Observatory publications
In the Communications/Mitteilungen the Konkoly Observatory publishes papers with large amounts of observational data, and proceedings of workshops and meetings held in the Observatory. The first issue was published in 1929, one or two issues are being published yearly since then.
- 1. Detre: Räumliche Verteilung der Sterne
- 2. Kelényi: Geschischte der ungarischen Astronomie / A magyar csillagászat története
- 3. Móra: R Scuti
- 4. J. Balázs: Zeemaneffekt / Zeeman-effektus
- 5. J. Balázs, Detre: Perioden- und Lichtkurvenänderungen von kurzperiod. Delta Cephei-sternen I
- 6. Lassovszky: SV Tauri
- 7. Kulin: Beobachtungen von kleinen Planeten
- 8. J. Balázs, Detre: Perioden... II - AR Herculis
- 9. Detre, Lassovszky: Beobachtungen von veränderlichen Sternen
- 10. Detre: WZ Cephei
- 11. J. Balázs, Detre: WY Tauri
- 12. Berkes: Die meteorologischen Verhältnisse am Svábhegy
- 13. Lassovszky: Photometrische Beobachtung der Pallas
- 14. Terkán: Die Polhöhe der Sternwarte
- 15. Klipp: Die geographische Länge der Sternwarte
- 16. Guóth: Der Seehöhe der Sternwarte
- 17. Detre: Perioden... III - RR Lyrae
- 18. J. Balázs, Detre: Perioden... IV - RR Lyrae
- 19. Csada: Motions in the Atmosphere of the Sun
- 20. Dezsô: RU Piscium
- 21. J. Balázs, Detre: Perioden... V - RR Leonis
- 22. Csada: Differential Rotation ...
- 23. J. Balázs, Detre: Perioden... VI - RW Cancri
- 24. Guman: CD Vulpeculae
- 25. Csada: Origin of the Magnetic Field of Sunspots
- 26. Csada: Magnetic Effects of Turbulence
- 27. J. Balázs, Detre: RW Draconis
- 28. Izsák: Three New Variables in M15
- 29. Detre, Herczeg: 1950 Eclipse of Zeta Aurigae
- 30. J. Balázs: BT Lyrae and Two New Variables Near M56
J. Balázs: Bemerkungen uber ST Draconis
- 31. Guman: AI Andromedae, AV Vulpeculae
Lovas: ZZ Persei
- 32. Csada: Theory of Rotating Magnetic Stars
- 33. J. Balázs, Detre: SW Andromedae
- 34. J. Balázs, Detre: RV Ursae Maioris
- 35. Herczeg: Two Visual Binary Systems
- 36. Guman: VZ Cancri
- 37. Csada: Theory of Rotating Magnetic Stars II
- 38. Bonov: SW Bootis
- 39. Izsák: Regularisierung des einzentrumproblems
Balázs: Y Leonis Minoris
Guman: AI Andromedae, BE Andromedae
- 40. Detre: RV Arietis
J. Balázs: RV Arietis
- 41. Herczeg: 1955-56 Eclipse of Zeta Aurigae
Herczeg: 32 Cygni
- 42. Konferenz über Veränderliche Sterne (Budapest, 23-28 August 1956)
- 43. Izsák: Perturbations of an Artificial Satellite
- 44. Almár: Gamma Orionis
- 45. Detre: Lunik II
- 46. Kordylewski: (O-C)-Kurven
- 47. Kung: Period-Luminosity Relation
- 48. Marx, Menyhárd: Neutrino-Astronomie
- 49. Detre, Kanyó: VW Cep
- 50. J. Balázs, Detre: VW Cep
- 51. Almár: AR Herculis
- 52. Marx & Németh: Photoneutrinos
- 53. Schneller: Periodenänderungen...
- 54. Paál: Empirical Tests of Cosmology
- 55. Tremko: RU Piscium
- 56. Barlai and Szeidl: VZ Pegasi
- 57. Walker: VV Puppis
- 58. Szeidl: RR Lyrae Stars in Messier 3
- 59. Illés-Almár and Almár: Satellite 1960 Epsilon 3
- 60. Almár and Illés-Almár: Nova Her 1963
- 61. Priser: Photoelectric Observations of Variables
- 62. Barcza: High Pressure Behaviour of H and He
- 63. Szeidl: Some Variable Stars in Messier 3
- 64. Kanyó and Szeidl: AN Serpentis
- 65. Non-periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars
- 66. Tremko: TT Lyncis
- 67. Tremko: W CVn
- 68. Balázs: Distribution of Stars in a Lyra Region
- 69. Kanyó: RV UMa
- 70. Szabados: Northern Cepheids, I.
- 71. Oláh and Szeidl: Period Changes of RR Lyraes I.
- 72. Kun: Stars and Diffuse Matter in the Region of IC 1396
- 73. Oláh: Red Giant Stars of M3
- 74. Mahdy and Szeidl: Period Changes of Dwarf Cepheids, I
- 75. Szeidl and Mahdy: Period Changes in Dwarf Cepheids, II
- 76. Szabados: Northern Cepheids, II.
- 77. Szabados: Northern Cepheids, III.
- 78. Guman: AC Andromedae
- 79. Kun: Distribution of Stars around NGC 7160
- 80. Patkós: UBV Photometry of SV Cam 1973-80
- 81. Paparó: Stucture of NGC 2420
- 82. Paparó et al.: Distribution of Stars around IC 4665
- 83. Magnetic and Variable Stars
- 84. Szeidl: Dwarf Cepheids, III; SZ Lyncis
- 85. Balázs et al.: Distribution of Stars around NGC 7686
- 86. Eruptive Phenomena in Stars
- 87. Kanyó: RS Boo
- 88. Soliman et al.: SZ Lyn
- 89. Szeidl et al.: ...RR Lyrae stars II.
- 90. Bakos: V441 Her
- 91. Oláh et al.: HK Lac
- 92. Barlai: RR Lyraes in M15
- 93. Variable phenomena in close binary stars
- 94. Szabados: Period changes...
- 95. Frontó et al.: IC 4665
- 96. Szabados: Northern cepheids...
- 97. Szeidl et al.: RU Cam
- 98. Szeidl et al.: AE UMa
- 99. Szeidl et al.: RR Lyr
- 100. The interaction of stars with their environment
- 101. Szeidl et al.: XZ Dra
- 102. Szeidl et al.: RW Dra
- 103. The interaction of stars with their environment II.
- 104. Detre centennial conference proceedings
- 105. RRL2015: High-Precision Studies of RR Lyrae Stars
Works from the field of History of Astronomy are published in the "Monographs" series.
The "Occasional Technical Notes" series contains user guides for the various technical facilities of the Konkoly Observatory, and software developed at the Observatory.
Other conference proceedings published by the Observatory.
Konkoly Observatory