I am an observationally-oriented astronomer investigating various effects of star-disc interaction processes in classical T Tauri-type stars (CTTS). In my work I primarily use time series space-based photometry of young stars gathered in optical bands by MOST, Kepler and TESS, and occasionally supported by ground-based photometry and spectroscopy. Thanks to the generous time allocation provided by the MOST satellite team, for many years the primary object of my studies was TW Hya, the closest to us and probably the only CTTS with well-characterised accretion regimes (Siwak et al, 2018a).
In the past few years I started to enjoy investigation of the small-scale variability of FU Ori-type stars (FUors). Although it may appear to be actually a hopelessly difficult problem, the pilot study of this issue performed for FU Orionis shows that coordinated high-precision photometry obtained from space and the ground may help to investigate disc dynamic at ~0.1 au scale and – by the way – to understand the mechanisms leading to and sustaining the process of enhanced accretion (Siwak et al. 2018b). To better establish these results, now as a member of SACCRED group I will use public-domain TESS satellite data for a few more FUors, and own supplementary material gathered by means of ground-based telescopes.