"Unwritten Messages" from the Carpathian Basin
No. 4
Budapest, 2002
- Title page []
- Foreword * Acknowledgements * Citation []
- The Neolithic Shrine at Parta - Georghe LAZAROVICI, Gh. Dorin CHIS, Tiberiu OPROIU, Iharka CSILLIK []
- Citation []
- The Astronomical Aspects of the Orientation of the
Graves in the Burial Site of Iclod - Zoia MAXIM, Gh. Dorin CHIS,
Tiberiu OPROIU, Iharka CSILLIK []
- Orientation of Graves and Skeletons in the Early Bronze
Age Necropolis of Mokrin - Borislav JOVANOVIC, Andor VINCE []
- The Orientation of Graves From the Period of the
Hungarian Conquest - Endre ZSOLDOS, Bela SZEIDL []
- Citation []
- The Murals of the Medieval Church at Velemer - Jozsef KOVACS []
- Determination of the Axis of the Medieval Church in Velemer - Janos KELEMEN []
- Map of the Carpathian Basin (caption) []
- Map of the Carpathian Basin []
- List of Contributors []