I.K. Csada

On the Theory of Rotating Magnetic Stars II

No. 37
Budapest, 1955


The basic equations of a rotating magnetic star are given in the preceding paper. In the present one the approximate solutions of these equations are sought for under very general conditions. No idealized structure is assumed for producing either the velocity field or the magnetic field. So, besides axial rotation, meridional motions too are examined, and the vector of the magnetic field strength is supposed not only as locating itself in the plane of the meridian, but also as having a component perpendicular to it. This component forms the so-called toroidal magnetic field, whose mathematical investigation explained in the present paper finds itself among the first articles on such a subject. Whereas the first four parts of this paper contain the pure mathematical dis- cussion of the problem, from the fifth part on the results of the theory are compared with the different solar and astrophysical observations. The theory gives the laws of the distribution of the angular velocity. on the solar surface and those of meridional motion correctly. It follows from the theory that the viscosity of the solar matter must be very great, the electric conductivity very small. These results are in harmony with the proprieties guessed till now of hydromagnetical turbulence. On the ground of the theory an external magnetic dipole field cannot be deduced for the Sun. In accordance with the theory the external field has an octopole structure. From the results it may be concluded that the velocity distribution of the typical mag- netic stars cannot be such as that of the Sun, because it is very improbable that the powerful magnetic fields of the stars would arise from a field having a pole of higher order. A relation between the radius of the star and its viscosity coefficient can be established. The correctness of this relation is examined by the aid of data of pertinent literature.


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