- Distance, mass, equilibrium luminosity and effective
The standstills of the atmosphere were found at
by searching for zero average angular velocity
were averaged here in an interval
{Delta}{phi}~0.02 (i.e. ~10 min).
Table 3 reports the results for some values of
The characteristic size of the atmosphere is
~104 km,
Ra << ge,
can be neglected.
and from pairs of standstills AD,BD,CD the average
d, M, R, Leq
are given in Table 4 to some values of
The estimated errors from the averaging are in accordance with that
of the interpolation of
the other quantities propagate negligible errors in
- Dependence of the physical quantities on reddening
The strong dependence of
and the derived
is a surprising result of this study while the value of
is of secondary importance.
by Liu & Janes (1990) gives very small
which cannot be reconciled with our present day theoretical knowledge on
RR Lyrae or other type of pulsating stars. Reddening
E(B-V)=0.07 and 0.09
were suggested
by Hobart et al. (1991) and Hemenway (1975), respectively, our finding is that
is the only possible choice.
- Effective temperature, surface gravity
of the present study are significantly higher by some
650 K
than those of Liu & Janes (1990).
Since essentially the same Kurucz tables were used we attribute the
difference to the different philosophy of the interpolation procedure:
- []
Liu & Janes (1990) determined
from kinematics with assuming the canonical mass
of RR Lyrae stars. Next, one arbitrarily chosen colour index,
was taken as sole source of
belonging to
from the kinematics and
from the other colour indices were neglected leading to their very low
<Te>=7137 K.
To check this procedure their
tables were all used for
according to our opinion no reason can be found to reject any
since the difference was
<=250 K
with no systematically decreasing trend when going more and more to the
infrared indices. Therefore, averaging could have been more appropriate.
Theoretical colour indices differing systematically from
the observed ones by
0.02-0.04 mag correspond to their lower
- []
In the present study two colour diagrams were used to determine a pair
Te({phi}), logge({phi})
simultaneously taking into account the dependence of
automatically and the small differences
(<=250 K
from the four colour-colour loops justified averaging. This is a
self-consistent procedure trusting on the Kurucz models exclusively.
By using four colour-colour loops, different parts of the whole spectrum
were sampled in the
360-1000 nm.
- Position in a theoretical HRD, absolute brightness
The values of the fundamental parameters
logTeq=3.891, logLeq=1.452,
place T Sex just to the blue edge of the instability strip given by
Tuggle & Iben (1972) and Lee et al. (1990). This position is expected for an
variable and it was our main argument to accept the large reddening. With
d=530 pc
we get
R({phi}=0.31)=2.99R{sun}, R({phi}=0.91)=2.87R{sun},
and magnitude averaged visual absolute brightness
<MmagV>=1.17±0.26 mag.
These values come purely from atmospheric models which are
trustable to a few percent level and verify figures from stellar structure
calculations. The values
d=578.5 pc and
of Hobart et al. (1991) agree with the present results within the quoted errors. The physical parameters of Liu & Janes (1990),
d=667 pc,
<Te>=7137 K,
<R>=4.05 R{sun},
<MV>=0.76±0.27 mag
<log ge>=2.98)
are unreliable.
Figs. 3a-c are plots of the variable acceleration, velocity, radius in absolute
units for a pulsation cycle if
d=530 pc.
The sharp undulation of the curves in
0.72 < {phi}< 0.78
is not real, it originates from the interpolation artifact indicated in the
caption to Fig. 2.

Panel (a): line:
Panel (b):
filled circles: 25-vradial({phi}) from Liu & Janes (1989).
Panel (c):
Panel (d):
from Liu & Janes (1989),
from Barnes et al. (1988),
from Tifft & Smith (1958),
dashed line: mean of
from Barnes et al. (1988).
The outlier points of panels (a)-(c) at
0.72 < {phi}<0.78
are artifacts of interpolation, they were not smoothed out to
show the effect of eventual uncertainties in the interpolation.
- Open problems
There is a systematic difference in the
curves of Barnes et al. (1988), Tifft & Smith (1958), and Liu & Janes (1989):
v{gamma}=38, and 28.0±1.4 km s-1,
respectively, which exceed the expected observational errors. On the basis
of Fig. 3b
v{gamma}=25 km s-1
seems even more probable. The amplitudes
28,24,24 km s-1
of TS58, BM88, LJ89 do not differ significantly.
Fig. 3d shows that subtracting
from the different barycentric velocities does not bring the different
observations to full coincidence. The stability of
the light and colour curves is, however, obvious from Fig. 1, therefore,
secular change of the shape of
seems to be improbable. A variable
i.e. duplicity cannot be excluded in spite of the large scatter of
of TS58, BM88, furthermore, the scatter of
is some 3 hours. This is significantly higher than the imaginable error
of a
value and for its explanation barycentric motion i.e. light-time effect
can even be considered.
On speculation level the extreme sensitivity of the BW
method on
may be guessed as the main source of the discrepant
of Liu & Janes (1989) which was propagated into their
M, <R>, <MV>.
Since the radial amplitude of T Sex is only some
{delta}R=80000 km
for a BW analysis
ought to be known by an accuracy
O(100)m s-2
which was obviously not reached, another factor is their low
(Their quoted error
{Delta}v{gamma}=±1.4 km s-1
leads to an error
~±18000 km
resulting in an error
The product
is the comparable quantity with
plotted in Fig. 3b. The spectral lines originate from
0 < {tau}Rosseland < 0.4,
therefore, we expect
It is satisfied if
however, the large scatter of the radial velocities gives weak basis for
this very small value. Remarkable is that the most accurate
radial velocities i.e. those of Liu & Janes (1989) show small humps at the
extreme values of
agrees better with the extreme values of
v{gamma}=25 km s-1.
The rather loose correlation of
is similar to that found in SU Dra (Barcza, 2003) and it raises a serious
question concerning the basic equation (eq8) of the BW method.
A qualitative explanation can be guessed from gas dynamics and the technique
of measuring radial velocity.
reflect the motion of
while the spectral lines originate from the surroundings of
Non-negligible velocity gradient is definitely
present in an RR Lyrae atmosphere (e.g. Oke et al., 1962) and the limb
darkening integrates the non-uniform motion of the layers
0 < {tau}< 0.5
into a single value
(Dynamical atmospheric models are not available to treat quantitatively
the conversion of the pulsation velocity to
CORAVEL technique is itself accurate for stars of non-variable
spectra while applying it for a variable spectrum may result in systematic
errors which are not easy to survey. The coarse agreement of
from spectroscopy and CORAVEL
is obvious in Fig. 3d, however, the large scatter indicates that some
caution is appropriate, especially, since fine details of
{theta}({phi}), vradial({phi})
play some role in a BW analysis.
The purely photometrically derived fundamental parameters of T Sex
(see Table 4) have been found from ATLAS atmospheric models of
Kurucz (1997) and their calibration to stellar photometric systems
(Castelli, 1999). They have been found to be in consensus with our knowledge
on stellar models and pulsation theory of asymptotic giant branch stars.
In addition to bridging over these remote branches of astrophysics
some details have been revealed on RR Lyrae type pulsation: at the
RRc variable T Sex fine structure, definite footprint of two shocks have been
found in the variable stellar radius
(i.e. in the distance of zero optical depth from the stellar centre).
In a previous study of SU Dra similar
details were found concerning the fine structure of the atmospheric
pulsation: there is at least one pair of temporal, intermediate, minor
standstills of the pulsating atmosphere between maximum and minimum
extension. This seems to be a common feature of
RRab and RRc stars at phase
it was not considered (or it was smoothed out) in the previous BW studies,
presumably because it is a sub-oscillation in the upper stellar atmosphere
which is scarcely reflected in the radial velocities. (The radial
velocities give information on the motion of the deeper layers.)
To derive the fundamental parameters the less accurate radial velocity
observations and their problematic conversion to radius changes
had not to be used at all, however, an indication of eventual
variable barycentric velocity of T Sex has arisen.
Acknowledgements This research has made use of SIMBAD database operated at CDS,
Strasbourg, France and ADS of NASA. The author is grateful to J. M.
Benkö for comments on the text.
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