Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars 
                                     IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968


                            E. F. MILONE
                Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    University of Maryland, Astronomy Program, College Park, Maryland 
           Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Arizona


  The O'Connell effect, a name Dr. Wesselink and I have given to the 
phenomenon of unequal light maxima in certain eclipsing binary stars, 
was formerly called the 'periastron effect'. Although there is no 
definite known cause, in the majority of cases it cannot be due to any 
periastron effect. This is clear from the negative correlation found by 
Mergentaler (1950) between the magnitude of the effect and the orbital 
eccentricity. A more likely origin lies in clouds or streams of matter 
existing on or around the Lagrangian surfaces of close binaries with 
nearly circular orbits. UBV observations of two stars in O'Connell's 
(1951) list do not contradict the latter hypothesis.

                               PRESENT WORK

  The systems RT Lacertae and CG Cygni were selected for observation on 
these grounds: strong O'Connell effect, lack of previous photoelectric 
photometry, and brightness.
  The data were gathered with more than the usual care. Careful attention 
was paid to changes in sky transparency in the following ways: 1) a double 
pair of "U" observations were placed on the outside of the observing sequence, 
2) observations of the comparison star inevitably flanked those of the 
variable; and 3) three times a night high and low standard stars of matching 
color were observed to provide accurate primary extinction coefficients. 
Transformations to the standard UBV system were done in the usual way 
(Hardie, 1962) using coefficients obtained from the low air-mass observations 
of standards paired according to contrasting spectral types. The reduction 
technique, described more fully elsewhere (Milone, 1967), produced both 
differential magnitudes and colors (in the sense: variable-comparison 
stars) and UBV values for the comparison. Comparison stars (BD + 34 4216 
for CG Cygni and BD + 43 4108 for RT Lacertae) were selected because of 
similarity in colors to the variables and because air mass differences between 
the variable and comparison stars never exceeded 0.01 within a ten-hour range 
in hour angle. These conditions minimized the effects of extinction and 
transformation coefficient changes on the light curve. As a check on 
the constancy of each comparison star, at least once per night a near-by check 
star was observed. The magnitudes and colors of the comparison and check stars 
are given in Table I.

                                   Table I

                       Comparison and Check Stars

          Star                             V               B-V              U-B

for RT Lac    BD + 43 4108           7.410 +- 0.003   1.355 +- 0.003   1.527 +- 0.005
              BD + 43 4109           8.562            0.336            0.112
              epsilon_mse in mean difference: +- 0.002         +- 0.002         +- 0.004

for CG Cyg    BD + 34 4216           8.969 +- 0.003   0.744 +- 0.002   0.231 +- 0.003   
              BD + 34 4213           6.636            1.484            1.811
              epsilon_mse in mean difference: +- 0.002         +- 0.002         +- 0.003

                              RT LACERTAE 

  The differential light curve for the 5.07d-period binary RT Lacertae during 
1965 is shown in Figure 1. Filled circles are normal points of Kitt Peak 
observations obtained by the author in October-November, open circles are 
normal points of Yale observations, x's represent individual Kitt Peak 
observations contributed by Dr. Douglas Hall (1967b) over a somewhat wider 
range in time. The light curve is clearly incomplete. Further photoelectric 
observations are being obtained by Hall (1968), and the author plans 
simultaneous spectrographic observations. The remarkable features of the 
present light curve have been reported earlier (Milone, 1967, 1968a, 1968b) 
and need only be summarized here as:
  1) an anomalously blue primary minimum, independently discovered by 
Hall (1967a) and
  2) an apparent change in the magnitude and sign of the difference 
between maxima from Wachmann's (1935) photographic light curve.
  A previous radial velocity solution by Joy (1931) yielded masses of 1.90 
and 1.00 for the "fainter" and "brighter" components respectively. Entering 
with the mass ratio of .53 in Kratochvil's (1964) Table II, the limits of 
the inner contact surface in the direction normal to the line of centers are 
for the primary: .434 and for the secondary: .318. These exceed by 20% the
largest radius derived for either component in this direction by previous 
workers, viz: Fowler (1920) using Luizet's (1910, 1915) data; Krat and 
Nekrasova (1936) using Wachmann's light curve. Consequently we cannot assume 
that the system is a contact binary.

                              Table II

              Scatter in the light curve maxima of CG Cygni

 Run	              Maximum	       sigma V*        sigma B*        sigma U*
1965			 I	       0.015m	       0.015m	       0.022m
			II		.014		.014		.025
		      I & II		.015		.015		.025
1967			 I		.011		.010		.023
			II		.012		.010		.021
		      I & II		.012		.010		.022
1965+1967		 I		.020		.020		.026
		        II		.016		.019		.027
		      I & II		.019		.020		.027

* sigma refers to the mean standard error of a single differential observation.

Fig. 1. Differential V, B-V, and U-R observations of RT Lacertae made in 1965. 
Filled and unfilled circles are normal points of data obtained, respectively, at 
KPNO in October-November and at Yale Observatory during September - November. 
X's are the individual points of D. Hall obtained at KPNO.

  The mechanism for causing the O'Connell effect in this star, as well as 
light curve features 1) and 2) is still unknown. Joy's (1931) study precludes 
the possibility that the hotter star is seen masked by an absorbing cloud at 
primary minimum. The increase of the O'Connell effect with decreasing wavelength 
means that clouds of the negative hydrogen ion are not responsible for that 
effect if it is caused by absorption at maximum I. Further analysis must await 
completion of the light curve and high-dispersion spectroscopic work.

                                   CG CYGNI

  The differential light curve for the 0.63d-period binary CG Cygni is 
shown in Figure 2. Here unfilled circles are normals of observations 
made at Yale in 1965, filled circles are individual October-November 
1965 Kitt Peak observations, x's mark individual June 1967 Kitt Peak 
observations, and +'s indicate individual observations made at the Dyer 
Observatory of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee in July, 
1965. All data have been reduced to the UBV system.
  It will be noticed that although the 1965 observations were made in 
three different local systems, the data from this year forms a generally 
more homogeneous set than the combined 1965-1967 Kitt Peak data obtained 
with the same telescope and filter slide. In particular, over several 
cycles, the 1967 primary minima are consistently more shallow and have 
an earlier rise than the 1965 data. This is true for all colors. The 
scatter in the maxima, computed by differencing phase-adjacent 
observations, is given in Table II. In all bands the combined-run data 
show more scatter than either run separately. The scatter in maximum II 
is slightly less than in maximum I, a feature shared with Yu's (1922) 
light curve.
  There is also evidence of shorter term changes. Around phase 0.4P, 
observations from October 29-30, 1965 are apparently fainter by 0.04m in 
V, 0.06m in B, and 0.10m in U than corresponding-phase data of October 7-8, 
1965. With E_0 = 2422967.4283 and p = O.6311437d (Kukarkin et al., 1958), 
the dates correspond to cycles 25503 and 25468. Small differences between 
the color transformation coefficients (cf Table III) calculated for those 
nights and the mean run values adopted for the two sets of observations cannot 
account for the magnitude and color differences.
  The overall appearance of the light curve is also apparently changing 
with time. Current extrema are listed along with earlier published 
values in Table IV. The recent minima values have been read from the 
light curve but those for maxima have been obtained from the mid-maxima 
values of truncated

Fourier series of the form 

  The purpose in obtaining the 1967 data was to fill in the light curve 
- particularly on the branches of the minima - so that a preliminary solution 
could be attempted. The apparent depression of maximum I between fall, 
1965 and June, 1967 suggests that it is growing fainter with time and that
maximum II may be unchanging. Low dispersion spectra taken with a 36" 
Kitt Peak telescope and Yale's 40" reflector fail to show evidence of 
emission, although this work should be repeated with greater dispersion 
on larger instruments.

Fig. 2. Differential V, B-V, and U-B observations of CG Cygni made in 
1965 and 1967. Filled and unfilled circles are, respectively, individual 
observations made at Kitt Peak in October-November, 1965 and normal points 
of observations made at Yale Observatory during 1965; X's mark individual June, 
1967 Kitt Peak observations; and +'s are individual July, 1965 observations 
made at the Dyer Observatory. The dark line through the DV observations is 
the Fourier representation of the combined 1965-67 Kitt Peak observations 
outside of eclipse. 

                              Table III

Transformation coefficients and fitting errors for Kitt Peak Telescope 
        No. 3 photometric system during two nights in 1965

A = Date
B = epsilon
C = sigma epsilon
D = sigma V * Y_0
E = mu
F = sigma mu
G = sigma(B-V)*(b-y)_0
H = Psi
I = sigma Psi
J = sigma(U-B)*(u-b)_0

  A                B        C        D      E        F        G      H        I        J      

10/7-8	         +0.003	 		   1.092		    0.989		
Mean for Run 1:	 -0.015	 +-0.008  +-0.026  1.088  +-0.002  +-0.020  0.967  +-0.006  +-0.017
10/29-30	 -0.040	 		   1.118		    0.989		
Mean for Run 2:	 -0.026	 +-0.006  +-0.029  1.103  +-0.004  +-0.019  0.977  +-0.001  +-0.019

  The notation is that of Hardie (1962). sigma_epsilon is the m.s.e. of the run mean, sigma_V,Y_0 is the 
mean square deviation between tabulated and calculated values of V for standard stars. 
             The other quantities are analogous.

  At the present time no radial velocity curve exists, and the mass ratio
is not known. The orbit is sensibly circular with r = 1.44 X 10^-2 X ((m_1+m_2)/m_Sun)^1/3
a.u. The times of external contact are sharp enough to obtain the sum of the 
radii: r_1 + r_2 = 0.48 X 10^-2 X ((m_1+m_2)/m_Sun)^1/3  a.u. = 1.2R_Sun for solar masses.
If the mass ratio is of the order unity, the stars do not fill their inner lobes. 
  From a spectrogram taken at Yale, it is quite clear that the stars cannot 
be of early spectral type, but are closer to late G.
  The origin of the O'Connell effect in this star is not known, but a slowly 
changing absorption of maximum I, and occasionally minimum I may be 
taking place. If absorption is the agent, it cannot be due to clouds of H^-.
  Clearly, the system must be monitored during the coming years for 
further light curve changes, and at least moderate dispersion spectra secured 
with a large instrument, preferably simultaneously with the photometry.


  The two binary systems discussed here were selected from O'Connell's 
list of more than 50 stars exhibiting the asymmetry at maximum light. It 
is most remarkable that both should have undergone a shift in the sign 
of the effect. It is possible that both systems are not properly members 
of his list, but it seems more likely that the underlying causes for the 
O'Connell effect themselves change with time, and that the general case 
Delta m > 0 is probable only.


  It is a pleasure to thank Dr. A. J. Wesselink for suggesting the problem 
of the O'Connell Effect and for many valuable discussions, Mr. E. W.
McClurken who provided valuable observing assistance in June, 1967, and 
Dr. Douglas Hall for his RT Lacertae data.

                                              Table IV

                                Extreme of the light curves of CG Cygni

Source	                Band	Date	    max I      max II  d max (II-I)   min I	min II  d min (I-11)

Williams (1922)	        visual	1921	    9.93 m     9.94 m	  +0.01 m    10.42 m  (10.15m)   (0.27m)
Yu (1922)	        ptg.	1922	    9.219     10.264	  +0.045     11.374    10.544	  0.830

Milstein and Nicolaev   
  (1940)                ptg.   ~1936	   11.02      11.02      <=0.00	     11.78     11.29	  0.49								

Milone (1966, 7)        V	1965	   10.124     10.060	  -0.064    (10.86)    10.429    (0.43)
Milone (1966, 7)        B	1965	   10.990     10.918	  -0.072    (11.78)    11.253    (0.53)
Milone (1966, 7)        U	1965	   11.381     11.301	  -0.080    (12.42)    11.604    (0.82)
Milone (unpubl.)        V	1967	   10.151     10.069	  -0.082     10.737    10.459	  0.276
Milone (unpubl.)        B	1967	   11.004     10.898	  -0.106     11.663    11.255	  0.408
Milone (unpubl.)        U	1967	   11.409     11.301	  -0.108     12.212   (11.61)    (0.60)
Milone (unpubl.)        V	1965+1967  10.134     10.063	  -0.071       -*      10.444	   -
Milone (unpubl.)        B	1965+1967  10.992     10.917	  -0.075       -*      11.258	   -
Milone (unpubl.)        U	1965+1967  11.393     11.303	  -0.090       -*      11.60	   -
  * Differences are too extreme.

  Brackets indicate uncertain values. In addition, the visual (~ 1931) and photographic (~ 1951) 
light curves of Tsesevich (1954) show no discernible O'Connell Effect. The values cited for 
the early investigations are in local magnitude systems.

  This work was begun when the author was a graduate student at Yale, and 
was carried forth with the help of a Creativity and Research Grant of 
the Lutheran Church in America and Gettysburg College in 1967-1968, a 
Gettysburg College Faculty Fellowship in June, 1968, and a summer research 
participation fellowship at the University of Maryland from June to September, 
1968, the help of all of which the author gratefully knowledges.


Fowler, M., 1920, Astrophys. J. 52, 257.
Hall, D. S., 1967a, private communication.
Hall, D. S., 1967b, I. A. U. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, No. 259, Budapest. (IBVS N°.259)
Hall, D. S., 1968, private communication.
Hardie, R. H., 1962, Photoelectric Reductions in Astronomical Techniques, Stars and 
       Stellar Systems II, 178.
Joy, A. H., 1931, Astrophys. J. 74, 101.
Krat, W. and Nekrasova, S., 1936, Acta Astron. Ser. C., 2, 129.
Kratochvil, P., 1964, Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 15, 165.
Kukarkin, B. V., Parenago, P. P., Efremov, Yu. I., and Kholopov, P. N., 1958, General
      Catalogue of Variable Stars, 2nd ed., Moscow.
Mergentaler, J., 1950, Wroclaw Contrib. 4.
Milone, E. F., 1966, Astron. J. 71, 864.
Milone, E. F., 1967, Thesis, Yale University.
Milone, E. F., 1968a, Astron. J. 73, S26.
Milone, E. F., 1968b, Astron. J., in press.
Milstein, I. P. and Nicolaev, S. P., 1940, Vsesoiuznoe Astron.-Geodetic Soc. N. 6, 9. 
O'Connell, D. J. K., 1951, Riverview Publ. 2, 85.
Tsesevich, V. P., 1954, Odessa Izvestia 4, Part I, 255.
Wachmann, A. A., 1935, Astron. Nachr. 255, 367.
Williams, A. S., 1922, MN 82, 300.
Yu, Ch'ing-Sung, 1923, Astrophys. J. 58, 75.