Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968 PHOTOMETRIC OBSERVATIONS OF NOVA WZ SAGITTAE AND THEIR INTERPRETATION W. KRZEMINSKI and J. SMAK Institute of Astronomy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland ABSTRACT A new model of the binary system WZ Sge is proposed, in which the secondary component contributes about 20 percent to the total light. The W UMa-type light curve (except for the primary eclipse) is explained as a result of the aspherical shape of the secondary. Both components are degenerate stars. Their effective temperatures are approximately 20000 K and 8000 K. The binary system Nova WZ Sagittae has several unique properties and differs much from other known close binaries. Four years ago a model of this system was published (Krzeminski and Kraft 1964) based on spectroscopic and photometry observations available at that time. According to that model the masses of the components are about 0.6 m Sun and 0.03 m Sun, giving an unusually small mass-ratio of about 0.05. The primary, more massive component, whose stationary absorption lines of hydrogen are observed, is a white dwarf with T_e = 13600 K and M_bol = +10.4. The secondary is a dM star of very low luminosity and fills its Roche limit. The primary is surrounded by a gaseous ring rotating with the velocity of 720 km/sec. The characteristic S-wave component of the hydrogen emission lines, which is visible on single-trail spectrograms approximately 90 out of phase with respect to the light curve, is attributed to a strong stream ejected from the secondary toward the primary component. The primary eclipse consists of a partial eclipse of the white dwarf and of covering of the rotating ring and the stream by the dM component. The secondary eclipse (shifted to the phase 0.54) is interpreted as an annular eclipse of the stream by the white dwarf; no photometric effects of the eclipse fo the dM star itself are observed since it is fainter than the primary by about 5 mag. (in V). In 1964-1967 new photoelectric observations (in the UBV system) were made with the 120-inch, 100-inch, and 193-cm telescopes of the Lick, Mount Wilson, and Haute Provence observatories, respectively. Several objections to the previous model together with the new photometric results raised the need for revising the model. Figs. 1 and 2 show the composite light and color curves based on new data; one can recall here that the photometric data available prior to 1964 consisted of the ultraviolet light curves only. The following points should be raised as being inconsistent with the previous model: (a) the W UMa-type light curve outside of minima; in addition one may note that the first photometric elongation (i.e. near the phase 0.25) is usually slightly brighter than the second (i.e. the phase 0.75); (b) the new U-B color is much different from that given by Walker (1957) and used in the previous model; the new measurements give <(U-B)> = -0.93, and <(B-V)> = +0.10; (c) the secondary eclipse in the V-curve is of comparable depth with that in the B-curve; if it were due to an annular eclipse of the stream by the white dwarf it should be almost undetectable in the yellow region where no light from the stream (except for the Paschen continuum) could be present; (d) the position of the secondary minimum is not constant but varies between phases 0.50 and 0.56.Fig. 1. Light and color curves of WZ Sge based on observations made with the 120-inch telescope in 1964.
Fig. 2. Light and color curves of WZ Sge based on observations made with the 193-cm telescope in 1964. Our new model retains several features of the previous one (Fig. 3). Thus we have a binary system with a very small mass-ratio and with a very small mass of the secondary. Contrary to the original model, however, we assume that the secondary may contribute a non-negligible fraction of the total light of the system. Because of its non-spherical shape and effective gravity effects it could then be made responsible for the W UMa-type light curve. Following a suggestion by Paczynski (1967) one can assume that the secondary is a degenerate star with an estimated effective gravity of about log g = 7. Rucinski (1968) has recently computed the photometric effects for a highly distorted white dwarf secondary in a close binary system for two different mass-ratios of 1/10 and 1/19 and for T_e = 8000 K and log g = 7. The temperature used was simply the lowest for which the model atmosphere data were still available (Teraschita and Matsuschima 1966). However, it will be shown below, that the temperature of the secondary of WZ Sge is, in fact, close to about 6500-8000 K. According to Rucinski's results the photometric effects at lambda=5000 A consist of a nearly sinusoidal variation of considerable amplitude: the star is about 60 per cent brighter when seen at elongations, as compared with phases 0.0 and 0.5. The observed mean amplitude of the W UMa-type variations of WZ Sge (in B and V), including the secondary but excluding the deep part of the primary minimum, amounts to about 0.1 mag. Therefore the fractional luminosity of the secondary component should be equal to about L_2 = 0.20, in order to account for the observed amplitude. The ratio of luminosities should be L_2/L_1 = 0.25.
Fig. 3. Schematic model of WZ Sge. The plus sign marks the center of mass. The observed phase shift of the secondary minimum cannot be explained by our model. However, since the position of the secondary minimum is not constant, one can assume that the phase shift could be due to an extra source of light of variable intensity located on the surface of the secondary component asymmetrically with respect to the line joining the two components; this extra light could contribute to the light curve between phases (approximately) 0.2-0.6, producing not only the observed shift of the secondary minimum but also the slight excess of luminosity at the phase 0.25. A number of mechanisms connected either with a non-synchronous rotation or mass ejection could be responsible for the existence of such a "hot spot". Fig. 4 shows the observed position of WZ Sge in the two-color diagram. Also shown is a grid of lines based on model atmospheres computed by Teraschita and Matsuschima (1966). To obtain U-B and B-V of the primary component one has to correct the observed colors for the effect of the hydrogen emission and for the secondary component. Both effects were evaluated in an approximate way. In particular, it was assumed that the ratio of luminosities (mean for B and V) is L_2/L_1 = 0.25, as given above; and that the colors of the secondary should be close to those of other more typical white dwarfs with T_e = 6000-8000 K and log g = 7, i.e. should lie within the rectangle in the lower right part of the two-color diagram (Fig. 4). It turns out that the resulting colors of the primary are not very sensitive to these assumptions and should lie within a small region, close to the observed point, as shown in Fig. 4. A comparison with the theoretical data suggests the following characteristics of the primary: T_e,1~= 18000 K, log g_1 ~= 9, provided no reddening corrections need to be introduced. An independent estimate of these parameters is possible via the observed profile of the H-gamma absorption line (Greenstein 1957) and the theoretical profiles published by Teraschita and Matsuschima (1966). Because of the emission component in the center of line only the absorption wings could be taken into account and for that reason it was impossible to determine T_e and g in a unique way; instead a "family" of solutions corresponding to the different values of T_e and g was obtained. A "locus" corresponding to these solutions is shown also in the two-color diagram (Fig. 4). It can be seen that the colors of the primary component lie very closely to this locus and with a very small correction for interstellar reddening the agreement would be even better. Taking into account both sets of data (i.e. from colors and from the H-gamma line) one can state that the effective temperature of the primary is between 18000 K and 20000 K (instead of 13600 K in the original model) and its surface gravity about log g = 8.5. The value of log g, together with the theoretical mass-radius relation for white dwarfs would imply that the mass of the primary should be larger than 1 solar mass, i.e. much larger than that obtained by Krzeminski and Kraft (1964) within the previous model. It is clear, however, that the accuracy of this determination is quite low.
Fig. 4. The two-color diagram. An open circle marks the observed colors of WZ Sge A rectangle in the lower right part of the diagram is assumed to contain the colors of the secondary component. The colors of the primary should lie in the hatched area located near the observed point. A grid of lines is based on model atmospheres (Teraschita and Matsuschima 1966) with T_e = 8000, 10000, 15000, 20000, and 25000 K, and log g = 6, 7, 8, and 9. Finally, the broken line is the "locus" based on the H-gamma absorption profile belonging to the primary component. Finally one can estimate the effective temperature of the secondary component. The ratio of luminosities, which is known (see above), can be written down as a function of radii and effective temperatures of the components. By using the mass-radius relation one can replace the radii with masses. With T_e,1 known (approximately, see above) one can compute T_e,2 as a function of various combinations of M_1 and M_2. Such computations were made with M_1 = 0.4-1.4 M_Sun and M_2 = 0.02-0.06 M_Sun. The resulting values of T_e,2, lie in the range 6500-8000 K. Therefore the secondary turns out to be much hotter than in the original model; its evolutionary significance remains, however, equally obscure. The results presented above are of preliminary character and form only a part of our rediscussion of WZ Sge. The second part, now under way, will deal with the dynamical properties of the system. Final results will be published in "Acta Astronomica". REFERENCES Greenstein, J. L., 1957, Astrophys. J., 126, 23. Krzeminski, W., Kraft, R. P., 1964, Astrophys. J., 140, 921. Paczynski, B., 1967, Acta Astr., 17, 287. Rucinski, S. M., 1968, This Colloquium. CoKon 65-47 Teraschita, Y., Matsuschima, S., 1966, Astrophys. J. Suppl, 13, 461. Walker, M. F., 1957, I. A. U. Symposium No. 3, Ed. G. H. Herbig (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press), p. 46.