Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968 SYNCHRONOUS THREE COLOUR STELLAR PHOTOMETRY AT THE CATANIA ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY S. CRISTALDI and L. PATERNO Astrophysical Observatory of Catania, Italy SUMMARY A synchronous three colour stellar photometer using a single photomultiplier has been constructed at Catania. In this communication the characteristics and the efficiency of this photometer are briefly described. At present the instrument is used for simultaneous UBV photometry of flare stars. A graph of simultaneous measurements in the UBV system of a flare of EV Lac is shown. A more detailed description of the instrument had been published elsewhere (Cristaldi and Paterno 1968). INTRODUCTION During the last few years various astronomers have emphasized the importance of simultaneous observations in different colours in stellar photometry. Besides, multicolour and simultaneous automatic photometry is indispensable in the study of fast phenomena, in general, and of stellar flares in particular. Finally, the use of this kind of photometry makes the observer's work easier and permits a uniform presentation of the data to equipments for digital measurements. For these reasons we constructed a synchronous photometer which executes simultaneous measurements within the UBV system. Unlike other multichannel photometers it uses only one photomultiplier. Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of the apparatus. The light beam from the telescope, after having crossed the focal-plane diaphragm D is choppered by a filter-carrying disc, rotating at 900 revs. per minute. The disc has three round windows 120 deg apart, in which there are three filters: one UG1 (1 mm), one BG12 (1 mm) + GG13 (2 mm) and one OG4 (2 mm). The photomultiplier is of type EMI 6256 S.Fig. 1. Block diagram of the photometer. The output of the photomulitiplier is connected by means of an impedance matcher (I.M.) to a d. c. amplifier which branches into two outputs; one is connected to an oscilloscope (CRT) for monitoring signals, the other is connected to a gate which acts in synchronism with three filters through the transducer S. The signals obtained through a given filter always exit through the same gate channel. In our case we have three channels, the output signals of which are the UBV signals of our system. Each output gate is connected to an integrator circuit (I_1, I_2, I_3) whose output is measured in one of the three channels of a recording potentiometer (R) which records every six seconds. Regularity in filter rotation and therefore in the synchronous signals for the gate is assured by a stepping motor (SM), powered by an amplifier (PA) and a regulating oscillator (OSC). OPTICS OF THE PHOTOMETER The optical part of the photometer is shown in Fig. 2. The focal-plane diaphragm D consists of a slide with three holes 1, 2, 3 mm in diameter. The field lens is of fused quartz: diameter 20 mm and focus 70 mm. The lens is located approximately 70 mm from the photocathode of the photomultiplier (F), so that with a f/10 reflector the diameter of the luminous disc which is formed on it is approximately 7 mm in size. The rotating disc with the three filters is located between the field lens and the photocathode. Two small optical devices permit monitoring, respectively the pointing of the instrument and the inserted filter, if one desires to make continuous measurements using still filters.
Fig. 2. Optics of the photometer. The device (S) consists of a small cylinder mounted on the same shaft as the filters' carrier-disc. This cylinder is internally lighted and its inside walls are reflective; besides, it is cut transversely with three slots 0.7 mm wide and of such a length that each subtends, with respect to the axis of the cylinder, the same angle at the center as the corresponding filter in the disc. The light paths that emerge from the three slots are intercepted, at a fixed position, by three photodiodes F_1, F_2, F_3, one for each window opening for the entire time that the corresponding filter passes under the diaphragm opening. The signals from the photodiodes pilot the gate. 3. THE ELECTRONICS OF THE PHOTOMETER The output of the photomultiplier is connected to an impedance matcher constructed with field effect transistors (Paterno 1967). At the matcher output, the voltage-pulses are amplified by a D.C. amplifier with variable gain from 1 to 1000. The amplifier consists of a cascade system of 5 identical operational amplifiers having strong negative feedback. The UBV pulses at the amplifier output are selected and led to the proper channel by means of three photodiodes operated gates. The gates consist of a mercury relais type Clare HGSM 51111LOO. All signals relative to each channel are detected and then, via integrator and differential amplifier, activate the recorder. 4. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PHOTOMETER It must be noted, above all, that the chopping of the radiation does not change the signal-to-noise ratio, so taking into consideration that the system of the amplification practically eliminates all the noise of the electronic apparatus, it is possible to reach, integrating on convenient time intervals, the same limit magnitude which is reached utilizing all the incident radiation. The accuracy of the measurements, as known, is proportional to the total sum of the available radiation for each measure. Neglecting the radiation coming from the sky with respect to the signal, the average error (a.e.) of a measurement is given by the formula: a.e. = +-(1/nqt)^1/2 where n is the number of the photons due to irradiance of the star collected for a unit of time, q is the effective efficiency of the receiver and t is the exposure time. At present the photometer is placed at the f/10 quasi-Cassegrain arrangement of the universal 61 cm reflector. Considering a star of 10m, the number of photoelectrons obtained from the collected photons is about 10^4 sec^-1 (Allen 1963). Therefore, with an exposure of 1 sec the average error is about + - 0.01m for one measurement; averaging 10 measurements the error is reduced to + - 0.001m. In our photometer the exposure time of each measurement in one band is 0.5 sec. However, as it was noted, the gate circuit is very prompt in action, it seems possible not only to increase the exposure time up to 1 sec, but even to increase it, gaining in the efficiency of the photometer which at present utilizes only 25 per cent of the incident radiation. We have calculated that the magnitude limit which can be reached with our photometer, applied to a telescope of 61 cm, is 12.5m; this result was verified by the observations. At present, the photometer works with the 61 cm reflector and is used for a research programme on flare stars. Fig. 3 shows three photograms of oscilloscope tracings. They show the different responses of the photometer in the UBV for three stars of spectral types B6, G2 and K5 respectively (from the top to the bottom). Finally, Fig. 4 shows a flare of the star EV Lacertae, observed with our apparatus on 8 August 1968 at 23h23m, Universal Time.
Fig. 3. The response of the photometer for B6, G2 and K5 spectral type stars (from the top to the bottom).
Fig. 4. Simultaneous light curves for a flare of EV Lac on 18th August 1968 in the UBV system REFERENCES Allen, C. M., 1963, Astrophysical Quantities, 2nd edit. Univ. of London, London. p. 191-192. Cristaldi, S. and Paterno, L., 1968, Synchronous three colour stellar photometer (in press) Mem. Soc. astr. Ital., 39. Paterno, L., 1967, Mem. Soc. astr, Ital., 38, 555. DISCUSSION Detre: I should like to hear something about your observing conditions, the location of your observatory, number of clear nights, etc. Cristaldi: The Catania Astrophysical Observatory has its stellar station on the Etna at about 1700 m of altitude. (We have a conventional reflector of 91 cm d ; 1 universal telescope Schmidt-Quasi-Cassegrain 61/41 cm f/3 and two others telescopes 30 cm d in Cassegrain arrangement.) In the summer all our instruments work for photoelectric photometry, but in the winter the Universal telescope in Schmidt combination is used for photography, its limit is about 17.5m. In the summer we have more than 60-70 clear nights for photoelectric work.