Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars
                                             IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968


                         G. LARSSON-LEANDER
                Lund Observatory, Lund, Sweden SUMMARY

  Photometric results obtained during the 35 days of the international 
programme on beta Lyrae are compared with observations made in 1958, mainly 
at the Lick Observatory. From the minimum epochs of the two seasons 
a period of 12.9355 days is obtained. The total B magnitude is found 
about 0.10 mag. fainter and the colour about 0.05 mag. redder in 1959 
than in 1958. A slow decrease in brightness during the 1959 campaign is 
indicated. The depths of the minima are about the same as in 1958, but 
the bottoms of the primary minima show great dissimilarities among 
themselves. The first minimum, on August 12, 1959, was almost flat, and 
the nearly constant phase had a duration of about 0.70 days. The other 
two primary minima, on August 25 and September 7, 1959, had bottom 
widths of similar duration, but exhibited pronounced dips shortly after 
mid-eclipse. The rising branches from the primary minima are steeper 
than in 1958, making the minima almost symmetric. The ensuing maxima and 
the secondary minima occurred at phases about 0.24 and 0.49, 
respectively, or somewhat earlier than in 1958. The B-V curve of 1959, 
showing the reddening at primary eclipse, is suspected to have a narrow 
"blue top" at mid-eclipse. Another feature of the colour variation is 
indication of a small "red dip" at about phase 0.37.

                           1. INTRODUCTION

  Following a proposal by the late Dr. O. Struve, Commission 42 of the
I.A.U. decided at the 1958 Moscow meeting to make beta Lyrae the subject of
an international programme of coordinated photometric and spectrographic
observations. Mainly two reasons were given for the proposal. Firstly, no
recent photoelectric light curve was available. The second and more important
reason was the existence of erratic changes, both in the total light and in
the intensity of certain spectral features. Some kind of correlation between
these secondary variations might be expected. It thus seemed desirable to make 
a concentrated effort to observe the star more or less continuously during a 
certain interval of time, to make possible a direct intercomparison of 
successive cycles. The present writer accepted the task of coordinating 
the programme.
  From subsequent correspondence with Dr. Struve it was learnt that
extensive observations of beta Lyrae had been made at the Lick Observatory
during the interval 1958, June 21 to July 12. Thus, D. B. Wood and M. F.
Walker had obtained a large number of photoelectric measurements on the
U, B, V system on all nights of this interval, and spectrograms had been
obtained by S. N. Svolopoulos on almost all the nights. In addition, Struve
had taken a large number of coude spectrograms at Mount Wilson during
nights of the interval. All these observations were part of an international
programme that Struve and Walker had organized. Five observatories outside
the United States participated in the photometric part of the programme, but
only a rather limited number of observations were made by them. All the
photometric observations from this programme have been published by Wood 
and Walker (1960) together with a discussion of the light curve and its 
changes. The secondary light variations were compared by Struve (1959) 
with changes in the intensities of the absorption lines originating in 
the outer shell. 
  As beta Lyrae had thus already been subjected to an international 
programme, the question arose if it would be worth-while to proceed with 
the programme decided upon by the I.A.U. The interval of the 1958 
programme included two primary minima and one secondary minimum. 
According to the preliminary results, communicated by Dr. Struve, the 
magnitude at the four maxima was the same, while the two primary minima 
showed some striking differences. Most obvious was a difference in 
width: the first minimum, centred on 1958, June 25, was found 
considerably wider than the following one, on July 8. Struve further 
stated that the differences were clearly correlated with differences in 
the intensities of the spectral lines produced by the shell. In view of 
these results Struve strongly endorsed the plan of organizing a more 
extensive photoelectric study in 1959.

                    2. THE 1959 CAMPAIGN

  In consultation with the president of Commission 42 the international 
campaign was planned to cover three successive primary minima, viz., 
those of 1959, August 12.9, 25.9, and September 7.8. The limiting dates 
were set at August 8 and September 11, 1959. 
  One of the objects of the 1959 campaign was to produce light curves
for beta Lyrae that could be directly compared with those obtained in 1958.
For this reason it would be most advantageous to adopt the comparison
stars used by Wood and Walker. Details on these stars, HR 6997, 8 Lyrae,
and 9 Lyrae, were kindly communicated by Mr Wood. According to this
information the colour of HR 6997 was very close to that of beta Lyrae, while
8 Lyrae was somewhat bluer and 9 Lyrae somewhat redder. HR 6997 had
therefore been used as primary comparison star in the 1958 programme, but
numerous checks with 8 Lyrae and 9 Lyrae had been made. The preliminary
results indicated that 9 Lyrae might be variable by about 0.02 mag., while
HR 6997 and 9 Lyrae appeared to be reasonably constant. On the basis of
this, it was decided to exclude 8 Lyrae from use in the 1959 campaign and the
observers were recommended to adopt HR 6997 as primary comparison star
and 9 Lyrae as check star. Further, observers using such equipment that
transformation to the U, B, V system might be feasible were asked to observe
a sufficient number of standard stars to make this transformation possible.
  Not all observers who had intended to participate in the photometric
part of the campaign were successful in obtaining observations. As a 
compensation, however, observations were made also by colleagues who had not
in advance announced their participation. The net photometric outcome of
the campaign is sixteen series of observations, made at fourteen observatories.
The total number of observations, from the interval of the campaign, amounts
to 2361. Some observers extended their series outside the campaign limits.
  Details on the sixteen series of observations are given in Table 1, where
the participating observatories are listed in longitudinal order. The table is
self-explanatory, except for the penultimate column, giving information on
the colour systems. In cases where the instrument-filter combinations are
different from those of the standard U, B, V system, the colour regions 
have been roughly indicated by the letters u, v, b, y, and r, which 
stand for ultraviolet, violet, blue, yellow, and red, respectively. 
Arrows following these symbols and pointing to U, B, V indicate that the 
observers have also furnished data transformed to the standard system. 
Particulars concerning filters and transformation formulae are given in 
the papers referred to in the final column of Table 1. These same papers 
also contain the original observations. Several of the observers have 
desisted from publishing their observations, but kindly submitted them 
to the present writer for inclusion in this final report of the campaign 
(Larsson-Leander, reference 4 of Table 1).

                                 Table 1.

                          Observers and instruments

Series	Observatory	Observers	Instrument	Multiplier	Colour system	Ref.

 1	Nanking	        Chang, Hong,	24" reflector	RCA 1P21	b (no filter)	1
	        	Mo, Chow	(silvered			

 2      Byurakan        Grigoryan       16" reflector   EMI 6094        u, b, y, r      2
 3      Abastumani      Magalashvili,   13" reflector                   v, y            3
 4      Cracow          Szafraniec       8" refractor   RCA 931-A       b, y            4
 5      Budapest        Balazs-Detre    24" reflector   RCA 1P21        u, B, V, r      4
 6	Stockholm	Larrson-	24" refractor	EMI 5060	B, V            4
 7      Capodimonte     Fresa            7" refractor   RCA 1P21        b (no filter)   5
 8      Copenhagen      Gyldenkerne,    10" reflector   EMI 5060        B, V            6
	(Brorfelde)     Jaeger
 9      Hoher List      Herczeg         14" reflector   RCA 1P21        u, b, r->U, B,  7
10	Leiden, I	Kwee	        18" reflector	EMI 6094	U, B, V, r      4	
11	Leiden, II	van Agt	        10" refractor	RCA 1P21	v, B, y	        4
12	Pic-du-Midi	Bouigue,	24" reflector	Lallemand	U, B, V	        4
13	Sidmouth	Archer	         7" astrograph	RCA 931-A	b, y-> B-V	4
14	Flower and	Binnendijk	28" reflector	RCA 1P21	u, v, b, y->U,	8
        Cook, I                                                         B, V
15	Flower and	Bookmyer	15" siderostat		        y->V	        8
        Cook, II
16	Lick	        Gordon	        22" reflector	RCA 1P21	B, V	        9


1. Chang, Hong, Mo, and Chow (1959); 2. Grigoryan (1961); 
3. Magalashvili and Kumsishvili (1960); 4. Larsson-Leander; 
5. Fresa (1960);.6. Gyldenkerne and Jaeger (1963); 
7. Herczeg (1964); 8. Binnendijk (1960); 9. Gordon (1960).

  Photometric observations were made during all 35 days of the campaign. 
However, because of the unequal longitudinal distribution of the 
observers, gaps of about 0.5 days are frequent. Table 2 gives for each 
colour the number of observations furnished by the various observers, 
with the number of observing nights within parentheses.

                              Table 2.

Number of observations and observing nights (between parentheses)

Observatory	       u	   v           b	   y            r

Nanking		                	    442 (25)		
Byurakan	     53 (21)		     56 (21)	 55 (21)      35 (12)
Abastumani		         59 (6)	        	 59  (6)	
Cracow			                     28  (6)	 28  (6)	
Budapest	     44 (22)		     43 (22)	 42 (22)      45 (22)
Stockholm			             93 (16)	 93 (16)	
Capodimonte			            193 (28)		
Copenhagen			             80 (15)	 92 (15)	
Hoher List	     53 (11)		     53 (11)	 	      53 (11)
Leiden,  I	     14  (6)		     14  (6)	 13  (6)      13  (6)
Leiden, II		          8 (6)	     12  (6)	 12  (6)	
Pic-du-Midi	     12  (7)		     12  (7)	 12  (7)	
Sidmouth			              7  (7)	  7  (7)	
Flower and Cook,  I  27  (5)	 74 (6)	     80  (6)	 81  (6)	
Flower and Cook, II				         34  (3)	
Lick			                    115 (13)	115 (13)	

All	            203	        141	   1228   	643	     146

  The internal mean errors of the various series of observations were 
estimated by two methods:
(1) From the scatter shown in magnitude differences obtained for 
comparison and check stars.
(2) From the scatter in the observations of beta Lyrae at epochs when the 
variable should be almost stationary in light, i.e. at maxima and 
minima, or from scatter during very short intervals of time.
  The pre-requisite for the use of method (1) is, of course, that the 
comparison and check stars remained constant during the interval of the 
campaign. As further discussed in Section 3, this was found to be true. 
In several cases mean errors derived in this way were communicated by 
the observers themselves.
  As regards method (2), many series of closely spaced observations 
exhibit a rather large scatter, which one would be tempted to interpret 
as rapid fluctuations. However, intercomparisons of various overlapping 
series indicate quite clearly that the main part of the "fluctuations" 
merely reflects observational errors or effects introduced by variable 
atmospheric extinction. This view is supported by the fact that for 
series containing a sufficient number of observations, mean errors 
calculated by means of method (2) agree with those from method (1).
The average values of the internal mean errors are given in Table 3. Two 
series, Pic-du-Midi and Sidmouth, are missing from this tabulation, 
because of insufficient data.
  We end this section by noting that high-dispersion spectrograms of 
beta Lyrae were obtained by Abt at McDonald Observatory on thirteen nights of 
the campaign. In addition, K. O. Wright and A. McKellar at Dominion 
Astrophysical Observatory obtained spectrograms on three nights, one 
just after the end of the campaign. The entire spectrographic material 
has been discussed by Abt (1962).

                              Table 3.

            Internal mean error of a single observation

Series                u           v            b            y            r		

Nanking		 	                     .018		
Byurakan	    .02		             .02	  .02	       .02
Abastumani		        .030		          .034	
Cracow			                     .05	  .04	
Budapest	    .020	             .018	  .020	       .015
Stockholm			             .008	  .010	
Capodimonte			             .02		
Copenhagen			             .010	  .010	
Hoher List	    .012	             .010		       .008
Leiden,  I	    .017	             .010	  .008	       .010
Leiden, II	    .026	             .012	  .010	
Flower and Cook,  I .013	.015	     .018	  .015	
Flower and Cook, II				          .019	
Lick			                     .01	  .01	

                    3. THE COMPARISON STARS

  As recommended by the coordinator most observers used HR 6997 and 9 Lyrae 
for comparison purposes, but other stars were adopted by some observers. 
Table 4 lists the stars actually used in the various series, the primary 
comparison star being the first one. The observers checked the constancy of 
their respective primary comparison star by repeated measurements of their 
second (or third) star in Table 4. From studies of plots of the magnitude 
differences versus time, it is concluded that all comparison stars remained 
constant, within observational accuracy. During the 1958 programme Wood
and Walker (1960) obtained occasionally discordant results for the 
magnitude difference between HR 6997 and 9 Lyrae, which were ascribed to 
variations of HR 6997. No such discordances, beyond the observational 
errors, were noted during the 1959 campaign.

                              Table 4.

                           Comparison stars

Series                            Stars

Nanking                      HR 6997, 9 Lyr
Byurakan                     HR 6997, 9 Lyr
Abastumani                   9 Lyr, HR 6997
Cracow                       HR 6997
Budapest                     HR 6997, 9 Lyr, gamma Lyr
Stockholm                    HR 6997, 9 Lyr
Capodimonte                  HR 6997
Copenhagen                   HR 6997, 9 Lyr
Hoher List                   HR 6997, 9 Lyr
Leiden, I                    HR 6997, 9 Lyr
Leiden, II                   HR 6997, 9 Lyr
Pic-du-Midi                  gamma Lyr, phi Lyr A, phi Lyr B
Sidmouth                     HR 6997
Flower and Cook, I           gamma Lyr, 9 Lyr
Flower and Cook, II          gamma Lyr, 9 Lyr
Lick                         HR 6997, 9 Lyr

  The complicated procedure of obtaining the most probable B and V values 
for the comparison stars from the observations made by the various 
observers is omitted here. Full details are given in the writer's 
comprehensive report, which is being printed in Arkiv for Astronomi.
  The finally adopted standard magnitudes and colours for the three main 
comparison stars, HR 6997, 9 Lyr, and gamma Lyr, are given in Table 5. 
Corresponding values from 1958, as obtained by Wood and Walker (1960) 
are also listed. It is seen that the 1959 V magnitudes are slightly 
fainter than the 1958 values. The B-V colour of HR 6997 turned out 
somewhat redder in 1959 than in 1958, while the colour found for 9 Lyr 
is the same during both seasons.

                               Table 5.

        Standard magnitudes and colours for comparison stars
			       1959		       1958	
	Star	Sp.	    V        B-V	    V	    B-V
     HR 6997	B8	  5.452	    -0.126        5.430	   -.0154
       9 Lyr	A2	  5.279	    +0.058	  5.254	   +0.059
   gamma Lyr	B9 III	  3.250	    -0.045				

                     4. THE DERIVATION OF LIGHT CURVES

  It is known that the B-V colour of beta Lyrae is only slightly affected 
by the light variations. Wood and Walker (1960) found an increase of B-V 
by about 0.07 mag. at primary eclipse, but no change at secondary 
eclipse. It was therefore expected that the reduction of the 1959 
observations to a common system would present no particular 
difficulties, even though the various series had been made in different 
colour regions. However, the problem turned out to be rather more 
complicated than anticipated.
  Attempts to derive transformation formulae by means of the measurements 
of the comparison stars proved unsuccessful, probably because of the 
small colour differences involved. Instead of using this straightforward 
method, it was then necessary to adopt one or several series as 
standards, and to reduce the other series by means of empirical 
corrections. Obviously, the standard series had to be chosen among those 
stated by the observers to be on the B, V system.
  With the 1959 magnitudes of the comparison stars, as given in Table 5, it was 
found that the partly overlapping Stockholm, Pic-du-Midi, and Flower and Cook I 
series of both B and V magnitudes agree very satisfactorily. These series, 
without any corrections, were taken to define frame-works of standard 
magnitudes. They were plotted on large-scale graphs, and fragmentary 
light curves were obtained. These contained points at a variety of phases, 
including maxima, as well as primary and secondary minima. One by one the other
series were reduced to these frameworks, and more points were 
successively added to the light curves. For each series the necessary 
corrections were determined at all epochs where overlaps occurred. The 
runs of the corrections were studied versus magnitude and colour in 
order to disclose possible non-constant terms. The order in which the 
various series were taken and the corrections obtained are shown in 
Tables 6 and 7.

                                 Table 6.

                       Reduction of V magnitudes

Series			V (beta	Lyr)

Stockholm		5.452	+ Delta V	
Pic-du-Midi		V		
Flower and Cook, I	3.250	+ Delta V	
Copenhagen		5.452	+ Delta V-0.047
Leiden, I		5.452	+ Delta V-0.071
Budapest		5.452	+ Delta y-0.052
Leiden, II		5.452	+ Delta y-0.025
Hoher List		5.452	+ Delta V-0.053
Byurakan		5.28	+ Delta y-0.07
Lick		        5.28	+ Delta y-0.11
Abastumani		5.452	+ Delta y-0.047
Flower and Cook, II	3.250	+ Delta y	

                                 Table 7.

                       Reduction of B magnitudes

Series		        B (beta Lyr)	

Stockholm	        5.326 + Delta B		
Pic-du-Midi	        B		
Flower and Cook, I	3.205 + Delta B		
Copenhagen	        5.326 + Delta B	-0.010	
Leiden, I	        5.326 + Delta B	-0.041	
Leiden, II	        5.326 + Delta b	+0.004	
Hoher List	        5.326 + Delta b		
Budapest	        5.326 + Delta b	-0.33(Delta v-Delta b)+
Lick	                5.34  + Delta b -0.07	
Byurakan	        5.34  + Delta b -0.05	
Abastumani	        5.326 + Delta v +0.030	
Nanking	                5.337 + Delta b -0.065 Delta b -0.037

  Three series, Cracow, Capodimonte, and Sidmouth, which are missing from 
these tabulations, had to be omitted. The Cracow and Sidmouth series contain 
rather few observations and show, when compared with other series, erratic 
deviations of a considerable amount. For the more numerous Capodimonte 
observations, obtained with a refractor and no filter, it was not possible 
to find any single correction formula that could be used consistently
for the whole series. Further, because of large deviations, some five 
observations had to be rejected in each of the Byurakan and Abastumani 
  As shown in Table 6, all the accepted series of yellow magnitudes could 
be reduced to the framework of standard V magnitudes by means of 
constant corrections. It is noteworthy that none of these corrections 
appear with positive sign. The largest correction, that of the Lick 
series, amounts to -0.11 mag.
  On the other hand, for the blue observations it was necessary, as 
indicated in Table 7, to introduce a colour term for the Budapest 
observations and a magnitude term for the Nanking series. The 
corrections applied to the individual observations of these two series 
vary from -0.007 to -0.040 mag. and from +0.031 to +0.097 mag., 
respectively. For the Hoher List blue observations the instrumental 
values Delta b were used rather than values of Delta B, as calculated from 
formulae derived by Herczeg (1964). The reason is that no correction 
was needed in the former case, while use of Delta B made a correction 
necessary. It is noted that here again the Lick series requires a rather 
large negative correction, amounting to 0.07 mag.
  The resulting composite light curves, showing the fit of the various 
series, are not reproduced here, because of their bulky nature. They 
are, however, included in the more comprehensive report 
(Larsson-Leander), already referred to.


  The individual observations, reduced to the B, V system as described in 
the previous section, were allotted weights in accordance with the mean 
errors of Table 3. The Pic-du-Midi series, not appearing in this table, 
was included in the group of series of highest accuracy, the observations 
of which were given unit weight. Normal points were then formed from 
the observations accepted. Because of the unequal spacing of the observations 
and the various degree of accuracy, the weights of the normals vary between 
0.2 and 8.4. The total number of normals is 173 in V and 221 in B.

  From the B light curve, which is the most complete one, the epochs of 
the three primary minima are found as

  I. J. D. 2436 793.47 
 II.            806.405 
III.	        819.36

where the second value has the highest accuracy. Combining this with the 
minimum epoch J. D. 2436 379.532, derived by Wood and Walker (1960), a 
period of 12.9355 days is obtained. Phases for the normal points were 
computed using this value for the period and the observed epoch for primary 
minimum II.
  The B normal points and the B-V colours, derived as differences between 
the B and V normals, are plotted versus phase in Fig. 1. Different symbols 
have been used for the various cycles. Some few normals have been omitted, 
to avoid crowding of symbols. For comparison, the runs of B and B-V according 
to the 1958 Lick observations (Wood and Walker, 1960) are indicated by line 
segments. These have been drawn with respect to the phases designated II 
by Wood and Walker.

Fig. 1. Light and colour curves for beta Lyrae according to normal points 
determined during the 1959 campaign (symbols), compared with curves 
(line segments) derived from the 1958 Lick observations (Wood and Walker, 1960). 

Dots refer to the interval J. D. 2436 788 - 802.5, crosses to 801.3-815.4, 
open circles to 814.3-823. Line segments drawn in full refer to 
J. D. 2436 375-387, dashed segments to 387-396.

  It may be remarked here that the period of 12.9355 days, derived from the 
1958 and 1959 minima, is somewhat longer than expected from ephemerides in 
current use. Wood and Walker (1960), following J. Sahade, S.-.S Huang, Struve, 
and V. Zebergs (1959), calculated phases from a formula given by 
R. Prager (1931) and modified by K. Saidov (1955), namely,

Min. = J. D. 2398590.57 + 12.908006 E + 0.3919 X 10^-5 E^2-0.3 X 10^-10 E^3

The period predicted by this formula, and corresponding to the one 
quoted above, is 12.9303 days. The residuals, O-C are +0.266 day for the 
1958 minimum epoch and +0.439 day for the 1959 minimum II. The failure 
of the formula to represent the minima was noted by Wood and Walker, and 
by adjusting the phases by the corresponding amount, -0.0206 P, they 
obtained the system designated II (using the period 12.93016 days, predicted 
for the epoch of observations).

  More recently a new ephemeris,

Min. = J. D. 2433 289.47185 + 12.928481 E + 0.3556 X 10^-5 E^2 - 0.648 X 10^-10 E^3

has been derived by Wood and J. E. Forbes (1963) from a leastsquare 
solution of 465 minimum epochs. The period predicted for the mean epoch 
of the 1958 and 1959 observations is 12.93029 days. The residuals, O-C, 
are -0.049 for the 1958 epoch, but +0.12, +0.125, and +0.15 days, 
respectively, for the three 1959 minima. Although these latter residuals 
are smaller than the dispersion, 0.17520 days, obtained in the solution, 
they are obviously to be regarded as significant.
  Of course, the difference between the periods used for calculating 
phases for the 1958 and the 1959 observations, is much too small to 
invalidate in any noticeable degree the comparison of light and colour 
curves, presented in Fig. 1.


  As shown by Fig. 1, the over-all magnitude of beta Lyrae in the blue region 
was about 0.10 mag. fainter in 1959 than in 1958, and the B-V colour 
appears to have been about 0.05 mag. redder. The difference in the 
visual region is thus about 0.05 mag. It is recalled in this connection 
that most of the 1959 series of observations, if taken uncorrected, 
indicate still fainter magnitudes (cf. Tables 6 and 7). Disregarding for 
the moment the disturbance in the form of an extra dip shortly after 
zero phase, it is also obvious from Fig. 1 that the depth of the primary 
minimum was about the same both in 1958 and 1959. The secondary minimum, 
on the other hand, was possibly somewhat shallower in 1959.
  The most striking difference between the 1958 and 1959 light curves is 
the change in asymmetry. In 1959 the rise from primary minimum was much 
steeper than in 1958. This is probably to some extent connected with the 
phases of the ensuing maximum and of the secondary minimum. In 1:958 the 
maximum, M 1, following primary minimum arrived at about phase 0.27, 
while in 1959 M 1 came at a phase somewhat earlier than 0.25. A similar 
phase shift is apparent for the secondary minimum, which in 1958 arrived 
at phase 0.51 and in 1959 at phase 0.49.
  Data on the phases of the two maxima, M 2 and M 1, and of the secondary 
minimum are given in Table 8, according to independent measurements on 
both the B and V light curves from 1958 and 1959. The cycles are counted 
according to the ephemeris of Wood and Forbes (1963). The first two cycles
of Table 8 thus correspond to the interval observed by Wood and Walker, 
while the three later ones are those of the 1959 campaign. Besides the 
systematic differences mentioned above, we note a large difference in 
the M 2 phase for the two 1958 cycles. This, of course, is due to the 
abnormally faint magnitudes found during the first of the 1958 observing 
nights (cf. Fig. 1).

                                  Table 8.

                  Phases of maxima and secondary minimum

Cycle*	     M 2	     M 1	  Sec. min	
E         B        V	 B       V	 B	 V

239	-0.219	-0.230	0.276	0.272	0.508	0.512
240	-0.258	-0.258	0.274	0.265			
271	-0.247	-0.253	0.247	0.246	0.492	0.490
272	-0.244	-0.254	0.236	0.228	0.491	0.489
273	-0.240	-0.251	0.235	0.232			

* Cycles are counted according to the ephemeris of Wood and Forbes (1963).

  The asymmetry of the primary minimum was first noted by J. Stebbins 
(1916) from his observations made at the Lick Observatory in 1915. From 
a mean light curve, covering three cycles, he found M 2 at phase 0.267 
and M 1 at -0.228. As pointed out by Wood and Walker (1960) the 
difference in slope of the declining and rising branches was at that 
time found much larger than in 1958. It appears from Fig. 1 that in 1959 
the slope of the two branches was almost the same, or even somewhat 
steeper for the rising branch, if the comparison is extended to phases 
more distant from the minimum epoch than 0.10 P.
  At phases corresponding to the shoulders of the principal minimum, say 
from phase 0.80 to 0.90 and from 0.10 to about 0.20, the various cycles 
deviated systematically from each other both in 1958 and 1959. The deviations 
in 1958, which affected the upper width of the primary minimum, were found 
by Wood and Walker. As shown in Fig. 1 the 1959 deviations are exaggerated 
because of a slight progressive change in the total magnitude of the system.
  This change is further substantiated by Table 9, giving B and V 
magnitudes for the maxima and minima observed in 1958 by Wood and Walker 
(1960) and in 1959 during the international campaign. Smoothed light curves 
have been used in all cases. Note that the magnitudes of the 1959 primary 
minima refer to the faintest portion of the minima, the dips around phase 0.02 
are thus included. From the magnitudes at the maxima observed in 1959, it 
appears that during the interval of the campaign the brightness of the system 
decreased rather regularly by about 0.05 mag. This is a second evidence for 
the existence of slow magnitude variations, the first one being simply the 
over-all difference between the 1958 and 1959 magnitudes. Of course, such 
variations are contributing to the scatter obtained when observations from 
several cycles are combined to a mean light curve.

                                  Table 9.
Magnitudes at maxima and minima
Cycle*	    M 2	        Prim. min.         M 1	         Sec. min.
239	3.29	3.36	4.21	4.19	3.30	3.35	3.77:	3.85:
240	3.29	3.35	4.22:	4.20:	3.31	3.35		
271	3.37	3.36	4.31	4.26	3.39	3.39	3.80	3.81:
272	3.40	3.41:	4.40	4.34	3.40	3.41	3.82	3.85
273	3.41	3.42	4.37	4.31	3.41	3.41		

* Cycles are counted according to the ephemeris of Wood and Forbes (1963).

  The bottoms of the three primary minima observed during the 1959 campaign 
exhibit striking dissimilarities. The first minimum (E = 271) seems to have 
been almost flat, with perhaps a very small dip, in blue light at about 
phase 0.02. The duration of the constant, or nearly constant phase was about
0.06 P. If considered flat, the minimum magnitudes are B = 4.30 and V = 4.26, 
and the depths of the minimum are Delta B = 0.92 and Delta V = 0.88. 
These depths are only slightly larger than the values, Delta B = 0.91 and 
Delta V = 0.84, found by Wood and Walker (1960) for the two 1958 minima. 
The other two of the 1959 primary minima show pronounced dips shortly after 
zero phase. At the second minimum (E = 272) the dip amounts to Delta B = 0.10 
and is centred at phase 0.015. At the third minimum (E = 273) the dip is 
Delta B = 0.07, and the centre falls at phase 0.025. As shown by the V 
magnitudes in Table 9, the two dips appear slightly smaller in the yellow 
light curve. For phases 0.02 to 0.03 these pronounced differences between 
the first cycle and the two following ones are clearly shown already in 
the light curve based on the Lick observations alone (Gordon, 1960).
  The bottoms of the secondary minima appear rounded and no peculiarities 
are noted. The depths are about Delta B = 0.41 and Delta V = 0.43, which may 
be compared with the Delta V = 0.47, given by Wood and Walker (1960).
  Turning now to the B-V colours, we note that the 1958 and 1959 mean 
curves are closely parallel to each other. The reddening during primary 
minimum is well shown also in the 1959 curve. There is, however, in the 
1959 data some indication that the system grew somewhat bluer very close 
to mid-eclipse, say between phases -0.015 and 0.015. Such a slight top 
in the colour curve is not incompatible with the 1958 B-V data, and a 
wider top is certainly apparent in U-B (cf. Fig. 7 in Wood and Walker, 
1960). The existence of this top in the colour curve seems to be 
supported by the six-colour observations by M. J. S. Belton and H. J. 
Woolf (1965). These observations were made at Lick Observatory on twelve 
selected nights 1961, spaced over an interval of two months. Segments of 
light and colour curves were obtained, which were joined to mean curves, 
using the ephemeris of Wood and Forbes (1963). The resulting U-V curve, 
as drawn by Belton and Woolf, has a peculiar shape at primary eclipse. 
In contrast to V-I and other similar, long-wave colours, the minimum of 
the U-V curve occurs much earlier than mid-eclipse. This is because the 
U-V was found "redder" around phase 0.94 (Wood and Forbes' system) than 
at the next phase observed, around 0.02, while no further measurements 
were made until phase 0.17. It is implied that the measurements around 
phase 0.02 refer to the colour top found from the 1958 and 1959 
  Finally, the B-V colour curves from both 1958 and 1959 indicate a slight 
dip at about phase 0.37. It would perhaps have remained unnoticed, if it 
had not been for the much more pronounced dip, at the same phase, that 
appears in the V-I curve given by Belton and Woolf (1965).

                      7. CONCLUDING REMARKS

  The aim of the present paper has been to report very briefly on the 
photometric result of the 1959 international campaign, and to compare these 
results with the photometric data obtained in 1958 (Wood and Walker, 1960). 
The 1959 data have added to the complexity of the system. As a whole the 
system appears to be slightly variable in light and colour. The rising branch 
of the light curve from primary minimum was found much steeper in 1959 
than in 1958, and the ensuing maximum and the secondary minimum occurred at 
somewhat earlier phases. The bottoms of the three primary minima observed
in 1959 have different shapes; two of them show pronounced dips just after 
mid-eclipse. New features of the B-V colour curves are indications that 
the system exhibits a "blue top" at mid-eclipse and a "red dip" at phase 0.37, 
i.e. at about the beginning of the secondary eclipse.
  The interpretation of the photometric and spectrographic data of beta 
Lyrae, and the changes reported by various observers, in terms of a coherent 
model, presents formidable problems. Probably the tentative model proposed 
by Huang (1963) offers the most promising possibilities. The invisible 
secondary component is assumed imbedded in an opaque semi-stable disk in the 
orbital plane, inclined to the line of sight. Eclipses, caused by the opaque 
disk and the B8 star, may be expected to show a variety of changes, depending 
upon slightly variable size and opacity of the disk.
  In any case, beta Lyrae is a system in rapid evolution, showing ample 
evidence of mass loss and mass transfer. Already the star most often studied, 
except for the Sun, it still represents a challenge. Future cooperative 
photometric and, if possible, spectrographic programmes would certainly be 
of the highest value. Much greater emphasis than in 1959 should, however, 
be placed on the standardization of the photometry.
  The writer is indebted to all those who participated in the 1959 
programme and for their kindness to make their observations available. 
He apologizes for his long delay in furnishing the final results.

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Bakos: In your paper you mentioned that the B-V does not change during
       the secondary minimum. From your light-curve I notice a small change
       to the blue at the time of secondary minimum. 
Larsson-Leander: It is very small, so it may not be real 
Sahade: Were there spectra taken during the campaign? 
Larsson-Leander: Yes, in the U. S. A.