M. Vargha , L. Patkos and I. Toth (Eds.)
The role of Miklos Konkoly Thege in the history of astronomy in Hungary
No. 1.
Budapest, 1992
Proceedings of a conference "The 120th anniversary of Konkoly Observatory", 5-6 Sep. 1991
L. Patkos: Miklos Konkoly Thege, the Hungarian Astronomer
M. Vargha: The Role of Konkoly Thege in the history of astronomy in Hungary
K.Barlai: Astronomical friendships - Konkoly Thege's Scientific Relations
J. Horvath: Jeno Gothard and Miklos Konkoly Thege
B. Kalman, Jr.: Konkoly Thege's Research in Solar Physics
I. Toth: Konkoly Thege and the Research of Comets
E. Illes-Almar: On Konkoly Thege's Jupiter Observations
E. Zsoldos: The Ogyalla Catalogue
L. Szabados: Later Results Based on Old Observations of Variable Stars
G. Wolfschmidt Astronomical instruments....
L. Druga: The Ogyalla Observatory Today
S. Konkoly Thege: Dr. Miklos Konkoly Thege the Politician