the star, or to photoionization, or to ejection of material from 
the deep interior of the star at the moment of the outburst.

Fig. 3. Comparison of microphotometer tracings of spectra No. 1198 and 1222.


Adams, W. S. and Joy, A. H., 1920, Pop. Astr. 28, 514. 
Babcock, H. W., Elvey, C. T., 1943, Astrophys. J. 97, 412. 
Humason, M. L., 1938, Astrophys. J. 88, 228. 
Jones, A., 1966, IAU Circ. 1983.
Joy, A. H., 1945, Publ. astr. Soc. Pacific 57, 171. 
Mayall, M. W., 1967, J. R. astr. Soc. Can. 61, 350.


Feast: A series of spectra of T Pyx was obtained at the Radcliffe Observatory
    and these have been discussed by Mr. R. Catchpole whose paper will 
    appear shortly. Evidence for coronal lines was obtained although they 
    never became very strong.